For whom do you lift, Veeky Forums??

For whom do you lift, Veeky Forums??


Based stannis. A real man.

Didn't even bother looking at season 6. Haven't looked at trailers, read up on anything. Fucking jews


>not lifting for something you love

>not loving yourself

What a fucking faggot. Honestly.

Also, I lift for the pussy

my secretary

For the one and only God

I lift so that my size will mentally dominate smaller men just by being in the same room as them

>For whom do you lift, Veeky Forums??
LOL the sure sign of the beta loser.

I don't lift 'for' ANYONE. I lift to improve my performance in the sport I compete in. All other reasons are clearly inferior, with one allowable exception: lifting as part of a weightloss program.


For myself and my country.

I lift so that all grills will be looking at my bod and if I flex, they'll all wet themselves instantaneously.

Taylor, Trump, Hitler

>being this deluded
Guess what? If they're not looking now, they won't look later either. Most of that has to do with your personality and attitude. I suggest you work on those as hard as you work on your squats and deads.

I just have to acquire better aesthetics and become a sicunt. We're all gonna make it brah.

Listen, friend Veeky Forumsizen: If you're not getting some attention from girls now, you're not going to get that much more after 1000 hours in the gym. You might get a foot in the door with them on appearance alone, but if you're boring or have no sense of humor, they'll walk away after a short time and find some guy that may not be as 'aesthetic', but at least doesn't bore them to tears. Learn things, acquire a decent sense of humor, and be an interesting person for your own sake, and the rest will happen without your having to work at it at all. Understand?

I already have a personality, I have a face some have called a 7/10 and I'm 6'0 the last time I measured my height. Lifting is going to fix all my problems. I'll become Chad and drown in so much pussy yo.

for the inevitable race war


my 5th grade oneitis

The King in the North


You are missing out.

Episode 2 was already hailed as one of the best episodes ever, Episode 3 could potentially reveal Jon Snow's mother. Jesus christ go watch now... I personally believe stannis is still alive

I lift for America's princess, Taylor Swift.

he's dead, bend the knee to the rightful king

Bruh. Is that from a video game? That looked cool as fuck.

This. For Europe!

my gym oneitis. she agreed to hang out after finals week but I feel like it was out of pity that she agreed because she knows I do almost everything by myself.


I lift for the place where I'm free to lift together and be natty as me.

I lift in the name of riptoe and everything that he believes in.

for the god emporer

I lift for the world I was made in the iron is the only thing I've ever known.

I will lift to be everything that everybody wants me to be when I'm grown.


Think the name of the game is "For Honor"

FOR EUROPE! London has already fallen after the liberal cuck masses and Redguard filth have now voted in a Muslim Mayor. They won't keep it though. We will rise again!

Stannis fucking Baratheon. Probably the only person who can sit on the iron throne without causing a clusterfuck of egotistical idiocy.

And he's dead. Fuck.

For my boyfriend

I'm a dude btw