Hey Veeky Forums, how do I breathe?

Hey Veeky Forums, how do I breathe?

I know this sounds fucking retarded, but hear me out.
I feel like I'm barely breathing at resting state, until I make a light conscious attempt of taking a breath once in a while. There's got to be some level of oxygen deprivation going on with shallow breathing like this. I don't have asthma or anything I'm aware of. Are there any breathing exercises I should do?

yeah here's one, do some cardio you weak-willed, soft-hearted, futile excuse for a human pussy

You dont even get human pussy, cuck

Look up the book
The Science of Breath by Yogi Ramacharaka
Has some very solid exercises
Other than that, regular cardio, relaxation exercises and meditation helps alot.

I ride my bicycle to class everyday, my cardio is fine. I'm not fat either, and this one thing I noticed about all the fat people I meet is that they breathe audibly and a lot. Mine is no where near that, my whole life pretty much.

>I'm bad at breathing
>my cardio is fine guise
obviously the short, leisurely bike ride to work is doing wonders for you. Keep up the great work champ! You're clearly in top physical shape.

Have fun continuing to fail...I'll be getting some more human pussy

>I'm bad at breathing
>my cardio is fine guise
obviously the short, leisurely bike ride to work is doing wonders for you. Keep up the great work champ! You're clearly in top physical condition.

Have fun continuing to fail...I'll be getting some more human pussy

Real salty Veeky Forums. I guess the insecurity is real here.

Not everybody requires the same amount of air in their lungs. Tidal volume varies from person to person and yours may just be naturally low. Maybe your lungs are smaller or your body in general is smaller but your body knows how to take care of itself as far as functions like breathing so just don't fret about it unless you start feeling ill.

>"hey guys I have a problem"
>"this might be a solution"
>"wooooow guys are you stupid? I don't have a problem like that, duh"

So most people breathe "backwards", meaning they pause after exhaling. There's no oxygen going to your cells post exhale, so its ineffective.

Work, consciously, on doing the opposite. Pause on the inhale, then release and let the next inhale come naturally, pause, exhale, repeat.

And yes you have to practice this because you'll be retraining your body. Spend some time breathing consciously.

breathe through your nose and fill your lungs from the bottom up, feel your pelvic floor and obliques expand, and then your stomach push out, and then finally your chest expand. you can also test this by laying on the ground on your back and trying to touch the floor with your lower back with each breath you take.

>source- swimmer, wind instrument player, 3pl8 squatter

This makes so much sense, thanks.

Have you tried touching your tongue mid-yawn?

I have the same fucking problem! No one understands. It's fucking annoying! It's like "manual breathing." Makes it hard to go to sleep sometimes.

I found it might be tied to anxiety. Been thinking about seeing a doctor but I currently do an exercise. Breathe in through the nose using your stomach, and breathe out with pursed lips in a circular shape through the mouth until your stomach is sucked in. Repeat. Do this a few times a day as exercise focusing on diaphragm instead of chest. You'll feel shitty for a few breaths after but then you'll usually even out a bit.

I think it's sad that we have to mention it's human pussy we're getting

not that I get any pussy at all or anything


>Dr. Pavel, I'm CIA

>tfw I sometimes stop breathing while sleeping

Can confirm anxiety causes this.

>Get food stuck in my throat as a child
>Choke for half a minute
>Always concious about my breathing for months

Breathe normally now even when I do think about it, but I didn't do anything to fix it so I can't help.

Not only that but you are also blinking consciously

dr pavel i'm cia

>Challenge people to staring contests with as much as they are willing to bet
>Get rich from staring at people
No problem dude

Are you a big guy?

Breathe in through your nose, 1, 2, 3. This needs to be all the way through your diaphragm.
Hold 1, 2, 3,
Breathe out through your nose 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Very easy, Dr. Pavel

>17 posts in and only 1 banepost

I'm disappointed Veeky Forumsizens