Anti-depressants and Lifting - Cipralex

Hey Veeky Forums, after a couple years of being consumed by my anxiety it has finally got me on my knees.
Today I got a prescription for 10mg of "Cipralex". I've researched the drug pretty thoroughly but I want to get some feedback from some of you guys who have taken Cipralex/some other type of anti-depressant.
>Does it affect your drive/motivation to go to the gym?
>Does it lower your libido to the point of having ED?
>Have these pills helped with your overall wellbeing
>If not, what did they do to you instead?

Thanks Veeky Forums, love you guys

listen here goober, everyone's different, meaning every brain is different. you have to try it for yourself and see what works for you, could be cipralex, could be another antidepressant, who fucking knows. just start that shit, and take it day by day. if it makes you feel like shit for a while, go back to your doc and tell him it doesn't work. he'll probably give you something else.

Thanks user, I understand that. I'm just trying to hear others' experience's with it just so I know what I can POTENTIALLY go through, all love though! Have you taken any?

>>Does it affect your drive/motivation to go to the gym?
It might.
>>Does it lower your libido to the point of having ED?
It might.
>>Have these pills helped with your overall wellbeing
It might.
>>If not, what did they do to you instead?
Took zoloft for a few months during a bad time in my life. It gave me diarrhea for the first week, and gradually lessened the existential pain I had been feeling, but not to the point of going away. I was a bit overwhelmed when I got off of it, as if I was experiencing my emotions for the first time, but that lasted a few days tops.

Citalopram didn't affect me much for the few weeks I was on it, just felt hornier when I got off of it.

I'd say SSRIs are a bit like horse blinders. They make you more dull to your emotions, which is great if emotions are getting in the way of you living life the way you want to. The important thing is to take action while you're on them, otherwise you might find your mental state returning to where it was before you started taking them.

Good luck OP

green text cuz long story
>doc puts me on effexor
>anxiety is mild but take it anyway
>wake up next day, have first ever panic attack while driving to class
>thought i was about to die
>have several more panic attacks that week
>develop bad anticipatory anxiety about panic attacks
>enter limbo for next several months where I have crippling anxiety some days
>constantly focused on myself, how i'm feeling, bodily sensations
>think i'm developing schizophrenia
>continue to scare myself with "what ifs"
>continue to suffer for two months

lasted for the better part of 2014. shit fucked me up bad, but a lot of it was my own doing. still super scary though.

just started zoloft a few days ago and I feel like it actually does help my anxiety enough to focus and I dont get so lightheaded during workouts but again I just started

I was always a bit shy but never to the point of having social anxiety, until I took effexor.

Fuck That Shit

I'm actually on Cipralex and it helps me a lot. I haven't had an anxiety attack since December last year and it has stabilized my mood.
To answer your questions:
- It has affected my motivation for the gym. I'm much more motivated.
- My libido was shot because of depression so for me it has now gone up. No ED since grill..
- it has helped my wellbeing drastically

>falling for the psych med meme

Good goy.

Thanks for the feedback everyone! I appreciate it

Been diagnosed for 3 years with depression. here we go.

I had to google it but it turns out it's just plain old escitalopram. This drug is more commonly known as Lexapro so try googling for it under that name too.

I took Lexapro for 2 months before moving on.

>Does it affect your drive/motivation to go to the gym?
No, this is an antidepressant. It lifts your mood by blocking seratonine re-uptake. It does not affect motivation directly, but when you're less depressed you're more likely to stick to your schedule and less likely to spend the day in bed being a sad cunt. So maybe indirectly?

>Does it lower your libido to the point of having ED?
I didn't get lower libido or ED. What I did get is that it was very hard to finish. Not impossible, but hard. Since I've never had any premature ejaculation issues this was bad for me, but if you're quick on the trigger that could be good for you.

>Have these pills helped with your overall wellbeing?
They did. They're worth taking. They made massive change and they showed me that my perception of reality was covered by this "fog" of depression.

>If not, what did they do to you instead?
I ended up changing them after 2 months due to the sexual issues described above. I tried about 4 more antidepressants (taking each for 2 months) until I settled on Valdoxan. Took that for almost two years and it helped me (and had no side effects) but it didn't cure me. After 3 years of this, my GP diagnosed me with treatment resistent depression and sent me to a psychiatrist who added Brintellix to it. So now I'm taking Valdoxan + Brintellix daily.

But these are just my experiences, yours probabaly will be different.

Valdoxan is bretty good m8, it makes life less soul-shattering all round with relatively light side effects but actually made me more anxious and edgy when I first got onto it.
What did adding brintelix do for you? At this point for me, it's that, ECT or the new IV ketamine trial for me and I'm pretty well out of options.

This is so fucked. Are you supposed to just eat anti depressents for the reset of your life? Do you have a job, friends, family, hobbies and all those things?

Man i always used to post that pic
Dillett's shoulders/arms look extra freakish, even when compared with pther top guys ie:dorian, ronnie, ruhl, etc

Thanks for the info, I really appreciate it. I know man, his shoulders are absolutely insane!!!

Wellbutrin works freaking great for energy and libido.

I'm bipolar though so I need to take other stuff to counter it's awesome effects.

Some people are just unlucky to have a malfunctioning brain. Left without antidepressants they'll be depressed forever.

Not all depressed people obviously.

it take citalopram as well. 20mg. Basically nothing in my life has changed except i dont have anxiety to quite the level that I used to. it takes a lot now to make me have a panic attack. Still laugh and have fun and enjoy doing things.

>mfw it worked out really really really well for me and gives me part of my life back.
>still get boners

1. They help me to fell more motivated
2. Dick strong like bull
3. Yes
4. Coffee actually helps too if you're not already drinking it

Maintaining a garden and watching stuff grow can be quite satisfying

>little reminder that, in most cases, anti depressants are no better than placebo

I hope you didn't think that I was knocking the onion guy by posting that. If it makes the old guy happy then power to him.

This, gardening is pretty satisfying even if it's just a few veg and herbs. Growing stuff from seed is even more fun too.

You're not even Trying user, at least the vegans make the effort of posting spurious studies to back their outlandish claims in their threads; your effort smacks of pure lazines.
3/10, and that's being generous.

Adding Brintellix just raised my mood even more. Valdoxan prevented me from slumping into depressive episodes and with added Brintellix I actually have days now when I'm genuinely happy and people around can see it. It also seems to help me a bit with focus and productivity. For now it's a good combo without any side effects except bit of ED (that seems to come and go) and being unable to finish sometimes.