Did becoming strong influence your political beliefs?

Did becoming strong influence your political beliefs?

No, i always hated liberals and niggers.

>this thread
>once again

Browsing Veeky Forums is a perpetual deja vu.

time to prep the bull Breadline Bernie

>daily mail

Not only a shit source, but a confirmed right-wing site.

>Not only a shit source, but a confirmed right-wing site.

Not only a shitpost, but a confirmed redditor.

it's pretty obviously true to anyone who has ever talked to anyone while at a gym though, you buttblasted faggot

Don't waste your time on that weak cuck.

>all websites that don't cater to my beliefs are unreliable and nazi

I got into it when I was 19 and started lifting, working, going to university etc. Basically when I grew up.

Looking around at campus, I'd definitely say that weak and effeminate men tend to have liberal or leftist views.

Correlation does not imply causation. Liberals just stay weak because they don't live in the real world where things dont get handed to you on a silver platter.

>the "i dont like the daily mail because they are biased" starter pack
>The guardian

So much fucking this. Us /pol/ boards are always the most masculine.

We have masculine ideals.

We have masculine bodies.

We have masculine minds.

Then you have all the beta fucking normie lefty boards like Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums which are filled with sjw fucking faggots.

No shit. Conformance behaviors, such as a focus on morality, tradition, and social standing are associated with lower iq.

No, but I'm ready to overthrow the capitalists now rather than sit around and lament my livelihood being cucked by some faggot who thinks he deserves more for being born into wealth.

I'd rather be fucking strong and right wing than be some academic lefty fucking cuckold.

Is retard strength really masculine though?
Fascist killers were a whole lot more badass than you lot.

fucking this. I learnt more from the school of life than what those brainwashed fags learnt from uni.

Have fun being a broke ass construction worker who has status and value for 30 years only, just like your neanderthal ancestors.

Then you can be another useless bitter old man warehoused by your kids in a rest home.... and that will be the sum total of your contributions to mankind.



Well, one of the few things I like about the "lifting culture" in my country, is that most of us are right wing.
Anyway, liftin didn't change my views. I was redpilled way before that.

those men are probably 10x more masculine than you.

Enjoy bending over and taking cock from your rich masters, class cuck.

>I learnt more from the school of life than what those brainwashed fags learnt from uni.

Shitposting isn't a usefull skill you dumb faggot hahaha

>Implying that's now what he said by declaring he would rather be less intelligent and less educated
"Hey, silent resentment and behind the back shittalking is worth it as long as I have an easy identity to slip into and don't have to objectively think about what sort of life I want to live and use this paint by numbers definition of a belief system"

>I'm manly because I let other people make my decisions for me
>thinking is hard and porky already made this comfy identity for me to mold myself with

You just echoed what I said.

have fun with your worthless qualifications. all lib cucks get redpilled hard after leaving their safe space education system. probably why so many kill themselves lmao.

Am I the only one who thinks categorizing people as "left" or "right" is oversimplifying?

You're in that pic, aren't you?

Can confirm

Hard right natsoc breh here. All the weak faggots I know have weak faggot ideology.
All the lifting brehs I know don't pander to women and feminine politics.

If you aren't on the right wing you're never gonna make it

>unironically saying strength > intelligence
>implying you can't be strong and smart
>not wanting to be truly masculine in every aspect

Correlation isn't causation.

The most likely explanation is: weak men compensate for their weakness in two ways - by working to become stronger and by adopting harsher, more pragmatic worldviews.

don't give 4channers a headache

Used to be a moderate liberal blue pilled faggot and now I lift for the Fuhrer

>being a bootlicker
>making it


Hows that breeding with females going, senapi?

Of course. There's an online political compass that adds another dimension to it, Authoritarian/Libertarian. I like that addition.

So Stalin would be Authoritarian Leftist whereas Pinochet would be Authoritarian Rightwing.

>bicep size
Wouldn't that be influenced by fat

Oh for fucks sake stop believing correlations people pull out of their ass. They don't mean anything. I could find a correlation between pool drownings and nicholas cage films

When I started lifting I realised that a lot of people don't get far in their life because they can't put in hard work. Then I realised that those people shouldn't just rely on the rest of the country to look after them and bang i became a conservative

Over time people who achieve things, even modest things, start to hold less sympathy for those who don't. When I was younger I was typical liberal faggot. Everyone is hard done by. Anyone who doesn't have a good life doesn't have one because they've been stopped from doing so by some sort of institutional prejudice or disadvantage.

I still have some sympathy for people who are born into shit and never had a chance. I remember watching the Wire and it occurred to me that fuck, some kids are literally born to crack head mothers with no father. How are they meant to go and make something out of themselves when their mom cant even feed them or send them to school? They're fucked from the beginning.

But people born to crack heads are such a tiny minority, and over time you start to realise that for the vast majority of people, any background can easily be overcome with even modest amounts of work and personal responsibility.

I was a skelly and now I'm 50lbs heavier and can lift to a decent enough standard that my friends and people at the gym acknowledge that it's something I'm good at. I looked like shit and now I don't look like shit.

Having gone from a twink to someone reasonably Veeky Forums I just can't listen to anyone's story about how it's impossible for them. It simply isn't. I've done it.

Same goes for work. I was unemployed and poor as fuck and in huge debt. Now I'm debt free and have a modest sum of money in the bank, almost enough to own my own home.

Almost anyone can have a happy and successful existence if they're willing to work for it. And not even work THAT hard.