How to cure Acne?

How to cure Acne?

Google it.

Stop eating like shit

Get out in the sunlight

Don't wash your face to the point that you skin gets damaged

nono Veeky Forums always have the best advice, google is no match

Suicide. 100% chance of success.

Does sun not fuck it up more?

Drink one to two gallons of water a day. Not gatorade, not tea, but H2O. Youll be amazed after a few weeks

Will try. Does it really work?

dont use acne washes or ointments, they make shit worse
change ur sheets/pillowcases every 1-3 days
stop eating lots of carbs
stop drinking milk
hydrate allday
don't touch your face

Got some pills from the doc, they contain tetracycline hydrochloride. They worked for some time, but not so much more.. Cont taking em?

If its cystic then go to a derm. If it bothers you go to a derm. GO to a fucking derm if it bothers you that much. They will put you on retinoids/antibiotics/sulfates or isotretinoin if its bad or the other treatments dont work. One of the above will clear your acne 90%+ if not better within the year.

Don't listen to all the bullshit if you have cystic acne, no amount of cleaning or anything will do more than put a dent in the problem.

Only way to cure it permanently is Isotretinoin or as most know it by it's main brand name Accutane. It's the only way to permanently reduce your sebum production. It's got a lot of possible side effects though, like dry skin, chapped lips, mood swings, depression and you might get an increased risk of getting crohn's disease, not proven though. Talk to your dermatologist about it, if you think it's worth the risks.

Hit puberty or sunbathe

>Hit puberty
That's exactly when it develops due to quickly changing hormone levels you retard.

Mine started going away when i lost my virginity

go to a derm and get accutane, i just got off 6 month cycle of it, only side effects for me were dry skin and point pain, the only really bad side effect you need to look out for is vision change as this could be a cyst on your brain. but really, i have severe cystic acne on my back since i turned 13, now its only red spots from scars. nothing some sun and retinoid cream cant fix.

hmm, its not that bad, so i think i will just start to live a better lifestyle. Last couple of weeks i have been drinking tons, and not getting any sleep at all. Maybe thats the problem :D

Try being Chad

Try Paula's choice 2% skin perfecting bha exfoliant liquid. People swear by the stuff and it has helped my skin a lot. If its proper cycstic acne though pills would probably be recommended just because you can't really beat them.

Why does sun help with back acne problems? I mean, it does, it always helps me at least - during winters my back is always disgusting, red and full of acne/scars/red spots, but in the summers, It only takes me like two days out for like 1 hour a day sunbathing, and it's almost all gone. Can I emulate this effect with some creams/drugs/vitamins/food or anything?

Old fag here. Before you go to doctor and start brandishing all sorts of chemicals there are wholistic things to do in th interim as medical managment procedures.

1) Change. your. pillowcases. Think about it, you sleep on them shmooshed with facial oils on a nightly basis for 8-10 hours. Have Ma Dukes get you like 5-7 sets and swap out every 48hrs. Could go everyday for optimal consideration.

2) Get some sun on it. Drying them out which is what acne products do anyways cuase they have alcohol. Dab alcohol on them once in a while too anyways won't hurt, but get some sun on your face.

3) stop. eating. sugar. None, man. or potato chips. if you want acne, continue to eat this shit.

4) don't touch face with hands, oil transfers easy from hands to face. work at it. after a week it won't be difficult.

These are 4 prescriptions that will help indefinitely.

If you're as cute as that guy, don't worry about it and it will just clear up in time.

fuck off retard


Took similar pills, they've helped at the beginning too... i've quit after they didn't help anymore. Somehow it's getting better by itself, just started taking zinc. Also avoid vitamin b6 and b12 (often contained in protein powders). Making gains even though i'm not taking any powder anymore

I did all of this and it fixed mine. Of course I also ended puberty around the time I began this. So I'm not sure if it all helped or not. But placebo effects can still do great things, and this stuff can't hurt, so you might as well try it.

Load shotgun, pour benzoyl peroxide into barrel, aim at face, pull trigger

tfw I had acne from 14 to 20 years old.
It destroyed my confidence and I rarely left the house. Getting girls before that was easy as picking up the soap in the prison.

stop eating shit and drink plenty of water

>tfw BP meds are RX only in my country
>tfw have to go my derm doc every three months or so to get a prescription

Isotrex 20 mg twice a day (breakfast) for 6 to 8 months
But is bad for your liver :p
Dont drink alcohol

I used all sorts of acne medication and creams for years and years. I have really oily skin so that doesn't help either. But this Christmas someone bought me body wash and moisturizer as a gift and instead of throwing it away I decided to use the moisturizer and now I've been acne free since winter. I'm pretty angry I didn't realize this in high school.

Don't listen to these people. You're diet doesn't have anything to do with it. It's a myth.

Disregard the bro scientists and go see a dermatologist.

dermatologists will prescibe some shit that is no more effective than changing your pillow cases +$600 bucks

99% of doctors are memes

Wait til you finish puberty. I stopped getting pimples at around 20. Every now and then I'll get one on the chin or lip.

Otherwise, change your pillowcase every other day, or put a towel on it and flip every night. Drink lots of water and wash your face with a cleaner once a day. Use just water and a towel when not using the cleaner.

just like how your weight isn't affected by what food you eat, huh?

Quit drinking so much soda

You're wrong though. His acne won't get worst but he'll have it forever.

My acne is almost all gone, but my face is still fairly red. What's the best way to get rid of that shit?




Please do it, if he can't help see a different doctor. Retinoids fixed my acne really quickly, but I still got scars on my face and body because I didn't go to a docor soon enough.

see some sunlight
throw away anti acne products
use nattty soap and cold water only
drink water only and don't eat shit
get your vitamins, especially vitamin A (carrots and spinach is great)
and most important get out of puperty

this helped me from terrible acne since 13 to babyface

Go vegan. Seriously.

Seconded. Isotretinoin is the shit. The side effects suck; dry skin, chapped lips, etc. But after only 1 month on it my skin looks so much better. 28 years old here. Don't listen to shit about the sun, diet, etc. Sometimes your body is just fucked and you need medical treatment.

No, really, look it up. Despite your best anecdotal evidence, it turns out that your diet really has fuck-all to do with acne.

Dermatologist. 4 month of accutane cleared my skin.
Bad thing is, you can't start it on summer days as you are not supposed to get much direct sunlight during accutane.

agree, used to have terrible terrible acne. Tried many things, even some prescription shit but isotretinoin is the only thing that helped.
Made my skin 10000times better in just 3 months.

Evaporates oil and shit. Also get a fucking sponge to clean your skin.


Less grease and sugar in diet, more running outside, hygiene and you are fucking done.

If you can't complete anything above then this

Accutane. That's it.

Acne is a white and asian people condition.

>horrible acne
>docs don't want to give me accutane

what now

It depends on the severity.

Mild (under 10 pustules)? Go with Benzoyl Peroxide. You can also ask your doctor to prescribe you a topical retinoid derivative. (Tretinoin, tazoratene or adaplene). In general you're going to go with mostly topical agents.

Moderate (10-40 pustules)? Benzoyl Peroxide, plus a topical antibiotic such as clindamycin. You can also get topical retinoid derivatives here too. Can also do oral antibiotic (tetracyclines) if it gets worse. If you're at that stage though you're probably on a retinoid derivative. There are a lot of options here. Topical agents and oral antibiotics.

Severe (40+)? Either 1 or 2 things. Topical retinoid and an oral antibiotic OR Oral retinoid (aka Accutane) Oral antibiotics, topical retinoids and last resort, oral retinoids

Combination therapy usually helps. If you're on antibiotics of any kind, you want to use Benzoyl Peroxide with it too because it will help reduce resistance with the bacteria.

Switch docs or get other meds (tretinoin, without the iso)

If you can't ever get that because you're alergic or whatever you can still be a hero.

Sunlight kills bacteria or something like that

I used to have horrific acne. Found that having a shower in the evening and removing sugar helped massively.

I also had some creams. Would wipe my face/shoulders/back with 2% salicyclic acid in cyclohexane (and a bunch of other ingredients) which really removed the grime then put "Duac" cream on. Same thing with the acid in the morning and then put on some "Isotrexin" jelly type thing.

Cleared everything up in about two months. Good luck mate.

get off Veeky Forums and go outside faggot.

Take accutane then have crippling depression for the rest of your life

is face wash okay to use everyday? does that have anything to do with stopping acne?

I saw a dermatologist for back acne when I was younger. They gave me a pill to take and it cleared it right up.

ever seen native americans?

1-3 days is way too much dude. Aim for once per week or the cleaning products in the pillowcase will fuck you up senpai

accutane. for some people like me that is the ONLY solution

This worked for me, and I was one of those people who thought OTC medications never worked.

You need to use all 3 though properly.

>Stop eating like shit

I ate a pretty clean vegan diet for years, had no effect on my acne.

>Get out in the sunlight

This damages your skin though, and makes you less white. I want to show off my white European genetics.

>Take accutane then have crippling depression for the rest of your life
I had accutane and it didn't do shit to me

I mean it did help with clearing my face, but it didn't make me depressed or anything

i took accutane.
i'm 30 and i still get cystic acne.
ha. ha. ha. ha.

I don't know why they wouldn't, it's fine. I don't even want to shill for it, the side effects are minimal to non-existent if you double down on staying hydrated.

My acne wasn't even really bad when I started, I had just been dealing with it for such a long time that I wanted to finish it.


Don't use dryer sheets

Accutane cleared my face within 3 months, my face is now clear and smooth :3.
Would take again.

>Go to Doctor
>Tell doctor "I want to see a Dermatologist"
>Go to dermatologist
>Let dermatologist examine you
>Tell dermatologist you would like to go on "Accutane"
>Dermatologist warns you and asks if you have depression or suicidal thought
>"lel, it alright, nah never been suicidal"
>Get Accutane
>Acne clears up 4months-year

>side effects non-existent
>accutane linked to crohn's

two friends of mine went on some acne medication. for like 3-4 months (while they took the meds) they could not use alcohol for some reason but afterwards they were completely acne free, and I mean full pizza face abominations to baby face.

don't remember what those meds were called though

I didn't realize acne was caused by a caloric surplus.

Probably accutane.

yep, pretty sure that's the one. their skin was also extremely dry throughout the whole ordeal

Ignore everyone who says anything about diet; they're retards.

if you have normal acne, going on that reddit for skincare will help you get rid of it. same with the pillowsheet changing meme thing. exercise will help too. steroids will worsen it.

if you have nodular/cystic acne or just resistant acne, then the only thing that can possibly help you is accutane. there is literally no other option.

t. had acne worse than OP pic for 10 years and tried everything. the only thing that worked was accutane.

accutane turned me into a vampire
i couldn't even expose myself to indirect sunlight without feeling pins and needles across my body
skin was constantly breaking
it did help my acne a lot, unfortunately, i still get some here and there though

It helps to do it in a dark season of the year.
Did it in winter here in germany, I had absolutely no problems with the sun.
Sucks if you live in a year round sunny state/country.

Pray to god.
Serious. I had awful acne, went away overnight after I asked him to help out.

yeah that's a good move. i live in arizona in the U.S. lolll
desert heat and sun

I'm from iceland and they did it in the winter. if you go to school or have a job, there are like a solid 5 months a year where you barely even see the sun

>I'm from iceland
I always wondered, how is life on iceland?
Do you like it there? How is the nature? Do you have lots of tourists?

t. germanfag

is that depressing? sounds fun, but maybe depressing after a while

you should always change your pillow sheets and bed sheets. that's not a meme. and even if you don't have acne you should be doing it.

benzoyl peroxide is my suggestion. cleared my face, back and chest during a time when nothing seemed to be working. anything with salicylic acid didn't work at all and made my face feel even grosser. best part you can buy the foaming stuff for 8 bucks and it'll last you 2 months

>Do you like it there?
I like it, biggest difference I feel when going to other countries is, tap water is shit (and bottled water even more shit) and there are niggers everywhere
>How is the nature?
not really an outdoors man but you don't have to travel far to see some pretty neat sights
>Do you have lots of tourists?
downtown Reykjavík is packed with tourists and the main nature locations
skammdegisþunglyndi (winter depression) is a real thing here, and iirc Icelanders are the biggest anti depressant consumers (per capita) in europe.
then of course in the height of the summer we can have sunlight up to like 23 hours a day and during those times we are all happy as shit

>skammdegisþunglyndi (winter depression) is a real thing here, and iirc Icelanders are the biggest anti depressant consumers (per capita) in europe.
Dont you guys have tanning beds there?
This probably would help a lot if its mostly dark outside, wouldn't it?

>you should always change your pillow sheets and bed sheets. that's not a meme. and even if you don't have acne you should be doing it.
on a regular basis? sure.
every single night like people suggest here for acne? absolutely not unless you see results from shit like benzoyl peroxide in the first place.

if you have the bad kind of acne then you could have the same sheets and pillowcase on your bed for 6 months, take accutane, and you'll never see another pimple in your life.

some of us do hit the tanning beds in the winter, but tanning beds just give you color, they don't substitute the vitamins you're missing from the sun

ProActive you fucking retard.

It's literally advertised everywhere.

>How to cure Acne?

>eat immune oriented foods
>drink lots of water
>wash atleast your pillow sheet weekly(seriously, it helps)
>stop eating so much inflammatory promoting foods
>have basic hygiene

unless you have a hormone problem any of the above work fine.

I took accutane for two years, then doxycyclin for six months. I change my sheets every 5 days or so; I shower in the morning and after I exercise. My face cleared up, but I still get bacne (although not nearly as bad as pre-accutane). In the past two years I've been getting a lot of thigh acne.

It never ends. I'm 27. I'm thinking of eating beef liver every day since I heard that's a good way to get vitamin A.

>but I still get bacne (although not nearly as bad as pre-accutane). In the past two years I've been getting a lot of thigh acne.
means you need more accutane at a higher dose, retard.

must have been on a babby dose if you took if for 2 fucking years.

I was on twice the recommended dose. It fucked me up to the point where I would sometimes struggle to eat more food than a slice of pizza.

When I told another doctor about it he was surprised that anyone allowed me to take that much Accutane for half a year, let alone two years.

I had keloid scars all over my back but I got a beautician to reduce/remove most of them around the same time I was taking doxycyclin.

I guess I could go on doxycyclin again. It pretty much died down from ages 21-24 so I thought I was done.

anyone tried lemon juice mixed with water to try getting rid of acne scars? any success? I've pretty much dealt with my acne and all I have left is scarring and redness.

more important than any other advice in this thread:


acne is typically the result of dead skin buildup + oil getting trapped under the dead skin

if you are frequently removing the dead skin then you have a good chance of preventing pimples from forming

try using a loofah w/o soap in the shower or something similarly abrasive-but-not-too-abrasive and gently scrub your face

also change your pillow case on the regular

don't touch your face ever; your hands have all kinds of shit on them

^ this advice will drastically improve the skin condition of the vast majority of the people reading this

also CeraVe moisteurizer is buh-LESSED

sorry about your luck, friend.


You don't need medication, only for extreme cases.

Quit eating dairy, don't eat crap and get into the sun.

Less/not apping less helped me also, orgasm causes swings in hormone levels (hormones cause acne).

And switch your whey for eggwhite protein powder.
