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Is this sample routine decent? I feel completely burned out during this blast, and feel like changing my routine could possibly ease things up.

as asked in the previous thread,
Sure, roids are magic, but you need the incanation.
How "magical" are we talking? I've heard comparisons of a 6 month work of a natty lifter is 1-2 months for a roider.

>How "magical" are we talking?
depends on a variety of variables

It depends, there are too many variables honestly. Part of the advantage of using roids is that you can train harder, longer and more often than a natty. So a lot of the crazy progress some dudes on roids make is due to enhanced training as much as it is to "dur herr cheat mode"-muscle building.

If you train half ass as a natty, you're going to have underwhelming (albeit better) results on roids. If you bust your ass, it's magic.

eating OK, taking enough protein + supps.
I try to go hard as possible, 6 times a week with saturday being rest (abcabcx)

And i try adding 2.5kg every time I train.

How long are you in the gym for, what's your routine look like, how much protein and how big is your surplus, are you getting enough sleep, etc., etc.

If you eat well and enough, get enough sleep and train hard, frequently, with a solid routine, then you'll see some damn good progress.

How much and how fast, no one can tell you.

Unless you have shitty genetics. Can't help you there.

I do all five exercises my routine has planned for the day. Sometimes it might take an hour, or two. Just really depends. Also throw in a sixth if I can handle it.
Its basically a glorified ppl, (abc) set that you can find on reddit, with me removing shit such as snapcity rows and replacing it with cable rows, etc.
>bicep and back day
>deadlift, lat pulldowns, hammer curls and reverse bar curls, cable rows, rear delt machine.
I'm taking approx 1g of protein for every lb, sometimes overdoing it with the chicken and shit. Surplus is around ~300.
Not doing too well on sleep though. getting about 6-7 hours erryday.

We're opportunists, bimbo

Taking advantage of these lucrative ventures for profit

No I just take 5-10mg of var a day to waste money,time and troll fraud obvz

Looks pretty good. Get more sleep, and you're going to need a bigger surplus if you're roiding. 300 is too easy to fuck up by over/underestimating what you eat. 500 kcal at least, I'm sure some would suggest 1000 minimum. I'll let you research that on your own.

Although really, I didn't get on the juice until I was very close to my potential, and I'm glad I waited. I'd give it a couple more years of solid training and diet unless you're a jacked motherfucker already.

>low frequency and you have mentioned that you don't use periodization, don't know enough of your training to comment one
I always did the bro-split, but it's but volume anyway.

When i hit plateau, i always try different exercises.

>these statements are so wrong you can't use numbers like that both training and nutrition is important
Of course they are both important, but diet is way more important than training.

quantifying those two, would be like 70% for diet and 30% for training.

do o u wan do see the benis bb?

only been lifting for a year. (last month was the anniversary, had chicken)

I'm just tired of seeing these 3 dudes at my gym surpass me like nothing (they've only been here for four months, deadlift more than me and have huge bicep benis veins)
and then they claim
meanwhile their shoulder is acne heaven

lord in heaven forgive me for being tempted to the dark side

yo i forgot to mention
if I pinned my virgin quad yesterday, (need to pin tomorrow) should I repin the same quad, my left quad, or wuh
How long should I wait to repin a spot? (my needles are only 1 inch, and people say not to pin ur ass wid it)

If you pay me to look at it

If you want to do them, do them

It's not like you're going to make less progress by roiding before natty pot is hit, assuming you are dedicated and continue improving your routine


what's goin on over there in Kuwait.

>I always did the bro-split, but it's but volume anyway.
Seems like you are unaware that even if volume is the same higher frequency will lead to more gains.
>When i hit plateau, i always try different exercises.
Maybe try using periodization instead

>Of course they are both important, but diet is way more important than training.
>quantifying those two, would be like 70% for diet and 30% for training.
I think this is dependent on how efficient you are at both

Like tumors

Try to alternate sites as much as you can. Once a week or less is ideal, to minimize scar tissue build up, but I when I was using prop I pinned the same spot more often than that.

If you're fairly lean you might be able to pin your ass with 1", but it's probably not worth the risk. I vastly prefer pinning my glutes, although aspirating with one hand is a challenge. You are aspirating, right?

It's a life changing decision. It's worth taking one's time. I mulled it over for a year before taking the plunge.

link to a good guide within the context of this periodization method?

with other words, i can make more gains and i'am just wasting my time breh.

okay smart ass. Assuming you're both doing it efficient, then diet would have more priority.

example; you want to lose weight, you're training your ass of, but your diet is shit.

in that context diet would be more important than training. Because even without training you can lose weight with a good diet. kcal in > kcal out

implying you don't wanna be hold by roellys massive arms

He's not you, masT

So yeah
I am implying that

How much Arimadex for my first cycle?

Doing Test E 250mg E3D for 12 weeks.

Box I'm looking at has 28x 1mg tablets.

Use asin.

i wish i had his insane genetics

but not his face.

when are we gonna see your pics?


>link to a good guide within the context of this periodization method?

Because even without training you can lose weight with a good diet. kcal in > kcal out
If you eat in a surplus but don't train you probably wouldn't gain that much muscle but a good chunk of fat

you should always be using as much volume as you can recover from, regardless of natty status

Why do you want a girls pics? Gross.

.5 eod if you need it

When you make a fucking instagram with me duh

I ask because I don't know how much I can recover from, especially if I'm gonna start taking test. I know that the body can take a lot more when on roids, so I wasn't sure how much I should up my routine by.


but if don't eat enough while training. you woudn't gain muscle either

we can go on like this forever



give me +- 1 month to get ripped.

so find out and go from there

>we can go on like this forever
exactly both are important, nutrition is slightly more importanter but not as important as big biceps


I almost shat myself, since I sent some guy £676 instead of £6.76 for some bitcoin.

Thank fuck he noticed.


>since I sent some guy £676 instead of £6.76 for some bitcoin

fuck you, bicep is the most important

I wonder if I affected the average price of bitcoin there.

oh fuck meant that biceps were more importanter

probably not desu

At least now I can get my Nolva.

>see if I can smoke weed without anxiety
>can, not really all that anxious, just think about death the whole time
>smoke weed 4 days straight
I have seen the Underverse.

Anyone have any good porn sites that suit the tastes of a bodybuilder? Only thing I go to Reddit for is porn and drugs but lately it's lacking.

ESTP, H is bad for you. Why can't you be a normal millenial and binge drink+pot+MDMA+adderall+phenibut?

Seriously though, H is bad mmkay

Who do you guys use for legal research peptides? I was thinking of getting some pt141 and mt2.

Blue sky, Maxim, med chem?

Bicep routine? Muh long arms make my bis look smaller.

That's what you say every month you dysmorphic shill

Idk I did all that in my pre/teens like a normal person

Besides this time it was fentanyl.... I'd say h is better but got more fent for the same cost and fent seems to last longer

I've done a lot of drugs in the past. Not much is new anymore

What I really want is k but it's apparently gunna be a process cuz no one has it here

It's my absolute favorite

been taking aromasin 10mg ed. by itslef because i'm bored. 1.5 weeks in and ive never seen my jawline look this awesome. more people should fux with ai's off cycle imho

does tren kill anybody else orgasms?

no problem with getting hard, strong desire, but i cant finish

wat do?

raise test? add caber? hcg?

My last order from Blue Sky was legit.

Nothing wrong with a little Special K.

The thought makes me quiver

Dat delicious, delicious nose cereal

... I have no words for you

It's one of the few things I completely agree with mast on. Diet is way more important than how you train.

I swear bars are insane for networking. Got another client from it. Shook my head at bar whore. What kind of grimey hoe wants to fuck in a bathroom? So desperate for dick they can't wait to go back to my place? Red flag.

th-those eyes!

Haha, see if you can get a different strain, definitely makes a difference

>being a roided up alpha male
>still doing something as pathetic and faggy as watching porn

Are you not ashamed of yourself mossad?

>What I really want is k
Isn't that some kind of cow tranquilizer.

Don't know why fags like it so much for their sex binges

You're just 2joocy4them

Was the order somewhat recent?

first time going from blast to cruise (600mg test-e to 150mg), what should I expect?
would there be much benefit of cruising on just barely supraphysiological levels ~250mg a week instead of 150mg which is high natty levels for me?

Maybe, I've tried two different high CBD strains, think the first might've been a bit better, it's mostly been the second strain though. High THC strains just kill me with anxiety.

You won't notice much.

>for me
How are we supposed to know.

About a month ago.

why tears?

Tech yeah

It's a dissociative

I can't say I'd care at all for it for sex, so no answer there, but I love going for walks/jogs on it

Feels amazing

I bet working out on it would be fun, but there's a fair chance you'd hurt yourself and not realize


bumping. Really want to unserstand more, will cont to lurk of course and try to learn myself aswell.

just disregard the
>for me
and the lack of information
am novice on roids as in I could still make gains on 250mg of test a week so what would be the pros/cons of highnatty level cruise vs low supraphysiological .. probably health wise better to go highnatty but only way to be sure would be to get bloods done

what would you recommend

smoking less at once and taking it slower also helps, keep searching for a strain you like and it's 10x better than sitting riddled with anxiety wondering if it's worth it

Imo the difference is negligible between the gains you'd make/keep on one and the health you'd keep on the other.

I'd probably go with 250 because if a 600mg test cycle somehow wrecked you you aren't made for roids anyways.

>doing rec drugs

you guys are fucking losers lol

my health atm is fine but I was more concerned on is there any long-term (health) benefits on trying to stay low on dosages

P much
Some people seem to be able to use drugs semi regularly and still keep shit together but most ppl are just fukt

Just did my first pin ever. Chose my VG. Didn't feel a thing. I brewed it myself.

If I'm still alive in the morning I'll hit you up.

Was only 100mg though.


Fent is a very cold kind of opiate high
no euphoria
almost makes me feel sad when I'm on it

It depends on which in my pov. I think ESTP messed up with heroin, but I know plenty of people who use more suave stuff just in occasions and are perfectly fine long term.

150 and 250 are both in the very low category where, if you look after yourself, neither should have a negative impact on your health.

Nothing you can do about it imo.

my little brother that is 6'5, got the same problem. Just try to make it as big as possible

especially in combo with steroids.

don't bully me. I'am already in a lot of pain because of it

0.5 arimidex daily enough to keep estro sides down on 1g test and 400mg deca?

I know you don't care
but lets say you went in the gym tommorow and tried to see how much you could bench for a single
what do you think it would be?

I guess I'm fucking my ex tonight
>hey I need you. You can say no if you want. Come over tonight. I'm not trying to sleep with I just need you around

Someone is getting pregnant tonight.

Heroin is a horrible drug. Friend of mine just got back from a funeral (heroin OD). I just got in touch with a childhood friend. Turned out he got hooked. He was tearing up just reminiscing about old times. It was hard to watch. I felt bad for him. Some bad decisions was all it took to change his life forever.

you say that like it's a bad thing

>but lets say you went in the gym tommorow and tried to see how much you could bench for a single
>what do you think it would be?


I'd argue I'm more functional on drugs than the violent self I tend to be sober. I get in more trouble when I'm bored so drugs help remedy that


It's my all time favorite
Opiates and benzos are gr8 but nothing pulls my heart strings like k

It's definitely a different beast. Everyone was telling me it's like heroin but it's really not. I like it in it's own way, though

My only hang up about it is it's hard to gauge how much to take. Like you can take a tiny bit one minute and feel nothing and the same amount next minute and be fucked right up

Happening to me now kek. At work so I just took a teeny tiny bit but it's hard to read my phone screen

Honestly I don't understand why heroin has such a huge stigma. Everyone made it out to be so addictive and I've met tons of people who rekt their lives with it but there's tons of other drugs I'd still prefer to do other than it

I've always had a good willpower for these kind of things, though. More of a random binge addict if anything

on a low carb day, probably not much. max 140-150kg max

i did 170kg, once but that was with lot of test and lot of carbs.

answer pls

>does tren kill anybody else orgasms?
>no problem with getting hard, strong desire, but i cant finish
>wat do?
>raise test? add caber? hcg?

I was told if you hit a blood vessel, you'll feel it.
But yes, I did aspirate. nothing came out.
First pin was clean, only a little blood that I'd expect from 23g.

What spots do you recommend with a 1 inch needle? I was thinking both quads, maybe delts(i dont know where in the fucking delt tho)

People say minimise scar tissue don't pin the same spot, but, how can you get the same exact spot so accurately? pls

Jerrbears good pic of me

Sry bb you know I am emotionally a child so I gotta show you my infatuation via teasing

Wewy your resolve is a whirlwind

I don't know

I've seen heroin ruin people's lives but so does something legal and common use like liquor

I think a large majority of people who lose themselves to addiction were already heading down a bad path. Heroin doesn't ruin people's lives, people ruin their lives. Obviously there are aspects to physical addiction that can't be denied, but even if it's a harder choice, it's still their choice

Not tryna throw shade at your friend or anything in saying that, either

I mean, if someone said roids were awful because their friend died from using them, it wouldn't change your use/perspective, would it?

depends.i've seen 1 year roids that would equal 3 years natty

Yes. Saying "I'm not looking for sex" is like saying "I need that shit now". That pussy game is irresistible when it's all I've been thinking of this weekend.

52 week cycle?


Well hit it hard bimbo

Take some amature footage and share et as an intro to your porn career

Fucking her ass will pretty much be g4p, right?

>he only cycles 1 year at a time

dont ever reply to my fucking post again

Yes duh. Absolutely. I am going to rip and tear. No that ass is nothing like g4p lmao.

Kek go get 'er you beast

Jerrbears confirm I'm getting it and I'm a beast