I've got 8$ until next Wednesday, whats the cheapest food I can buy that has nutrition bros?

I've got 8$ until next Wednesday, whats the cheapest food I can buy that has nutrition bros?

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Sardines and bread

honest answer, rice and milk.

Not a fan of sardines plus they're like 2.50 a can here in Ontario

Milk is 6$ for 3 bags here

Sounds like you're cutting for 1 day bro

Dunno brah, I never look at the prices when I go food shopping.

>year of our lord 2017
>not eating Lentils

sorry, not going to make it

I usually have 25 dollars a week for food

Rice, potatoes, oats or sorghum. Depends on where you live but these would usually be the cheapest nutritional dense foods.

Possibly add bananas in there if they're cheap in your area.


I hate this dumb loud mouthed Mic

Yeah canada

tinned corned beef, eggs + a cheap carb source liek bread, rice or potatoes. pasta even.

you'll need a suace probably to make it palatable, but what you have left out of that shoudl do it.


Oats and eggs

Disregard all other posts

Oats and peanut butter.

If you weren't such a bitch and just attended the promotions you wouldn't be out of money, Connor.

Eat some potatoes, I heard there's plenty in the land of leprechauns.

Chef boyardee and ramen noodle poverymeals

Ramen is expensive

is there something with ramen compared to regular instant noodles that makes it better than the latter?

What's the best thing for lentils that doesn't require making a salty as fuck soup?

You're stupid, man.

I could take that 8$ and I could feed myself for a month. I'd buy flower, milk, and vitamins and make power balls.

Oats, Eggs, and Whey.

I went backpacking and the only thing that was consistently cheap everywhere was Oats. It got me through. I had oats for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snack.

Donate plasma
Pawn/sell TV/ipod/Xbox
Mow neighbors lawn
Ask to borrow 20 bucks from a friend
Don't be fuck up loser who has no way to get food.


Rice and Beans

Holy shit it's like half of you idiots on this board have never heard of a credit card.

Whenever I don't have any money left, I use my credit card and immediately pay it off when I have money again.

I swear sometimes I feel like I'm one of the very few people here with a brain.


I've got 25k in creditcard debt and they won't give me another

Well guess whose fucking fault that is. Lol loser.

My wife's

>blaming your wife for using your card
Should explain that your spending more than you have. Even if it's a joint card don't be an idiot and let her spend outside your means.

She used them for 3 months straight going shopping for things we "needed" but she never brought home a damn thing we needed

>implying I need 2k dollar coats and purses
>implying I need 500$ lipstick

>frozen bag of mixed veg
>some cheap meat or fish

>bags of milk
Do Canadians also buy niggercum in bags?

Seriously dude. Cut her off. If she won't stop you need to seriously consider leaving. Puts you in debt for her wants? She either needs to be told she's cut off or end things. It does t sound healthy bruh

I've been on the verge of that for a long time brah

Go to a food pantry at some church by you.

Yeah. You'll.probably put your foot down any month now.

>letting a woman use any of your money for any reason

top kek I make mine buy everything with her own money, I won't even give her one of my cigarettes if she's out of smokes, she can buy her own fucking shit

>having a wife

Dun goofed right then and there.

>500$ lipstick
>not cutting her off right after that

If my wife came home with even a 200 dollar purse that was charged on my credit card, there would be some serious problems.

I can make that even cheaper. A net and some flour.

This. It's the only alpha way to do it, make her buy her own shit cause once you buy her anything that's not for her birthday or Christmas etc you're being used

peanut butter is not cheap

If my gf even used my credit card she'd get a beating she'd never forget

this man could rule the world someday

>8 dollars

Ayyy that's the way to do it.

I used to make my ex wife buy all of her own booze and smokes while I would buy mine.

I did provide food though.

Fuck her.

enjoy you new bear-mode on a hobo budget.

Oh yeah I'd be in jail if my wife ever used my credit card

I'm eastern yuropoor, and still don't get how some of you are so broke

I make 1700 a month and my rent is 1100 plus have to pay utilities which leaves me with about 400 a month for food and other things

>implying you shouldn't already have whey

>tfw gf cant even afford a pack of smokes
>tfw she wants to drink everyday
>tfw she's unemployed for the past 8 years

please move

Lolol you're broke as fuck m8

You people are talking about this shit like you're the victim.


It's really not fucking rocket science.

>"hm, my rent is 1100 a month, I should stay here and live on the borderline of poverty"

I don't know why I don't see lentils talked about here more. I know rice is cheaper, and I know lentils don't have
>muh complete protein
but they have no fuckin sugar, plenty of fiber, and generous protein.
Massively underrated 2bh
I just season my lentils with some onion/garlic, cumin, and a little bit of salt. Use whatever spices you have available.

Yeah it sucks and ive got a 1.5 hour walk to work and 1.5 hour walk back, there's no way I'll be able to afford a bicycle or car in this life time

Self inflicted poverty dude.
Read mrmoneymustache.
Learn2save as much money as possible.
You're barely living within your means. At least you aren't in debt

25k in debt man and I owe people tons of money

You're bullshitting, faggot.

Bicycles cost literally nothing.

200$ for one that wont break in a week

1400g cheddar cheese
>320g protein
>43g carb
>467g fat
>5656 calories

750g butter
>6g protein
>1g carb
>608g fat
>5378 calories

TOTAL for 7 days
>326g protein
>44g carb
>1075g fat
>11,034 calories

per day
>46g protein
>6g carb
>155g fat
>1,576 calories

total cost
>4 * aldi.co.uk/scottish-extra-mature-cheddar/p/058552012873700
>3 * mysupermarket.co.uk/aldi-price-comparison/Butter_Margarine_And_Spreads/Greenvale_British_Butter_Salted_250g.html
>(4 * 1.59) + (3 * 0.75) = £8.61 TOTAL
That's the best I can do brah.

My bicycle cost me 1500$


Better than me having to steal condiments and mix them in a bowl

>tfw usually less than 5 dollars a week for food

niggers need not apply


i don't think anyone would live through this diet plan

Volunteer for food at a church user.

buttmad brittbong detected

$8 worth of peanut butter.

I couldn't eat for a week with 8$ in my shitty third world country, I don't think this is serious if you want to consume over 2000calories a day.

Water and multivitamins

I know this feel but with my dad instead. Dude literally grabs cards out of peoples wallets/bags and uses them to gamble and goes to church for those heaven points.

Jesus christ what a loser

>tfw my dad makes more than I'll ever make
>tfw if anything im borrowing money from him when I'm low on money
>tfw my rich grandpa offers me 20k whenever I need money

Take that 20k form pappy and send it to OP.

Milk. 2400 Cal for $2.50. Best bulking food there is

Canned tuna and frozen chicken for protein

Broccoli (or some other green veggies) for nutrients

Oil for calories and fats

Oats and rice for carbs

You could theoretically eat nothing but that forever and you'd probably be okay

Full of proteons and you will EARN money!

How much is fucking ramen in Canacuck? Its 5 bags for $1 here in the states.

I've actually gave my friends thousands when they're in a tight money spot and the gratitude I get from it is enough for them to not need to pay me back

Rice and beans

1.50$ for a little bag

Chicken mostly

agreed, my lentil bro.

You can use herbs and make some delicious paste that you can spread on bread or you can add lentils to your salad.

Lentils plus salad is absolute god-tier.


Only 6g of protein per egg and about 50 calories. IT's fucking nothing.

OP lives in canada we don't have lentils that I've ever seen

>placing dollar sign in back of the number

please stop triggering my autism