How much soda does the average Veeky Forumsizen consume?

How much soda does the average Veeky Forumsizen consume?


One a day or so. Too much I know. I just can't resist eating some good ass grub and washing it down with a cold, carbonated beverage.
I blame the hodgetwins for this, they make it look so good. And it is.


none, soda is terrible for you, and provides no physical benefits. you might as well just eat several spoonfuls of sugar straight 2bh

None you cuck
Not gonna make it

On work days? 500ml because it's free. Tango Orange every time; 150kcal per bottle and it tastes bearable.

I used to drink a lot of coke zero when cutting (0.5-1l errday) but I got off of it after a while.


Soda is the opposite of fit.
I don't even understand why anyone would drink soda. It's one of those things that does more harm than good.

Few diet soda's a week.

Ignore these extremists, drink it if it fits your diet and you're still making gains.

None. I haven't drank soda since I've gotten braces in July 2014.

Haven't gone back since and I have no regrets

Once every few weeks at an event or something. Couldn't hurt.

I used to be addicted to Pepsi and Coke though. Used to be once or twice a day back in high school. Got that shit out of my system although I still crave it sometimes.



Usually 1 red bull a day...I've gotten to the point where I'm dependent on caffeine to function

switch to coffee or espresso

not only is it better for you, it tastes better as well.

you are way deep into the rabbit hole my poor friend. this have nothing to do with gains, it's about not ending up with hearth diseases, diabetes or other auto-immune illnesses in the long term. Also, Diet soda is often worst than cane-sugar based soda.

I drink about a two liter a day maybe a little more

Yerba maté is even better. More caffeine but none of the oxidation effects of torrefaction.

Unfortunately hard to acquire/expensive where I live (as it's a really niche thing), otherwise I would smash that cunt errday

>Veeky Forums
>almost everyone admits to drinking this fucking garbage regularly
For fuck's sake, just why. When i drink coca cola, I can literally feel the plaque of sugar forming around my teeth, it's fucking foul.

>People actually drink soda, and there are people who think diet soda is genuinely ok.

I'm happy the world is crumbling, I hope we all die horribly and slowly.

None, you idiot. Soda is literally the of the worst beverages you can consume.


Why is soda bad?

since the summer of 2012 I have probably had the equivalent of 10-15 cans of Coke

I've never even tried soda.
Water all my life. When I was a baby my mom fed my juice, and one time we were out of juice so she gave me water.
She said ever since I would cry if she didn't give me water, I would prefer it over the juice. Which I think is pretty cool that my love for water goes back that far.
Nothing beats delicious water.

>drinking cock
>making it

choice one.


also, absolutely none since summer 2015

Why does Veeky Forums think of Monster?

Meme drink.
Shitty logo.
Shitty people drink it.

>all that unnecessary sugar
nigger just drink coffee if you need caffeine

diet soda is a thing

concerns with diet sodas are greatly exaggerated. They solve basically all of the issues of normal sodas (e.g. the concerns listed in ), and (depending on what you care about) probably still rank over most juices in terms of "overall health".

If you're worried about petty stuff like resin coating in cans and xenoestrogens from plastic bottles, you better put your tinfoil hat on and start tilling your farmland, because there ain't nothing in a supermarket that you can eat safely. And if you have concerns about the caffeine content you can't drink coffee and other stuff either.

but yes, just drink water (+ coffee as PWO, IMO), it's better in every way, for your health, for your wallet, ..., nobody can argue with that.

>mfw I'm fine because I drink diet Coke instead of regular soda

about a 2 liter bottle every day. stay buttmad, fitfags

>Tfw drinking soda as we speak was mothers day... I .....I though I would celebrate with some soda for a mom who didn't decided to abort me....

"Pop" that shirt off, faggot.


Yeah, I know there are studies that say aspartame is fine, even tho 90% of internet says shit about how it causes cancer or whatever.

I could swear that the last few times I drank diet pepsi or cola, I got a terrible headache about 30 minutes afterwards. Very possibly just a coincidence, but I just stopped drinking it altogether.

I haven't had any in several months.

The patrician's choice

>soda is bad for gains
nice meme

sure, if you'¨re trying to lose weight, don't drink it

Aspartame got reviewed so many times by so many entities, the FDA, PBOI, the ECSCF etc, in the 80ies, the 90ies, again in 2002 and 2006, and each time it was considered safe. Yeah, it's a pretty good bet that it's safe.

> FDA officials describing aspartame as "one of the most thoroughly tested and studied food additives the agency has ever approved" and its safety as "clear cut",

> I got a terrible headache

that was probably the caffeine

That's possible, I drink coffee like once a week, so not really used to caffeine.

Also, 90% of people i know still think that aspartame was used as poison in WWII or whatever pseudo-science clickbait gets published about it.

All in all tho, diet coke is fine i guess. There's just no reason for me to drink it over water.

I gave up soda when i started lifting 8 months ago. Before that I would drink a can a day. Feelsgoodman

>none of the oxidation effects of torrefaction
what the fuck are you on about.

Water+Seltzer+Coconut Water+Tea master race.
Everything else is a shit.

Post pic + how long youve been lifting

That sounds like a terrible tasting mix.

You're not meant to mix it breh. Drink individually.

I drink none soda.

Don't know how fuckers actually enjoy carbonation. Fucking feels terrible in my mouth.

Also 1 million grams of sugar isn't exactly healthy

One a day, cuz im bulking and it's my treat. Ill stop when i cut though

While im cutting. i dont have it pretty much ever. I think ive had 1 coke in the past 2 months. While im bulking, ill dirnk it every now and then if i get fast food just because it comes in the combo and i dirty bulk. I wont have more than 1 a day tho.

I'm consuming about 800kcals/day, if I didn't have diet pepsi/diet 7up/carbonated water I would go crazy.

I hope you're drinking those right before working out, or at least right after. Otherwise the high-GI carbs will just go straight to fat & not be used to do any useful work/restore your glycogen stores.

Been there, don't do this for too long.

When losing weight that hard, you'll want to take a break every once in a while, calculate your maintenance based on current bodyfat% & weight, and eat at maintenance to get your lipid/insulin sensitivity back to normal levels. Slowly ramp your calories back up to your maintenance (e.g. 2500 or whatever) and stay at that level for a bit (you shouldn't be gaining any real weight) and then very slowly ramp them back down to continue weightloss.

Use a bodyfat caliper & waist circumference to measure progress, they are less sensitive than a scale (which can make you "chase the needle")

Also if you're doing low-carb consider doing a carb cycle every once in a while. Make sure to get enough protein to avoid muscle loss, BCAA heavy whey in the morning, casein in the evening to prevent your body from going catabolic over night.

Is coke zero okay to drink?

read the thread

The fuck kind of measurement is "soda"?

In a year I'll have less than an american pint. There's no point in drinking it for anything other than the taste. All you need is one swig of liquid candy and you're set.


Had one today after three weeks without it, regret it desu.

im drinking cranberry lime right now. the lime variations are my favorite probably