World Plank Record

Can Veeky Forums beat the new world record

My personal best is 32 minutes, was shaking like a mother fucker.

I'll try later on today and post results, how do you plank for 8 fucking hours.

What if you need the toilet, do you just go

Nah man, you go.. That's why you won't be breaking any records.

I want to see world's longest plank guy shirtless

8minutes and 36seconds reporting in, I haven't done it often though

Meme exercise

What's the point of planking more than a few minutes? I'm more impressed by a ten second front lever than a one hour plank

if you pee and poo before starting you don't need to go to the bathroom for only 8 hours

are you 60?

Do you fags really think it's possible for 8 hours too Plank ?

>he doesn't drink two gallons of water a day

that's like a stalinist torture technique, i can't imagine it's great for you

>there are people on Veeky Forums so dehydrated that they can go without peeing for 8 hours straight

How constipated are you?

I plank on my stomach 8 hours a day when I sleep

About 4 minutes if i dont vacuum my stomach, otherwise around two minutes.

>tfw you drink about 3 gallons of water per day

lol this is actually pathetic

You do it naked, like your ancestors intended.

Just let the shit hit the floor. The smell alone will keep you determined

Planks make my lower back hurt.

you actually need to do more its making it stronger, planks is basically a stretch for lower back.

i do them before deadlifts to warm up

>tfw pee every hour


2 whole minutes

>stopping at such an evenly rounded number its like you don't even push yourself.

3mins 45 seconds and 2/3 of a nano second

What if suprise buttsex whilst attempting world record

>you actually need to do more its making it stronger
You sure? It's not fatigue or soreness it's actual pain, which I've always been under the impression is your body telling you "stop doing that shit you're gonna injure yourself".

same here, would like to know please

Michelle Obama can do them for 3 minutes. I can only do 1 minute.

I can do planks for 1 hour and I dont even give a shit


You're supposed to stop the plank the second your lower back starts sagging otherwise it can do damage.

You're also supposed to squeeze your legs and ass as hard as you can as well, and then drop as soon as your lower back comes into play. Repeat. Which works your core like a motherfucker.

Which is obviously not what anyone doing it over a minute does. Which means they're barely reaping the actual benefits of the exercise.