Spartans killed all babies who would be 5'11 and under, alongside the retarded and deformed babies

Spartans killed all babies who would be 5'11 and under, alongside the retarded and deformed babies.

Will you learn now, manlets?

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They made this up for a movie, Bruh. Average Greek height, Spartan or not, was about 5'5"

This, everyone was shorter in the past. 6' would have made you a giant in those times.

>not having an army of tiny warriors that can ambush from crevices and cut off legs

>faggots had their shins and legs cut off by the pajeet army because they were too tall

no wonder the spartans all died

>Source:my ass

You can't guess the height of an adult based on his height as baby. Also, you imply that they would also kill female babies under 5'11, which makes no sense. By the way, most men were about 160 cm back in those days, so the spartans would literally genocide themselves if they did that.

>Spartans: extinct
>manlets: flourishing
We have learned a long time ago

Disposing of babies with obvious deformities was definitely a thing in Ancient Sparta, but obviously not to the extent in OP's bait post

t. Classical historian

>greek manlets
Even scythian women were taller than those agricuck manlets.

Also, that whole thing about kicking the deformed into the Apothetae doesn't seem to be true based on archeological evidence, they've yet only found adult remains.

It wasn't made up for a movie, but it was a contemporary myth.

What does the "t." mean.

I obviously get the usage but what does it formally mean?


It means go back to fucking reddit.

The deformed retard who snitched on the Spartans in this movie is a metaphor for manlets...never trust one. They're sneaky little fucks

If they did so why are modern Greeks brown skinned and ugly manlets?

>movie glorifies dumb poor goatherds that murdered babies and enslaved 70% of their society (85% if you count forced military servitude)
>demonizes the Persian empire, one of the greatest empires to be a part of, one founded on the outlawing of slavery and shared it's riches with all its subjects
>dumb goys eat it up

Spartans also let other men fuck their wives....

> the Persian empire, one of the greatest empires to be a part of, one founded on the outlawing of slavery and shared it's riches with all its subjects

Dumb sandnigger detected.

You wouldn't let your spartan bro fuck your wife's ass if he was really backed up after a long deployment?

Hell I'd let him fuck my ass, that's how strong our brotherhood is no homo.


They weren't sandniggers until the Arab muslims invaded and conquered, just like they're doing now to Europe.

Please, do try to contain your butthurt.

This man was king of kings, while you are cuck of cucks, worshipping dumb sheepfuckers that you don't realize were also equally bronze skinned.

Jesus is the King of kings, you pagan

thats a literal historic fact though

>it was a contemporary myth.

It was all myth.

Greeks and Romans were relatively humane. Romans even banned circumcision in the early 100s. It was Jewish/Christian propaganda to depict them this way.

>he worships a Jewish god

Ultimate Cuck. Your ancestors were Pagans, that's not some insult it's a legitimate religion. The badass Greeks we're discussing were Pagans, and across Europe they were murdered by Christians (who were essentially the new age SJW globalists of their time). They forced softness and submission upon men of the West, and that's why you're all cucks begging for more immigrants today (we're all God's children eh ;)

You should follow the faith and virtues of your European Pantheist ancestors, not the Jewish influenced cucks that brutally murdered them.

>tfw thinking you can know how tall a BABY is gonna be grown up.
TOP KEK, and spartans were manlets

No the athenians actually did believe the spartans practiced eugenics like that. They're the ones that claimed the pederasty too.

I think Xenophon is the best source really, even though he was a laconophile, he wasn't actively projecting athenian vices onto them.

There's nothing more annoying than a persian historical revisionist. Cyrus never outlawed slavery. He conquered thousands of people and killed even more. Any "freeing" was simply a product of killing the previous master. (in that case, Hannibal the Great also freed many slaves).

Lmao it was in their founding text and on the Cyrus Cylinder. Western education everyone.

>“I announce that I will respect the traditions, customs and religions of the nations of my empire and never let any of my governors and subordinates look down on or insult them while I am alive. From now on…, I never let anyone oppress any others, and if it occurs, I will take his or her right back and penalize the oppressor.”
>“I will never let anyone take possession of movable and landed properties of the others by force or without compensation. While I am alive, I prevent unpaid, forced labor. Today, I announce that everyone is free to choose a religion. People are free to live in all regions and take up a job provided that they never violate other’s rights.”


>“I announce that I will respect the traditions, customs and religions of the nations of my empire and never let any of my governors and subordinates look down on or insult them while I am alive. From now on…, I never let anyone oppress any others, and if it occurs, I will take his or her right back and penalize the oppressor.”
>“I will never let anyone take possession of movable and landed properties of the others by force or without compensation. While I am alive, I prevent unpaid, forced labor. Today, I announce that everyone is free to choose a religion. People are free to live in all regions and take up a job provided that they never violate other’s rights.”
-Cyrus the Great, recorded on the Cyrus Cylinder, the founding text of Persia

I can tell you got an A in Mr. Shekelbergs history class.

That cylinder is notoriously mistranslated.

Even basic wikipedia exposes the lie. Literally read the damn wiki-page.

alexander the great was 5,6 and he still raped most of your mums though.

>he believs every word in a movie told

i will never learn muhahaha xD

> get home from a really fucking good workout
> watch 300

The physically weak could have done other stuff and sparta could have culture outside of warfare and at the same time all the strong could have joined the army and Greece would have been unstoppable

your conflating greece with sparta

when the persians came and conqerd helen the spartans couldnt come till the moon was in the right cycle or somsuch bc of a festival they where having

A reminder that Alexander the Great was supposed to be about 5'7

ugg no. you would have been 'tall' at 6 foot. The average was lower than today, but it wasn't an unheard of height.

Just like with medieval knights the average there was well over 6 foot. (and they had worse nutrition than the greeks.)

Yeah, because they could totally tell by looking at a baby whether it would be 5'11" or not.

Also, that would be like, 2/3 of all babies, even today

There is not a population that has ever existed outside subsaharan africa where the average male height was above 6'

That wasn't manlet status back then, people were shorter in general.

Scandinavian people

weren't over 6' in the middle ages, you tard. the average height in europe was 5'6 - 5'7 in those days

I wasn't implying that the population at large was over 6 -- just that the knights were, and that it wasn't even remotely uncommon for them to be well over 6 foot. (looking at the armor they left behind, manlets need not apply.)

The average male height in Scandinavia even today isn't greater than 6'

When you're multiple standard deviations from normal, yes, that is uncommon in the most objective sense. What you need to keep in mind is that the most ornate and well preserved suits of armor were never used or even intended to be used.

fair enough.. just saying that a dude who was 6' wouldn't stand out like yao ming or something.. it wasn't freakishly tall.

Yeah, the idea that everyone back then was chinese tier is a dumb meme

Women worshipping beta detected.

Spartans fucked each other's wives the same way we use each other's toilets. That's all women were in those days, no one gave two shits about their feelings or thought of them like these amazing unshareable trophies until beta foot fetishist losers like you came and started begging women to walk all over you

>tfw you will never be a spartan warrior
>tfw you will never dine with your bros as you laugh at those disgusting beta helots
>tfw you will never be a state that would never have allowed SJWs or PC to happen
>tfw you will never live in a society where Veeky Forums men rule the weak, beta cucks.
Why even lift brehs.

>wah I want to be in the top of the society because I lift and put down heavy things wah
don't delude yourself

>You should follow the faith and virtues of your European Pantheist ancestors

I don't consider Romans pantheist or Christians. They were imperialists.

They used anything to spread their rule. I would say Romans are the precursors to America. They were surprisingly humanistic and squashed backward religions like Judaism (read: Islam) with an iron-fist. I love how they banned circumcision and backward talmudic law. They had very harsh punishments for that shit.

haha I would've been killed off cause I was born disabled haha

>implying they had the science to determine what the height of a child would be in 21 years.

you shitposters dont even try anymore

>fat angry weeb detected
>tfw 6'3" Veeky Forums and alpha as fuck genetics
>tfw stuck in a society where people berate you for diddlylifting lmao3pl8 because it intimidates the women
Fuck you. Fuck this babby society.
I some kind of apocalypse breaks down the social construct we have right now and we get martial law. Like hyuman society should have. Survival of the fittest should be a priority at all times or we're gonna end up with a society like in Wall-E or some shit.

Spartans are famous for not getting completely fucked by Persians while at the same time watching all of the land around them get fucked by Persians then a few decades later they came to the Persians for help against their former allies. Spartans were fucking jokes


I can hear your pain

>can tell how tall a baby will be in 20 years
>believing a movie

Damn user, making us tall guys look retarded. Apply yourself

haha no it doesn't hurt haha I was just only born without one pec haha, funny how life is haha

>modern day Greeks are nothing but a bunch of Turkish rape babies.
Hahaha and the best part is that we're coming for Germany and Northern Europe next. Who's the real winner? Who's the masterrace now?

Modern Turks are Greek brah, Greek were always shitskins and Turks used to be Chinks

>turks are greeks
Fuck no. they are way smellier, browner and more mudslimier than most Greeks.

Implying greeks weren't pretty short in general.

>smellier, browner and more mudslimier
Arab blood in the admixture

>conquered people
>changing the conquerors

Dinarics average 6'1", Frisians average 6'2", Tronder average 6'1,5", my region averaged 6'2".

Average in the Netherlands of the Dutch only (not including foreigners) is 6'.

Average in NRW not including foreigners is 6'0,5".

>Arab blood in the admixture

the brown-ness came from poos and niggers

Arabs are semetic. Think light-skin stubby women with huge breasts.

>be manlet dicklet
>fuck women before they notice im there
>run away
>pass on gens
>dad did that
>son will do that too

evolution and natural selection has nothing to do with being the tallest, strongest, smartest or loudests. you managed to cum inside somehow, you win

If the conquered people outnumber the conquerors, or why do you thinks that modern Turks are not Chinks? Turkey is a melting pot brah

How exactly would you tell how tall someone will be when they are a baby? Did they have genetic sequencing on the babies?

You could kinda guess i suppose, when i was born my doctor said i would be 6'1" and i am a 6'0.5" manlet instead