Which of you fags are bad enough to do the Trump workout?

Which of you fags are bad enough to do the Trump workout?

Every single day!

100 push ups
100 Squats
100 sit ups
10 km running.
3 meals a day.
Keep going even when arms and legs make weird clicking noises!

The Ultimate Donald Trump training regimen. Are you bad enough?

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Go there and stop with your Wanpaunchu shit.

Wanpanchu? What ever do you mean?


We all do bro.

A shitty regimen that will build no muscle and make no gains? About what I'd expect from Donald Trump desu

>building a wall is sexist, xenophobic and racist
>literally every politician up on stage has a wall around their house for security reasons

Nice One Punch Man reference OP

Most cancerous post ive seen all day. Combined the unholy trinity of anime, /pol/ and shitpost. go back to your infinite chan please

I'm here to shitpost about skellies and fat people. Not you /pol/tards and your latest meme candidate. Get the fuck out.

i agree with you but
>implying building a wall around one's private and personal home is equivalent to building a wall around an entire country

Meme candidate? He's the friggin repub nominee... he's ascended past memes. He is now God himself and he has delivered us the most intense training regime of all time. With it, he has destroyed ed Ted Snooze, Marco Lubio, and John Who all with wanpaunchu

Either Berniefags are falseflagging or Trumpfags are actually this fucking stupid. Either way America is fucked

Where to cop this outfit?

okay kid, have fun during your first year of lifting.

Make America Great Again 1 x infinity

5xF Push Ups
5xF Dips
5xF Handstand Push Ups
5xF Chin Ups
5xF Pull Ups
5xF Pistol Squats
5xF Planks
5 Mile Run

>most intense training regime of all time
Kill yourself

Would you dumbasses stop shilling for this ugly faggot who doesn't care about a single one of you? This board is about fitness and I'm sick of reading your cancerous political posts. Back to containment board, shoo shoo.

>arms and legs make weird clicking noises

Shit, I thought it was just me

The true Trump workout is building a 10 yard stretch of wall, 10 feet high