Is having a small penis even a bad thing...

Is having a small penis even a bad thing? Gods were depicted to have small penises and beasts who were slaves to their sexual hormones were considered to be barbaric.

>falling for the "big cock" meme Jews have done to distort your mind with pornography
>not practicing nofap and harnessing your sexual energy

It's like you don't want to make it.

>Born with a huge dick
>I'll never make it

Feels pretty bad

ITT: penislets lying to themselves to feel better

> penislets

just say dicklets. Less autism that way

They're only depicted as being small because the artists are trying to show them as beautiful and large cocks in this manner are considered animalistic

They're growers, brah. My dick looks similar when flaccid but gets to a respectable size when it's go time. My only issue is that my dick gets hairy at the last inch or so.
>tfw girlfriend calls me "cactus cock"

Well, in the renaissance, middle ages and prior, genitalia (and sex in general) was kinda taboo, that's why men are depicted with such small dicks in art.

Also, at somepoint in history, a small penis was more desirable than a big one, having a big penis was a reason of embarrassment, like it is having a big nose today, for example.

Anyway, personally, I think the ideal is size is big enough to be able to go balls deep and touch the woman's cervix, but that's just me.

>tfw you'll never know the gods' true cock lengthz because all of then were sculpted flaccid

I'm the same way. Makes shaving tedious at the base. Also if I'm doing like hard cardio or something, I'm almost 3/4 of an inch. But hard, I'm past 6.

I go from one inch to six inches flaccid to hard. Are there seriously people walking around with seven inch dicks that have no change aside from getting stiff when they're hard?

Why is Herakles a literal 10/10?

In Robin Baker's book Sperm Wars he said that penis size was an aspect of a human's environment. In some environments, the warm weather and more prominent promiscuity led to large penis development being a strength, where as in cold weather environments and races where loyalty and legacy were more important a smaller penis was a strength for that race.

As for the Greeks, I think it was just some shame at play, they thought depicting the male genitals as they actually were on the statues was somehow obsene. So they were okay with the nude form, but minimized the genitals so the focus was not on that.

Nah its always been that way.
Sex and art cannot mix.

I think this is because circumcision was done incorrectly and didn't leave enough skin. try using foreskin restoration devices to grow more skin

Let me put it simply:

Men care a hell of a lot more than women do about penis size.

Men project their insecurities onto women because men are creatures that value women primarily on physical attributes.

Women care about the whole package of the guy a lot more.

That all aside, being a homo makes things a bit different..

I don't know dude, primitive art and by extension romantic art is quite often demonic and savage.
>mfw got like 3-3.5" of hair covering my shaft
Don't even care lol

Is it even possible to have a dick that small (without a condition)?

Are there really dicks that don't hang past the ballsack?

Tbh senpai, I'd gladly trade a half inch or an inch of length for the equivalent in girth.

>Men care a hell of a lot more than women do about penis size.
>Women care about the whole package of the guy a lot more.


well said.

19 and my dick is small as shit. Yeah it fucking sucks when you're a good looking guy and have a small dick.

having a nice dick is meaningless if you dont use it

im slightly above average at 7x5.5 but im not even using it. id gladly trade with the guy that has a 4 inch dick and fucks daily.

also it's a grower so it looks tiny when soft. feels bad man.

What is that? 5.5 x 5? Pretty solid breh.

My dick is thin relative to its length. The only thing my long-ish penis can do that yours can't is bottom out.

Girth is what counts.

Anywhere from like 5.5-6 not exactly aure

dude that's fine, unless you're fucking sluts or chicks who literally just gave birth it shouldn't be an issue

pls be gay and in omaha, nebraska

>not picking up girls in the maternity ward

My dick is 6.8 x 4.8 or 4.9. There is a bulge along the middle where I could claim 5 for girth, but most of the shaft is 4.8-4.9.

Count your blessings.

PA representin and sorry, not gay lol

was meant for

I hate having a small flaccid dick, it grows even past 6" but when it's soft it's sometimes an embarrassing stump

Most men have a dick that hangs at the same level than ballsack.
But just like dicks, ballsacks can vary, and some have very tight sacks or very low-hanging. This has a lot of effect on perspective.

>implying both terms don't sound fucking autistic

The truth is that erect sizes are fairly equal across all races, but evolution favored large flaccid penises in hotter climates where surface area meant better cooling, while a small flaccid penis in a colder climate held warmth closer to the body. They call them the Kalahari and the Siberian respectively

Small flaccid, huge erect master race
2 inches to 7 inches get around me

My, fucking, nigga

im pretty much this
but more like 2 inches then 8.5
if anything the girls prefer it because it seems like such a dramatic change.

im 6x5, have never had an issue, never had any complaints whatsover, in chats with girls they always say that a big cock hurts often, and never translates to a more satisfying experience
>tfw most women dont get off vaginally
>tfw open communication in my relationship gives us both the best sex life ever
>tfw im the first and only guy to have ever gotten her off

i thought that hair was normal? I always shave my lot anyway but ????

Some people also have rather large flaccid dicks that only get a little bigger when hard.