Cont from last thread. Lads you fucked it now try and salvage it.
/tinder/ thread
>Whats your number
Any tren
>Lets prove it
Say if your easy what's your mums number
What age is your granny
Good to know but first things first if you ain't lifting we ain't shifting.
Think I'll go with a combination of these
How much you weigh (kg)
Ask her if she comes with or without a child from a previous relationship.
Say your granny eat muck
And now we wait
pics of her profile
im mirin the smug chad emoji user
kinda cringey, just say than youd have no problem giving me your number
Listen buddy its too late now lets embrace it
Boys and girls im i shredded
Why not just add a "haha" or "i like bbc" at the end you cuck
i swear all of these pick up lines don't even work on british girls
> tfw you use cheeky ones and barely get an answer
> tfw you compliment her barely get an answer
the fuck
gonna hook up with this chick later tonight
eheee... n1 m8
Gutentag enjoy that
I think you're just ugly m8
why would they match with me then kek
this is her body
> tfw I can't tell if hight test or just chubby
what have you done to me Veeky Forums
She's potentially high test
i'm really suspecting a severe case of spaghetti, one girl literally said to me " nice thighs and ass " on tinder and then unmatched with me
That girl would probably eat you buddy run while you can
On the bright side she doesn't look like she'd be fast
Calling a girl easy is an instant fail you dimwit.
I really feel like I can mold her into a sexy 10/10 goddess
she has the genetics to be gorgeous
with a few squats here and there and little time on the treadmill, she'd be perfect
Listen every message was selected from one of these threads, we can only blame ourselves.
Also bit of a backstory her bio says she's 'extremely easy to talk to'
you could mold her into jello with all that jelly
Hold on buddy her face looks like Quasimodo there's no amount of squats/ physical transformation that would overshadow that monstrosity :(
Ask her if she wants to go to Holland with you and get something to eat
she is a bit overweight, currently a 6/10, could become an 8 if lost all that weight.
Fair point buddy
her upper body is thin.. she just has big hips
shes like medium test
Are you serious on a obesity scale a 6/10 maybe damn
Not the best body, but them thighs look nice.1
The only nice looking thing in that photo is the iphone
OP here new match lets fucking go hmu with the best openers
> I think iTunes made a mistake, you're the hottest single of the year
she's a bot though
Ask if she makes music
Hey Mattie if I told you You had a great body would you hold it against me ?
who the fuck names their kid mattie
also no body pic = catfish
Knife that shit
Verified on facebook
She has body pics in the album
hello, ghetto kendall jenner
Do you even lift mate?
The gods have decided
> picking the shittiest pickup line
Pretty piss
And what was your suggestion kid?
> getting butthurt over someone not liking your shitty pickup line
>asked if you contributed whatsoever
>edgy meme response
No God decided that, you should have gone with the iTunes one you flaming dingbat
She's fat. She's below 5/10 to me so she doesn't even register on my radar. But I think it's safe to assume you don't get laid that often so go for it brah.
Not him. This is super cringey. I bet you don't even lift.
I dont, but I'm actually attractive
I'm out of her league, but I see great potential in her
Is that actually you're pic on tinder hahaha madman
cool story brah
Alright bro wtf is that. Both in reference to the girl and to the response