Veeky Forums
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Health #371
Find A Gym Bro
Forearm Gains?
Mfw drinking tea without sugar for the first time
How to increase your height!
Veeky Forums, how do you achieve special forces/mercenary mode?
Veeky Forums completely BTFO again
Spend the the first 5 years of my 20's counting macros and lifting
Would i see some gains after 3 months of lifting 4-5 days a week for 1.5 hours with pre workouts...
Why is life so unfair?
Good feels thread
What kind of drugs should I be familiar with if I want to be in the special forces (specifically Navy SEALs)...
DNP Thread
Post your first rep face
"accidental" nude mires
5 year progress, Thoughts?
Chad doesn't even THINK about macros. Chad doesn't even KNOW what macros are. Hell...
Are you lonely Veeky Forums? How do you cope with it ?
You Will Never Look Good Unless You Juice
Height = easy mode
Oh hi there wagecucks. Better go to bed soon. It's getting late you have work tomorrow. You don't wanna be late...
How does one achieve Chad god mode?
This is the fate that awaits all "high test" girls. All
Greek God Mode
Too-good-to-be-true ice cream
How do I get girls to send nudes?...
Has anyone here managed to go from kv/incel to actual friends/gf...
Is this achievable natty?
Scooby hates manlets
Did intermittent fasting work for you? Tell me about your own experience with this diet
What's your opinion on multi vits? I heard they kill people, but if someone is poor and malnourished...
Good vegetaria protein
Fit Chicks
Chad LITERALLY eats pizza everyday and here you are tracking your macros like a fucking autist...
Aside from all ethical or moral arguments which I really don't care about (I'm a nihilist)
What is best to have, HEIGHT, FACE or FRAME?
I feel like my newfound gains will always be offset by the fact that my teeth are crooked...
Should I do it Veeky Forums? I haven't been laid in a month, I need to get my dick wet. She's high test...
Red-pill me on Chipotle Veeky Forums
Awaken My Masters
If you're not a Chad then girls will love you less
/Cutting General/
24 years old
White girls do it better
You ever getting married Veeky Forums ?
Size 32x32 master race reporting in
Is it acceptable to squat on the smith machine if all squat racks are full?
We all make it eventually
Be me
Says that we're all gonna make it
Dry skin general
Reasons to lift power rankings
Pic related
Mark Rippetoe is a Fraud
Don't lie, you lift for girls
Current Body Thread
What's wrong with my body? How do I fix it?
Our king knocks it out of the park with another video
Who is Anthony Recker and what is he known for?
CBT - Current BACK Thread
His foot size is less than 10
Real question
What are your favorite fitness related resources other than Veeky Forums?
How does it feel knowing that, no matter how ripped youre, a tall guy will ALWAYS make you his bitch?
ITT: Fitness Myths That You Used To Believe
I been gone for 6 months. No Fit, no YouTube, no social media
Is Calories In Calories Out a myth, or does the type of calorie count?
Every time you hit the gym HARD, just remember that CHAD has been having orgies with PIZZA since age 12
How much water do you guys drink everyday to stay fit?
Here's an easy 1000+ calorie shake I thought I'd share with you guys, it's pretty delicious
Reps for jesus?
It this thread post images that trigger /fit
BBTD 115: Grandpa Piana edition
Sex is actually decent cardio?
Rippetoe Squats or Olympic?
Guys Get Photoshopped With Men's Ideal Body Types
How to make oats not suck?
Tfw you realise only reason Scooby is so ripped because he drinks brotein, no wonder I can't build muscle
Is sodium even THAT bad for you if you drink enough water?
Did being muscular ever turn out as a disadvantage in a situation for you?
Who /abstinence/ here?
Calisthenics thread. Post routines and tips
Women on Youtube BTFO by the king of Veeky Forums
Does skipping leg day have any actual consequences?
How do I unlock Genova mode?
Tfw powerlifter and dating a crossfitgirl
/OWG/ OLYMPICS Weightlifting General
Okay Veeky Forums, let's see how smart you are
Who of you is actually experiencing this?
/fhg/ /FPS/ fat hate general fat people stories
What's a better shoulder press, standing or sitting?
Cheat day
Be lifting for 5 years
Height/Face/Frame are Troll memes
Morning routine
Cut or Bulk?
Guys, please be my hugbox here
No matter how much you lift you'll always be too ugly to fuck/date hot/beautiful women
Too broke to afford gym membership
Skinny guys get photoshopped to be less skinny guys
/framelet general/
Aw, Shit! It's group of 10yo kids! Quick! Put on your chad face!
Why even try
Can I go from Zero to Chad in 3 months given I have a good physique, nice face, medium social skills and dress well??
Why are you lifting Veeky Forums
/plg/ - powerlifting general
Does Veeky Forums show off their aesthetics on tinder or not ?
If I can run a 5k am I in relatively good cardio shape?
Is dating a bi girl a good idea?
What can I expect?
You OHP with 80-100kg for 5 sets of 5. You prefer OHP because it's much safer and smarter than the other possible lifts...
I work at a franchise GNC. Ask me anything about the store you have questions about
For half a year now, I drove 10km every single day on that thing
I have this on my dick
Post your health issues in this thread
How did you cure your depression?
Is this achievable natty?
High test thread
Is it going to be alright?
We're on our way!
Is there a chance to marry Alex from the Hodgetwins? I think I'm in love ;.;pai
Why are you drinking whole milk? It'll get you fat you know
Waddup Veeky Forums
BF% estimate thread
Hey Veeky Forums
This is very appealing to me, I'm not gay but this is very appealing
Womanlets are the same as manlets
/quitting sugar/
Fit Humour Thread
What is the perfect height?
Why is cardio so fucking horrible?
Non-smokers and smokers' rights
How tall are you and what's your ideal weight?
Benching less than a plate
Go from 255 to 190
Motivation meems
Ask A Nurse Anything
Sexual Health General
Bench press is a meme
I FUCKING bought vanilla flavored whey protein powder and it tastes like shit. How do I make it not taste like shit?
Should I just chug back 4 scoops of this and call it a day or will I not live to my 40's?
I am probably the highest bodyfat lifter on Veeky Forums with visible abs
Want to start lifting at 40. Any routine suggestions?
Examples of guys who have FACE FRAME HEIGHT
Whats the point of becoming fit for the purpose of self improvement if i cant hold a conversation for more than 30...
Soldiers developing breasts
Tinder thread
Push-up Thread
Should I buy a squat rack? Or a power rack?
Tfw the last five girls I have asked out have ultimately said or implied no
What does fit drink?
Veeky Forums - is it bad to workout 6/7 times a week?
Be redditor
FFG - Veeky Forums food general
His height starts with a 5
Big Guy Club
Chad good feels thread
Post your routine and get r8ed
/routine general/
Had first gay gym experiences
I'm done with bodybuilding
Who /fucked4life/ here?
What's up with Zinc...
You fags will argue over anything
Daily reminder that ottermode only works if
/fhg/ /FPS/ fat hate general fat people stories
Dumbbell press is just awkward and shit
Boogie 2988's latest update about his weight loss progress. Filled with excuses
Getting my calories right
/DG/ - DEVILISH General
Let's have a healthy turd thread. Post your healthy turds
What books do you guys read for confidence and mental gains...
No fit grill thread
Meal prep
DO it
When his waist size starts with 3
Volleyball Girlfriend is having a pool party for her birthday. The whole team will be there July 5th. 8 weeks to shred...
How to into Partick Bateman mode
Artificial Sweetner safe?
How many years would it take to achieve this type of physique without roids?
Yfw Arjun Seth, the based owner of protein world is a Pajeet
Fictional body goals
Post bad dates and give advice on how to improve for next time
What are some protien bars similar to quest bars but cheaper?
Be non native english speaker lurking Veeky Forums
Who do you lift for Veeky Forums?
Finally moving out Veeky Forums
I don't see any pushups thread, what is this pussery? Roll!
So basically i've just gotten into running...
Starting lifting at 29
Body will use the food in your system to gain energy, left over energy is stored as fat
What is Veeky Forums's favorite method of >cardio?
Are tendies fit approved?
/plg/ - Powerlifting general
Chad's friend BRAD is eating CALZONES while you go to the GYM
Double chin
/cutting/ general
Daily reminder that it is not about HEIGHT, FRAME, FACE. That is just a meme to make idiots insecure
Why do you lift Veeky Forums?
Have you ever asked a girl to spot you on the bench before?
Homegym thread
Yo Veeky Forums
Weigh 315 pounds
Does lifting stunt growth?
How much do you spend per day on fitness?
No Fap Day 30
Are supinated deadlifts worth it...
Tfw lifting didn't fix your life
Post surgery faggot
Veeky Forums BTFO
I'll be visiting the gym for the first time today
What's the deal with coffee? Good / bad / neutral? Why? I have a cup daily
Gf wants me to quit gym?
Tfw fatass but want to get my life on track
Muay Thai Thread
3x5 on dips and chinups?
I'm on a cut and sugar cravings are making it a living hell. I'm eating clean...
Tfw just broke up with a girl I love
Any general advice on starting DNP?
Most overrated exercises
Weigh 131 kg
How does it makes you feel?
Hello ,Veeky Forums! I’m 25, 5'4", 160 lb girl with asthma that wants to lose weight and gain a little muscle
Join our Veeky Forums skype group. It's text chat only pretty much so you can hide your autism (implying)
Why did you start lifting Veeky Forums? I did it to make my dad and pic related proud. Now I lift me and somewhat
Synthol ,not even once
Who is the best fitness youtuber and why is it megsquats?
Whats your height?
Hey Veeky Forums, do you think I've got a good enough style for girls to like me? I'm third from left
Is The Press the best measure of upper body strength?
/plg/ - Powerlifting General
Sun is here
Is bread being bad for you a Veeky Forums meme? I eat it all the time, it's delicious
Veeky Forums
Info graphics
Is there any truth to increasing your height after puberty?
Enter gym
ITT embarassing stuff that has happened to you at your gym
Veeky Forums says wide hips are a sign of shit genetics
What are you supposed to do when you are lifting and a girl just stretches in front of you were there first...
Image name thread
Fag posts halfnaked pic
Body language:
Veeky Forums, what other exercises besides squats and hip-thrusters can I do to make my glutes juicier?
Who /gave up on woman and just lifts/ here?
World Plank Record
Veeky Forums help
What is meant by frame?
Fit and females
Starting strength turns you into a t-rex
Tipped the receptionist yesterday on my way out
1987 to 2012
How would I achieve this body?
Veeky Forums PLEASE help ME
I learned today that a lot of women find big forearms a massive turn on
I feel completely fucking terrible. I feel like the Height Face Frame guy is right...
Fit how much you rest between sets
Which lift do you anons most dread?
What motivates Veeky Forums?
So, I'm a little confused. I *destroyed* my ankle. I dislocated it, and broke three bones...
AZN QT3.14's
Roast me? 1.5 years lifting. 18y/o, 155lbs
Transformation Thread
Posture check. What is wrong with me??
Is being vainy Veeky Forums?
Eating plain greek yogurt for the protein
At what point are you overtraining?
Gym Stereotypes
Historical Fitness
How do you deal with gyno? Is surgery the only option?
Please help
Everything is going good, got a new job, lost 10 lbs on my cut and feel great
I have about 1.5 months before I'm going to travel to a warm state for some time...
Long Femurs Crew
What part of my upper body do I need to work on next Veeky Forums?
Weekend Fitness feels
Liftin belts
Ive been lifting for a bit and girls are starting to notice. pic related, what the fuck do i do?im so drunk
Goal Body: Scooby Edition
Can lifting get me good friends like these?
Veeky Forums, how can I motivate myself to lose weight when looks don't matter to me? Like, not one bit...
What music do you listen to while lifting?
How I do raise my T-levels aside from working out and getting protons?
Prom was tonight
How did you quit drinking fit?
When did you realize you were going to make it?
Hi fit what is the powdery white stuff that people at my gym eat in between sets?
Last 2 digits
High test thread
Is chi/qi/prana/cosmic energy real? How can I use it to help me further my progress in becoming Veeky Forums?
I have several raised scars from self-harm from two years ago
ITT we discuss what kind of cheating /fraud/ concoction one would need in order to reach peak human performance like...
Which is better , eating before working out or going to the gym with an empty stomach ? and if it's the first choice...
That guy who eats a granola bar between sets
Raw Milk safe?
Lifting music?
So uh are we gonna talk about this?
Start eating like Veeky Forums
ITT: You're fictional goal body
/tinder/ thread
Walk into gym
Walk in
For those of you who have made it and are really starting to show results...
How many natty inches can i put on my arms in 2 weeks? I really need to get bigger arms before summer
How old is too old to get into a martial art?
When a girl stares at you in the gym, and you catch her directly like three times, should you approach?
Protein Powder Recipes
How fat would you have to be to have all kinds of loose skin after losing weight like pic related?
New Facial Transformation Thread
How the hell do you manage to eat 1800 cals/day?, i only ate 1054 yesterday and i cdnt eat more
Natty Stack General
How often do you guys drink? I'll drink maybe like 1-2 times every few months...
/plg/ + /OWG/
How much do you tip the bench spotter?
Notice something, you fucking "BBC genetics" cringey cuckkolds?
What do you do to grow calves
Any former alcoholics/addicts on Veeky Forums? did fitness help staying clean?
Hey Veeky Forums, how do I breathe?
Fit's ideals
To infinity and beyond
Tuna in oil or wate?
Trying to cut out extra sugars
Thoughts on sleeping with a 16yo at 18? It's legal here, like almost everywhere else in the world...
ITT: your goal body
Cringe thread
Grill, 26 y/o, have been lifting sporadically for a while but I've used machines, cardio and HIIT:s for a long time...
Sup bulkers of Veeky Forums, can you share what you typically eat in a day? i need ideas
Deadlift useless?
That fat fuck in the pic is me, 6 months and 40 pounds ago at my all time high of 345 at 6'4''. My target weight is 220...
Fictional body goals
Just a reminder Zyzz taught us we can all be Chad. Even a skinny brown immigrant WoW playing nerd...
Blaha getting publicised for his stolen valor b.s
Daily Reminder
Can I achieve this natty in 12 months?
/fraud/ general
Be me
/gybro/ Gym Bro General
Can we kill this calories in calories out memeing once and for all using common sense?
Ex gf posts this
Why can't you shoulder press 100s Veeky Forums? this guy is literally retarded and can do it for reps...
What are the best books about lifting, bodybuilding nutrition, etc.?
This board is full of shit. fuck all of you
What is wrong with me Veeky Forums
What whey protein you guys use? Pros; cons? Is it good value? Why do you like it? Considering getting this. Thoughts...
Breakfast Like A King, Lunch Like A Prince, Dine Like A Pauper
Tfw lifting shoes is just a meme
That guy who keeps his ass above knee level in squat
Routine Rate
Veeky Forums memes you fell for
Does it really matter if i eat clean or unclean?
Scalable Ab Routine?
Veeky Forums, do you smoke?
Breakfast rating Thread
What food do you hate that you should be eating anyway?
I'm about to hit the gym HARD for hours and meanwhile Chad will be LITERALLY eating pizza and having a threesome
Went shops
Sex after 30
Hes taller than his wingspan
No Fap
Lifting is literally now a societal meme
What did she mean by this?
Cutting questions
Do you love it?
What's the 1/2/3/4 milestone equivalent for cardio?
Who else PRAY before lifts?
Let's get motivated: Post alpha as fuck Veeky Forums pictures. bonus if from snapchat
Is my workout plan ok?
How does fit feel about skateboarding?
Who do you lift for?
Happy lifting stories
/fit, can you die from a broken heart?
Hey Veeky Forums
Among FACE, HEIGT and FRAME, which ones do you have?
/PLG/ Powerlifting General
Where does Veeky Forums fall on the Kinsey Scale?
What do you do for a living brehs? What is your salary?
Pick up a girl from a nightclub
Gains goblin parents
Is there any reason to go below 10% bodyfat except for impressing girls?
Farmer's Hands
Woman here how do I get toned arms like this 10/10 girl in this pic?
Last rep face of Veeky Forums
What do you think of my girlfriend's butt?
Veeky Forums tell me why i should front squat if i already highbar squat?
Bros, sandnigger here with a typical sandnigger body
I'm a novice lifter and started doing stronglifts 5x5 with only the olympic bar and I dont feel that tired/sore...
What ever happened to Supermang?
I-is this how you do it Veeky Forums?
Cheat meal fantasy thread
Heterosexual couples in which the man is taller than the woman have been the norm for years now. In 1980...
What do you think someone like Jon Skywalker's stack is like?
always see someone bench more than 1pl8
/sat/ - Small Accomplishments Thread
Tfw no gf after two years of natty lifting
Changed viewpoint after fitness thread
I just realized the sole reason that I lift is for an imaginary anime girl
ITT: shit normies say
Your gf starts lifting and posts pics like this on her Instagram
Current Body Thread (CBT)
Veeky Forums info graphics
Who /brad/ here?
Think I've finally achieved Chad mode
No Veeky Forums humor?
Alright lads. Can someone red pill me on STDs and condoms and all that shit?
To all my cutting bros out there
ITT your favorite sport legend
Assuming you have HEIGHT FACE FRAME
You toil for hours in the gym while chad LITERALLY eats pizza
"Hey user, can you show all my friends your abs?"
Genetic Positivity Thread!
How do we identify each other at the gym? There's a few possible anons in my gym...
Tfw people move to the side when I'm walking head on
Why don't women understand that non-homosexual men prefer the right pic over the left pic?
Tfw just fucked a chubby 50 yo asian woman
Any good diets for speeding up metabolism and loosing some weight...
How do I into Jason mode Veeky Forums
I've worked out for about a year now. At 6'4 I went from 130 to 200 and then cut to about 185...
What's this routine called?
/plg/ - Powerlifting General
Gym Fails thread
Low bar squat is an ego lift that involves less muscle than a high bar squat or front squat...
5.5 inches
Tfw you realize you can take conor mcgregor because he's a manlet
DNP General
Get high test qtgf at uni
Mistress Vayntrub's Femdom Gym
Gf keeps buying 2% milk instead of whole milk because she says it's healthier...
Increasing pullups
Mass Vs. Technique
How can Veeky Forums and skinny women even compete?
Tell me about the female regulars at your gym
How the fuck do I get out of a gym membership?
Daily reminder:
How to get a muay thai physique without actually doing muay thai?
How do I learn to cook, Veeky Forums?
Be me
Zyzz the god
Veeky Forums Café
Is sriracha the ultimate normie meme food?
mfw I dedicate 100% of my free time transforming my pudgy body into a solid physique and finally get the tumblr girl I...
Look at the envy in his eyes. The pain he must be feeling to be dwarfed by someone...
Holy shit do I now realize how annoying and fucking useless girlfriends are
How to achive this enormously big shoulders ?
My gf got drunk and was kissed by another girl with cheering all around from their group
He stops at 5 reps!
To become fit
Most aesthetic man
"Hey user, do you think my butt has got bigger from these squats?"
I have a fuck ton of Men's Health magazines from when I had to sell subscriptions in high school so I figured I'd buy...
Are you taller than your dad Veeky Forums
High test women, high test, truth, actually low test
I am a weak, weak womanlet, Veeky Forums. Please help
Lifting music thread?
Why shouldnt I mix my PWO with monster instead of water?
Is lifting supposed to do this to your arms
How do the womanlets/chicklets/femlets of Veeky Forums feel when a woman like this walks in?
I thought high test women were a meme
My girl saw how happy i was lifting and wants in on that too...
Sister sees my home gym
Which supplements do you take and why, Veeky Forums?
Mfw there are females on here
Will lifting get me a hot beurette gf?
Have ultimate aesthetic body
If I wanted too get 'big' natty, or as big as I can possibly get when lean...
How does this make you feel Veeky Forums?
When's the last time you had fast food?
Who do you lift for?
What did you do today?
Why are Trump supporters always more fit than leftycucks?
Bouldering&rock climbing
How the fuck do you guys eat so much protein a day and how the fuck do you afford it?
How do I bulk in jail bros
Im looking for a resource filled to the fucking brim with simple healthy recipes
Does anyone else listen to podcasts while lifting?
Can we have a sports thread? Do you guys play any sports? Or just pick things up?
Does Veeky Forums sardine?
Hey there Mr. user. What kind of cut do you want?
What's Veeky Forums eating on tonight? This is my dinner, if it looks like shit it kinda is
Redpill me on bodyweight exercises, Veeky Forums
CBT: stylin on these bitches
What do I do w/ these icy 'nans Veeky Forums?
Go outside for a cardio run
Who else here 4 scoops?
If you arent willing to fuck a bbw then youre a puny manlet that will never be high test
Can you do the Barkley Marathon?
U mirin' bros?
Fat shaming thread
How do I into this mode? Gimme a daily caloric intake and a routine
Hi, /fitizens/
Martial Arts?
/fraud/ general
So according to normies this cripple is supposed to be inspirational/motivational or some shit because he doesn't have...
The last three digits of your post is your new bench press max
Do high test threads help you lift or just make you masturbate or both?
How much do I have to bench to get a grill like this?
Shit guys! I really fucked up this time. I had a couple slices of pizza... what do I do now?
Routines and builds
Help me out please
I want to fill my emptyness and loneliness by getting a dog
This woman has a better jawline than you
Veeky Forums - Fit Ideals Thread
> tfw cant grow a beard
Did Veeky Forums know that going vegan can change your eye color over time?
How many matches do you get on Tinder now that you are fit Veeky Forumsizen?
What's /fit having for their (cutting) breakfast?
Nutrition and Physique Experts report in
Tfw you're lifting heavy ass weights while CHAD is Making America Great Again
This is my average lunch
What's Veeky Forums's opinion on maxx chewning?
Feels thread
Rage as Motivation
Veeky Forums help, the more I lift the more my test grows
Red pill me on milk
Where can I find supreme test level women like this?
Alpha voice
NoFap General
Who here getting Veeky Forums but still miserable?
Can this be salvaged without surgery?
/cutting/ General
There are people on Veeky Forums right now who can't DL 450 lbs
Former fat guys, how long did it take you to go from 20% BF to 12%? How strict were you with your regimen?
Sushi on a cut
Does Veeky Forums like olives?
Who do you lift for?
Tfw too poor to buy a gym membership and healthy food
Arnold will die in your life time
Are stomach vacuums a legit excercise or just a meme/thing to do when you're a pro bodybuilder?
Things that make you chuckle at the gym
Come join our active Veeky Forums whatsapp group
Not being a Russian warrior
Protein filled breakfast
Low Test Thread?
Posts about high test voluptuous girls
That guy who wears basketball shorts to the gym
Where were you when bostin loyd injected synthol into his titties (among other substances into different body parts)...
Insert the 3 missing words below
Is Calisthenics impressive for you...
Whats your 2D/4D Veeky Forums?
Body dismorphia - fat fuck edition
Where were you when Blahautism stole valor?
How is this possible?
99% of Veeky Forums couldn't lift pic related
R8 My Progress, 1 year of working out
Why don't you guys get a job working afternoons?
Workouts for athletes
Just a meme? Also Fat gripz original vs extreme?
What does Veeky Forums think of the buffdudes?
You have to be kidding me, I'm so fucking done
Facial Transformation Thread
Am I gonna make it? I'm dead on the inside so don't bother with either insults or compliments I need facts...
I have been lifting and dieting for 3 years here's the result. I'm not happy
Scooby makes political post on his FB page
Is urbanisation the cause of obecity ?
There will never be another zyzz
Training for Tough Mudder
Traps workout on 5x5
Where were you the day Veeky Forums outsperged itself?
Inform me of your meal plans
All you have to do to be successful in life is to be attractive and no one ever lays it out for you in life
/plg/ - powerlifting general
Why are redpilled /pol/ trump supporters always more Veeky Forums than lefty cucks like Veeky Forums browsers?
Anything below 14% bodyfat objectively looks like shitty garbage (assuming you have any mass)
Be godklov
He drinks anything other than water, green tea, and coffee
When do you work out, Veeky Forums?
Grab dumbbell
Why is it always the not lifters that are cucks?
Chase squatted 496, pressed 242,5 and DL'd 507,1 at the SS challenge
If you have the time and the motivation, are there any drawbacks to high volume workouts...
Does getting Veeky Forums make you more likely to vote Trump?
Pushup thread time mis/fit/s
This is my body after 4 years of lifting
Recovery matters?
What do you think who could bench/squat/deadlift/ohp more, bernie or trump?
Why are gyms full of manlets, 90% of the men in gyms and manlets. what gives?
The fuck have you done to me Veeky Forums?
Anyone else actually like
Who else here is going to spend the rest of their lives alone?
Run into ex-gf for the first time in over a year
I live in a very poor zone
Barbell bench VS Dumbbell bench
Glutes thread
>unironically lifting for women
ITT: things that #trigger Veeky Forums
By the look of you buff guys, you all must be rolling in pussy and living a really fun and awesome lifestyle
I-I would like to start a pushup thread
Veeky Forums grills general
/FHT/ no fat hate thread? Veeky Forums i'm dissapointed
PSMF(Protein Sparing Modified Fast)
Does anyone know how to go Patrick Bateman mode?
New 8.5/10 super booty qt instagram slut in gym
What's his body fat percentage in the top versus bottom row? How the fuck did he get so much better looking?
Scoob's secret message to Veeky Forums
And.. here we go
Tfw only 6'1"
Veganism for weight loss
Fitness tinder experiment
Anyone else just feel like giving up fitness?
What would you do?
Show me your first rep face Veeky Forums
Is it possible to actually make my dick bigger? I'm fine on girth, but lacking in length, coming in at only 5.5...
One life
Well Veeky Forums?
Does anyone else work a labour intensive job and find it extremely difficult to find the motivation to lift...
Why lift when it's all about whats in your garage?
Are there women who exist who don't care about penis size...
Did becoming strong influence your political beliefs?
Tight hip flexor
How does one become Chad God mode?
Cutting Macros
How many more months till Durden mode?
/routine general/
What sport makes the best butts?
Mistress Vayntrub's Femdom Gym
just did my first barbell workout today
Cardio general
Tfw a girl leg pressed more than me today when we were switching out during rest
Meat smells up the house
Spices are great, but what are Veeky Forums approved sauces?
400lb First Time in the Gym
Does lifting make up for being Indian?
Why do strong women intimidate Veeky Forums?
Be high test
Is GOMAD a meme or does it really work?
/plg/ + /owg/
I'm a total noob, just started 5x5 strong lifts last week
Can we have a thread about this guy? What the fuck did he do exactly? How do I into Captain America mode?
Anyone here ever visited a shrink? I will soon, and I don't know what to expect. I'm kinda stressed about it
Can we get a symmetric strength dot com thread desu?
Motivational memes
Tfw I would rather plow pic related than any girl my age and she's like 3 decades older
I am 5'8
You spends HOURS on forums like Veeky Forums and REDDIT asking for a form CHECK for your SUB 4 PLATE DEADLIFT
What beer won't make me fat
Bike thread
What is the natty limit?
Getting no respect because I'm 5'8
Hey guys just joined Bannatyne's in the UK for 1 month and i couldn't believe the price £20 joining fee and then £45...
Who Would Win
That guy who says he's bulking.......during summer
Rate my physique Veeky Forums
Let's have another MILF thread to make the young women mad
/owg/ - Olympic Weightlifting General
Hoooooooollly shit
Stopped using barbells
So it begins
How is sage Northcutt natural?
The Overhead Press Megathread
Did getting Veeky Forums help with your loneliness? I'm at a point where I honestly don't see a reason to go on
That guy who wears jorts to gym
Unpopular Veeky Forums opinions
Favourite fitness youtuber?
/plg/ - powerlifting general
Low test thread? Bonus points if petite and platinum blonde
"Hey user, can we feel your arms?"
Is it possible to escape dadbod?
Just found out my girlfriend of 5 years has been getting fucked by another guy almost every single day while I'm out in...
Mirin thread
How long until you can curl 40lbs from nothing? Seems there's little need to go over that unless it's to sate your ego
Why continue lifting if one will always be a social outcast?
HEY everybody it's Jason Blaha here
Okay Veeky Forums, another poorman thread
Be honest. How has your sex life changed since you got fit?
Daily reminder that if your thighs aren't AT LEAST >30 inches you dont even qualify as human
It's all over
Hello Veeky Forums. Veeky Forums here...
She would keep her distance and out box the fuck out of every single one of you. Shes faster, more agile, and trained...
Besides muscles, is confidence really all a man needs?
How to avoid bad body odor Veeky Forums?
Bait Machines
Are tomatoes healthy to eat whole once a day?
Rate Kim K's bulk
That guy who yawns in between reps
No one cares about you
Yfw your legs/calves are naturally big from sports/genetics
I'm stalled out on everything on Starting Strength except squats, which I'd like to continue doing
Are powerlifters still "tough" if they wear nail polish?
Can TayTay s ass be saved by squats?
Is there anybody in the South of England who is healthy with no history of antibiotics willing to donate their poo to...
Enter gym
Things your non Veeky Forums friends say that make you boil with rage thread?
How to became a ninja?
Whats your opinion on /r/TheRedPill/ ?
Why is this object bad
Can we have BF% thread?
Meanwhile, in cross/fit/
Has god just given us a gift for bulking?
Creatine while cutting for aesthetics ?
Best fitness "advice" you've ever gotten?
Can you guess my squat based on this cheaters angle?
Red Pill Me On Sleep Veeky Forums
Poorfag bulking diet ?
What does Veeky Forums think of the buffdudes?
What kind of clothes does Veeky Forums like to see girls wear in everyday life? Leggings, skirts, dresses, heels...
Home gym thread? Home gym thread
This rustles Veeky Forums
Stutter "n-no sauce for me please"
Still going to the gym
/plg/ Powerlifting general
Started using EC stack yesterday using the dosage in this link:
Redpill me on why I should stop enjoying this delicious energy packed beverage
GYM cringes
Progress Thread
Rate me boys ;*
Dumbell or barbell shrugs for huge traps, Veeky Forums? I feel like DB have better rom...
This women is over 40 and I'd rather plow her than any late teen/early 20s women
Serious advice here, which exercise is best to become better at rape
Olympic Weightlifting:
How many can you do?
How do I become an interesting/charismatic person Veeky Forums?
Tfw no flexible womanlet squatting gf
I did it Veeky Forums
Do you guys workout your neck?
Is there any reason my squats should be limited by my pathetic bench of 30kg...
They say you can't spot reduce fat, but what about this?
Got a tattoo 4 days ago (now its at the flaky stage)
High Test General
Be young white male
So I heard my gym is getting new Technogym plates like pic related
What are your "no"s Veeky Forums?
No matter how much you lift
Looking for a fitness tracker app. Specifically one that will graph the distance, time...
Last threads
/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General
Video Games
/dng/ Dueling Network General
Video Games
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
Video Games
Today is the greatest day of my life. I have finally accumulated 1M LINK
/STG/ Suicide Threshold General
Food and Cooking
Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/
When will the most coin miners stop mining, because it isn't anymore profitable?
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
OmiseGO And Vitalik Buterin Donate $1 Million In Crypto To Charity For Ugandan Refugees
Warcraft Lore and RPG discussion
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
/wfg/ - Warframe General
Video Games
Last time it worked
Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General
Video Games