The sticky is so confusing what the fuck what am I supposed to do for a beginner workout in weights there's like 5...

The sticky is so confusing what the fuck what am I supposed to do for a beginner workout in weights there's like 5 different ways here

Other urls found in this thread:

You're literally supposed to end your own life

I prefer starting with light cardio and calisthenics. This allows you to build up endurance and not suffer injuries. After that, I'd follow the sticky with Mark riptoe and maybe an intermediate spilt routine following. Personally, I found scoobys site to be very helpful in an over all approach to fitness, health, and lifting.

Just goto the gym and fucking lift.

Do you think everyone who lift and got good results relied on the fucking internet to tell them what to do? No, they went into the gym and just started doing anything and slowly learned it themselves over-time.

I started lifting in 2004 and didn't even know lifting was even discussed online and never even bothered to search for it. I just went into the gym and spent a few years lifting and learning from other guys in the gym by watching what they did and chatting with them.

This is bad advice. You could break your back through muh experimentation

fuck you

start a training style ABC

A you're gonna hit chest triceps shoulders, in that order

B you're gonna hit back traps biceps, in that order

C you're gonna hit legs and 2 abs exercises at the end

you can put ardio at the end of each session or in a different time of the day

if you want to lose weight, cut the junk at first, when you see there is no progress anymore, cut the carbs

have a nice life op

There's a section of the sticky dedicated to beginners programs.

Pick one and go do it.

>wow, so complicated!

I'd say try one and if you dont like the results try a different one until something works. Or do all of them like a madman

>This is bad advice. You could break your back through muh experimentation

Yes, because everyone who lifted before the internet existed is now injured and dead.

Some are.

All of these in one day, 5-6 times a week?

The sticky does suck and I've had to go elsewhere for beginning my training. They say very little on bulkih/cutting, how TDEE is involved, whether cardio is bad or if not how much is recommended. It could use some work imo

one letter per day, rest when you have done 3 in a row

So every week is ABCxABC?

there's this great community on reddit called /r/fitness, they're super helpful, check them out! you don't want to come to Veeky Forums, no one here knows what they're doing.

Fuck OP, just do fucking do SS and eat (or not) more.

>Giving yourself fuckarounditis when there are people who have done a lifetime of lifting giving easy programs out for free on the internet

Shit advice

Years of fuck around itis finally learning what works for yourself is better than trying to listen to the 100,000 differing opinions online which make people change routines every 2 weeks.

Do this.

Eat a bunch if McDonald's and pick up weights and set them down. You'll be fucking ripped in like 4 weeks

Is it okay to cut doing nothing but cardio and calisthenics? To ret down to a slim base. Then when beginning a bulk str to lift properly to gain muscle?

>triceps before shoulders


also, it seems like every routine makes the assumption you know what weight to start with. but figuring that out is easy. my longest day at the gym since i started was probably my first one. i took my time, figured out what weight to lift for all the different exercises that were a part of my program, and went from there. and in the first couple of weeks i had to make a lot of adjustments, but that's okay because in no time i was working with weights that challenged me, and that's when it became fun. i look forward to go to the gym and seeing if i can outdo my last workout.

i would add: try one FOR A FEW MONTHS. if you absolutely hate it maybe give it up sooner, but otherwise put forth a bit of faith in the program and see if it works for you after a few months


Do this and stop being such a fucking pussy.

>triceps before shoulders

how many lifts per muscle group?

Do this, but chest, shoulders, triceps.

Cardio is good but alternate between walking and sprints (don't worry about speed just go as fast as you can for like 20 seconds).

Also OP consistency will always trump routine. Worry more about getting to the gym and doing your exercises on a consistent basis, then get into a good routine. It's a marathon not a sprint (but do your sprints too)

Starting Strengh and bulk for muscle gain
Cyclical keto for weight loss + some muscle gain or maintainence .cya

Lift three times a week, with one day interval (lift on day 1, rest on day 2, lift on day 3, etc).
Focus on proper form.
LIft heavy weights.
Always lift more than you previously did, if you can't increase the weight, at least increase the reps.
Sleep well.
Drink Water.
Eat on a small caloric surplus.
Eat healthy stuff, avoid junk food.
Perform HIIT cardio on your off days if you value your heart.

There you go.

fuck it might a well ask instead of making a thread

anyone know any good resistance band exercises for losing weight or warming up?