How do you Squat?
How much at what bodyweight?
What specifically did you do to get good?
Long Femurs Crew
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What ratio is considered long femur crew?
I imagine pretty tall folks often fall into this by default, but what about normos and manletas.
Reporting in. Highbar, can do 275 for a 5x5 at 6' and 172lbs but never tested my max. While I wouldn't say I'm good by any stretch, proper shoes and having legs shoulder width rather than wider has helped. Started doing yoga 2 days before my leg days, resulting in sessions feeling stronger, and I think it's going to help boost numbers.
Ugh her ass smells
Average femur length is about 27% of your height. Mine are about 22%.
Front squat. 3-5 reps @ 80kg.
I'm 183cm and 77kg.
Love front squat. Feel it in my abs the next day instead of my lowback/hips, and can get much lower that back squat. Also works arms, shoulders etc.
>tfw long femur and 8.5 (us) feet
>muh balance
what type of stretches?
What the fuck is that guy doing in the background?
kek. Crossfit never fails to disappoint.
where would you measure your femur from?
knee to hip?
back of knee to end of ass?
side of knee to hip?
4 plate at 80ish kg
I got some knee sleeves which helped everything feel much better, helped me power from 3.5-4plates. Probably just me.
fuck highbar as a long femur
>people actually squat like this
High bar masterrace, narrow stance. Unless you play football or compete in power lifting, you should never do low bar.
I squat 161 @104 because I had to quit squatting for a while after a work injury.
I have long as fuck femurs and deep hip sockets and can still squat atg high bar narrow, so literally anyone can, it's just about improving mobility.
>8.5 feet
High bar normally, low bar in comp.
High bar 225kg/ Low bar 230kg (dat difference)
Frequency is key breh
Femurs as long as torso here.
150kg squat morning lowbar 1RM
Front - and highbar are both probably around 120kg 1RM
@75 kg bodyweight
I did high bar for a year or so when I started lifting, struggled my way up to 2pl8 for 5. Stalled for a while there.
Then I switched to lowbar and my squat shot up to 125kg x5 within a few months.
I recently tried high bar again, after doing regular thoracic mobility work. I can now properly squat high bar without folding over, but my upper back seems weak as fuck, and my stance is ridiculous. (Feet shoulder width apart, toes out 45°.)
You need a wide stance and flexible hips if you want to squat highbar
How long do I generally have to stretch for dat dere squat mobility? My hip flexors are TIGHT as a motherfucker and I can't get to parallel while squatting. I also bought weightlifting shoes because my ankle mobility is crap due to injuries on both of them. Will my hip flexors stretch over a period of time if I just continue to stretch and do squats? Squats hit my hip flexors the most, almost like a pain. No stretch also feels good on my hip flexors. Thinking of seeing a physiotherapist soon.
>My hip flexors are TIGHT as a mother fucker and I can't get to parallel
what the fuck is this abomination i see before me?
What if you have "long" femurs AND "long" neck/head? Shouldn't we consider a simple femur/torso ratio?
What the actual fuck
Yeah, your hip flexors will loosen up after a while, but it sounds like you aren't stretching enough (or squatting enough). Try and stretch them 4 times a week, and hold the stretch for 30 seconds.
Pic related, BUT
>If you have long femurs the angle of your hips needs to be wider, therefore you need to stretch deeper.
Try and go even deeper into the lunge, lean forwards and drive your hips down. If you don't feel it exclusively hitting your hip flexors, you aren't stretching them.
6'4" lanklet shit
485 at 240lb bw
Learned low bar and wideish stance
5"11 (still a manlet) at 157lbs squatting 245lbs, I know it's not that much but two months ago I was lifting 135lbs. I started a squat everyday program that literally murdered my legs.
that word you keep using, "literally"... it literally doesn't mean what you think it means.
Probably one of those buzzwords that are more used for the way they sound than for their meaning.
>long femurs
>long arms
>suck at everything apart from the deadlift
Still can't bench bodyweight
Can only squat 1.5pl8 for 5 reps
Can DL 2.5pl8
More than a year training
Low bar baby, only way
best in the gym is 437.5 best in competition was 434, I weighed around 205 at both
I honestly did SS. Everyone gives it a lot of shit or whatever because it's really great for the squat and not fantastic for other lifts. But if you squat 3x5 3 times a week and increase the weight by 5lbs every workout, your legs will explode and your squat will go through the roof.
My legs are so long compared to my torso, it's ridiculous.
In the snatch, you should grip the bar so that it rests in your hip crease when standing up straight.
I have to grip all the way out if I want that to be the case. (like pic related)
But I'm only 5'7
>looking at the background
>suddenly everyone has long femurs
however long your femurs are, you can compensate with mobility, personalized form adjustments, and not being a bitch. As far as excuses go, it's really a non starter. Plus, you have an advantage in pulling.
how tall are you? and how much do you weigh? you should be way stronger after a year training
I'm 170cm with pretty long femurs, I weigh only 70kg and squat 3pl8, strength is not an issue when I squat, It's my mobility. It took me months just to be able to squat past parallel without having to put 1.25 plates under my heals.
Lunges are nice but Id really recommend doing couch stretches as well
Ive recovered from fracturing my pelvis and regularly doing a stretching routine to keep up my mobility
Also stretching calves helps a lot for my for squats
Are you me?
I do a low bar squat and deadlift heavy too senpai.
People wince when they see my back angle, but it's never been a problem since my back is strong and can take all that weight.
Holy shit, I get it now. You're all weak as fuck. You spend time bickering about high vs low bar and narrow vs wide. You talk of over training like any of yoh will ever even get close to thay boogie man. Quit being bitch made and start lifting like an enraged gorrilla. Oh and crossfit is better than your 5×5
Long arms can be good for a snatch man. Should have a better pull because of it. Look at Rybakou, he was relatively short and had long ass arms.
Does anybody else do wide stance front squats, due to long femurs?
stop being retarded
For some reason i cannot get below paralell once i'm holding a bar. I squat 275, but nowhere near atg. 6ft3 so i guess long femur crew.
But that hurts my knees
>le lower than 90 degrees hurt my knees meme
6'5, 210lbs bodyweight, squatting only 2pl8 while bench and ohp are intermediate......
Life is suffering ;_;
It feels like I'm about to snap some ligaments in my knees when I try the hybrid squat. I want to widen my stance to get a stretch reflex just below parallel but I can't get there. When I narrow my stance it's completely fine but I'll end up squatting lower and I can't get up from the bottom.
Highbar atg
Best lift is 171x5 kg at 90kg bodyweight, about 188cm
Should you use lifting shoes if you want to squat wide?
Lol this is me. Long legs make deadlifts stupid easy. I hit a 3x5 3pl8 diddy in a year at 150 pounds bodyweight using conventional. But my squat was 185 pounds 1rm and my bench was 165 1rm
>l-l-long femurs can't be a disadvantage, b-but they can be an advantage. S-suck it up lanklets.
Your feet aren't correctly positioned for the way that your knees point. Don't forget that textbook knowledge doesn't allow for variation. Do what feels comfortable.
m8 I have proportionally longer femurs too
I'm also sick of people bitching about proportions, I used to do it too before I realized how stupid it was
Long Femurs
0.2546 mm
FFKK = 1571.09 NN
0.2546 mm
FFHH = 1963.86 NN
𝜮𝜮𝜮𝜮 = 1571.09 NN + 1963.86 NN
𝜮𝜮𝜮𝜮 = 3534.95 NN = 796.35 lbs
Short Femurs
0.1697 mm
FFKK = 2357.10 NN
0.1697 mm
FFHH = 2946.38 NN
𝜮𝜮𝜮𝜮 = 2357.10 NN + 2946.38 NN
𝜮𝜮𝜮𝜮 = 5393.48 NN = 1,215.04 lbs
what the fuck bro?! lmao WTF
According to these estimations, a squatter with 20% shorter femurs with the same amount
of knee and hip extension torques can squat 41.6% more than a squatter with 20% longer
femurs. In fact, reducing femur length transformed the powerlifter from strong to world record holder!
Not well
Back squat at 2pl8 as of today.
Kept trying and failing.
I get a bit under parallel but the ungodly long legs and rebuilt knees has my sense of balance all jacked. I think there's more metal in one leg than the other so I feel like a weeble wobble somedays.
Just do a little mobility work ;^)
Okay now being serious. The o.o asked what people do do help with their proportions. That is a reasonable question. He's not asking for ezcuses, he's asking for solutions. He didn't bitch and moan, he asked for tips on how to improve under a certain condition
yeah I didn't link the OP, I'm talking about the other posts like
>mfw literally leaving humanity behind
Colloquial. Can't stand it when it's used unironically though. Also when people say
>it begs the question
And they literally pose a question. Fucking hell
Anyway long femur reporting in. 225 @ 150 lbs
200lbs, hit 315 for atriple recently.
I sometimes squatmorning if i divebomb my descent, but other than that things are good, I just follow normal advice and take an average width stance.
long femurs is an excuse used by wimps desu
Both high and low bar squats have their benefits. I prefer doing low bar on heavy days for targeting the semitendinosus and semimembranosus.
I do 80-90% 4-6 reps high bar squats for targeting the quads and core better.
160 kg x5 at 95 kg. I'm waiting for a good day to try and max out, see if I can't get that 4pl8 for a good rep.
how do you increase the flexibility of your hips?
fwiw 2.5 p8 deadlift after a year is really fucking terrible too
130kg highbar squatmorning for 5 reps at 85kg here
question time
I seem to have a problem with using my hips in the squat, which leads to a squatmorning at heavier weights. Meaning if I fail to involve my hips in the movement, my back will end up collapsing forwards at some point.
I can do the "hip-squat" at 110kg for 3 reps, after that my hips die and force my back to take over (my quads have no trouble handling the weight btw)
What can I do here? Heavily deload and work my way up using only the hips? Some kind of assistance exercise? stretches?
also, my hip mobility is actually pretty amazing
my ass can almost literally touch the floor if I go all the way down
I can turn my feet opposite from each other and do a full squat in that position
care to explain what the fuck this is?
i had the same problem but stopped lifting serious once I reached 130 for 5x3 of squatmornings. Looked googled it and it dosn't seem to be from a weak back rather it is a problem with quad strength.
You have terrible ankle mobility, your knees should be further forward.
>it dosn't seem to be from a weak back
well yeah, 130kg goodmornings aren't exactly easy
>rather it is a problem with quad strength.
you mean having too much of it? as I've mentioned my quads can handle a fuckton more
I still think weak hips are the main cause here
don't know how to fix it though
>replying to a 17 hour old post
>not understanding the original post saying it has zero carryover
>using technical names to hide the fact that you squat less than 2pl8 and don't need to target specific muscle groups