I dont know what to say but fml, all life wasting time in nothing, decide to lift and lose weight, lost 17kg in 3months from 100kg to 83, found i have a fucked up form... just look those shoulders i mean everything.... im fucked up


you got scoliosis bro?

That doesnt look good... Let me guess, you did a lot of mixed grip deadlifts. Right?


Who knows... :/

Just started deadlifting now 2weeks

If i were you id use dumbells exclusively and symetrically

I cant with my right arm i cant turn it to the right

Alan Thrall(look him up on youtube) had a similar thing. Look at his channel i think he talked about how he fixed it.

go to a doctor to get physical therapy prescribed and go to a really good PT clinic. They can help a lot with your postural imbalances

Well then youll stay a gnarled mess if you keep doing what your doing. Overcome!!

Your shoulders will get bigger, bro. Just keep lifting.

You have some imbalances. Quit being a bitch and do some research on how to fix it.

Couldnt find the videoany link or title?

I'll do the soon possible

Do some yoga, dynamic stretching and foam rolling, goyim.

I started out looking about like that - I'm still a little lop sided. Its scoliosis and it causes your shit to go whack. You have to start by focusing on your body - how you stand, how you sit, if one hip is higher tighten and shift yourself till it evens out. This will not be easy at all and may honestly be the most difficult thing you've ever attempted. Its a lot like meditation, staying aware all the time. You have to do this when you lift as well. You'll need to do some isolations to smooth out the imbalances or the strong sides will just keep bearing the majority of the work load.

Sorry i couldnt find it :(

Supermang is that you?

Yeah visit a PT.

Also, shave. You look repug

Ask Jason Genova if you can be his friend

It's just scoliosis. It's completely normal and few people will even realize there's something "off" about your body.
Yeah, you won't ever look perfect, but none of us will. Get over it and play the hand you've been dealt.