> Go to GYM
> See a guy
> Unironically wears sandals to GYM
> Unironically works out with his glasses on
> Unironically does shadowboxing between sets.
How was your day, user?
> Go to GYM
> See a guy
> Unironically wears sandals to GYM
> Unironically works out with his glasses on
> Unironically does shadowboxing between sets.
How was your day, user?
Other urls found in this thread:
>works out with his glasses on
So? I'm not a woman, I don't care how I look at the gym.
It's not how you look. They feel very uncomfortable while working out.
>I have never worn glasses before - the post
NONE of those activities is acceptable in public
see a milf macking on a younger dude in my home gym
the only acceptable pubic activity is flexing. I hate Veeky Forums
U flex ur benis in public senpai?
What the fuck is a 3ds?
How do I gugle?
Cringe Confessison
>got off shift at hospital
>forgot gym bag
>fuck I'm not driving 20miles home to get clothes
>worked out in a wifebeater and blue scrub bottoms
Actually set a 150lb OHP PR that day
quentin would have been a much better troll if it wasn't so obvious that he was such an autist that he believed the stuff he posted
I don't think glasses are that weird. my contacts make my eyes dry out like crazy so I prefer my glasses a lot of the time. plus if you are good looking I think glasses can actually make you stand out in a positive way in a room full people without
I do shadowboxing occasionally. What's wrong with that?
it looks and is really fucking gay. you aren't a fighter. just swim bike or run like a normal person you fucking weirdo
Seen a guy weigh himself while wearing a backpack
happened today
>doing my squats
>guy behind me is running on the spot
>probably just warming up, why not on the treadmill tho famalam
>doing my benchpress
>guy is like following me just to run on the spot next to me. watches himself in the mirror
>finished workout, better do some cardio downstairs.
>wait a min, in the corner of my eye I see him again
>running again on the spot in front of the mirror of the women's area
I really didn't understand that and I'm still confused. It was like watching this vid irl:
he was just everywhere just running on the spot. Probably just between excersises but still...
I wear glasses at the gym all the time. What's the problem?
He might be a fighter. He's shadow boxing.
probably trying to figure out how much the backpack weighs.
>Dude, day 3 at the gym, max
>waltzes out in a beater and shorts, titties floppin'
>invisible fedora tip to worker
>only bicep curls
oh, and
>People with flat feet running on the treadmill
>go to free gym at rec centre run by the city
>old people everyone, which is good because they just like using the treadmills/staring at people
>mostly indian and chinese
>chinese people never clean off machines, always linger near you, love to stare open mouthed, clogged the fountain by spitting phlegm into it so now there's a sign
>indian people come dressed with running shoes from costco, khakis, and polo shirts. Sort of walk around, adjusting machines, then walk around again. Creep on younger people
>two old white women started coming to gym to "exercise"
>I saw one shitting on the one janitor guy because the back of the machines were dusty
>it's a free gym
>she also complains about people living their hoodies/belongings near the areas their using
>it's a free gym
>her bitch ass friend ends up become a volunteer
>bitches at younger Veeky Forums guy for doing deadlifts
>bitches at younger Veeky Forums girl for taking her sweater off
>bitches at anyone picking up heavy weights which accounts for 60% of the gym space
>waddles back to her other bitch friend and starts talking about how they're "cleaning up the place", shit eating grins and all
>it's a motherfucking free gym.
At my gym, nothing out of the ordinary: just people doing barbell curls in the squat rack and people doing exercises with weight that is clearly too heavy for them, only doing 1/4 RoM (if that.)
Wow, they sound like total shitbags.
>doing some weighted chins on the smith-machine bar
>manlet regular enters
>pretty okay dude
>new hammerstrength leg press arrived
>he tries it out and I explain how to put the safeties off
>he tries again, his manlet legs can't reach the platform
>PT grabs a pad for him so he can leg press
silent keks were had
pic related
stop pretending like you don't know faggot
>works out with his glasses on
I never judged too harshly for this but it has always confused me a bit.
I wear glasses, I'm slightly nearsighted and require them for driving and found them helpful when I was in school, kept wearing them all the time because they suit me and it's good for my eyesight to not strain it.
I cannot fucking wear them to the gym or playing sports though, at all
They bounce around, fog up, and just feel intrusive and annoying in general. It always baffles me when I see guys with their glasses on at the gym.
>tfw I see guy doing curls with belt on
Not sure if this guy you saw is a legit bodybuilder, but it's actually a bodybuilding thing I've seen a few times. I compete, so I've heard some pretty crazy things, and this actually isn't even that bad.
Some bodybuilders, especially within the last month or six weeks of prep, will wear a belt their entire workout, the idea being to help them maintain a vacuum in order to practice keeping their abs tight for their entire posing routine. So if this guy looked good then it's possible he was working on that. If not, he might have just been a clueless idiot. Not to say that the belt thing works, I don't know if it does, but I have a great core so it's not the kind of extra help I need.
>go to gym
>people doing 130lb bench press with fucking spotters
>ONE MORE, come on, ONE MORE
that kinda shit mane
My eyesight -7. I get headache and loose balance if I take them off for too long. Yeah, they are uncomfortable as fuck, but I wear them not by choice(. Shadowboxing is perfectly fine too. Great way to relieve tension in muscle after reps to failure.
>that tough bearded guy wearing a cap and a hoody
>rude as fuck, doesn't bring his towel, lets the weights scattered around, stares people and never greets back
>always wears the same black sweatshirt and a belt under it
>about 190cm, holds 2 invisible watermelons
>always does (half-)squats 55kg at most while grunting heavily
124 lbs?
What is this meme bs?
For that very reason I had to be very picky about frame and lenses. I had to choose frame that would be superlight, and would stay on my face instead of sliding/bouncing, and highest refraction lenses to keep glasses as light as possible. Still annoying as fuck, but I don't really have a choice. I can't see shit without them(
is this at the CSU gym? i swear to god there is a fat manlet here who does exactly that, along with his autistic crossfit workout moves
Never saw him lifting more, it's been 4 months now.
He doesn't use the pad though.
everyone starts somewhere
but are you sure you don't mean 135?
Yeah, that's fair enough. If your vision is brutal and you can't manage without them, you gotta do what you gotta do.
Nig, if you can't bench 130 without a spotter you're just weak; also yes, 135lb lol
>not wearing shades to scope out the tiddies
So just stare at a wall. You must always stay at home huh.
There is nothing wrong with wearing glasses TO SEE. If I went to the gym NOT wearing glasses my eyesight is so poor I would likely end up walking in to the bar when someone is attempting their one rep max. So on balance wearing glasses is preferable, desu
Everyone started around 95-145 you retard unless you were a fatfuck
>head to YMCA for Monday workout
>get in there and see it's packed
>realize the stars have aligned and every legit jacked/big lifter bro is there today
>awesome, the testosterone level is palpable
>do my shit, workin' in, shootin' the shit
>in comes psuedo-Chad
>he is a regular but that doesn't excuse the dumb shit he does
>apparently the appearance of every shredded bro shot his insecurity levels up to max
>procedes to, and I've never seen this before, move benches around and drop them
>from waist height
>all of us turn and stare, mutters of "Jesus Christ" and "the fuck" can be heard
>drops the goddamn preacher curl bench
>semi-silent keks are had
I have more stories about this particular faggot as well
No, I just do social things when I'm outside and don't go outside to do attention-seeking solo activities. The only social activity in the chart was discussing philosophy or TV shows, which are both fedora-tier conversation topics.
well most people start out weak you fucking numb skull, it's just natural progression.
Also most normies are piss scared of benching alone because of pic related
>waiting for the bus
>shit, better find someone to discuss philosophy or TV shows with or I'm doomed to the fate of staring at the cars passing by
Then get typing.
Your point being... ?
>wearing something that fits well - uncomfortable
>being half bling - comfortable
Yeah, nah
Why would they feel any more uncomfortable while working out than the rest of the time?
I've worn glasses since my teens and there's no difference for me.
Maybe if the nose grips were too loose I could see them rubbing your eyelashes when you're on your back for bench or whatever.
>> Unironically works out with his glasses on
I want to be able to see.
i got a special life hack for you bros. get an emulator on your phone and then you can be an autist in public without anyone noticing!
Man that stupid video made me smile.
Fucking jealous of all that travel experience.
Our gym manager who has a body of a greek statue, go's around to everyone to help spot orgive a free training session has been moved to the gyms flagship gym to manage it....his replacement is a fat bald guy...fat...guy..you are fucking kidding me
It looks ridiculous and has no benefits. It's The Edge: Between Sets Edition. Just fucking walk between sets till you catch your breath.
Kek Kek Kek
They're heavy, they make it harder to wipe the sweat off your face, they can get in the way in some exercises, etcetera
what if i do all these things, but ironically??
That guy in gym who wears
>Running shoes for DL
>Tank tops with yuge arm holes
>Tights and shorts
>Compression sleeves bc they "look cool"
Then it'd be ok user. Like ironically sucking a dick and swallowing all the cum. It's just irony!
So I worked as an optician selling eyeglasses for a few years before going back to school.
There's a brand called Nike Flexon. They are made of titanium, flexible, and the lightest frames you will put on your face. I recommend those to anyone looking to play sports or work out in glasses.
Today I saw someone spotting a 40kg bench
I'm not making this up
>glasses are heavy
How bout that guy on the treadmill who starts throwing punches while running or walking.
Last week I saw a skele get pinned under 35kg bench. He had clips on and didnt know how to roll of shame so another skele diddlied it off of him.
This gets me confused, is 40 kgs
>the 20 kg bar + 40 kgs pl8s
>weight of bar + weight of pl8s = 40 kgs
The weight of the bar is included
20kg bar + 2x10kg plates
Anyone who says otherwise is a baiter
>Skelly Lords at the gym thinking they'll get buff without eating
I need those fuckers to see you idiot
> Pack of skelly teen pseudo-bros who bring all their protein powders and supplements to GYM in pic related containers, and brew them in the changing room
> Fatties who wouldn't drop the fork
> Going to GYM and unironically not stopping eating junk food every day
> "I just want abs bro"
> "I just want to get oned I don't want muscles" t. every chick
>Squad of 4 high schoolers who hog the squat rack FOR ONE AND A HALF HOURS to do their 1-2pl8 deadlifts
List of people not going to make it:
>People who obsess over abs
>People who do crunches
>People who think 20 Pushups a day is fine workout
>People who think cardio is the key to weightloss
>People who use whey but dont lift much
Even worse
>Squad of middle schoolers who do bench press for 1.5hours str8
I do cardio because I was a fat fuck but I do HIIT to not lose muscle. I do crunches too, are they completely unneccessary, user?
There are better alternatives. Crunches do nothing basically. Do Ab wheel, hanging leg raises and blank
your a faggot, i wear compression shorts because of the feel. and what does it matter shoes. for deadlift? kill your self.
>unironically drinking water between sets
fuck you ass licker, i drink water between sets to give me time let the blood flow. killl yourself you fuck wang wrangler.
No one cares if you're wearing that shit unless you're a dyel
Running shoes has this.. chambers filled with air, while lifting heavy stuff it may pop and you can lose your balance and injure yourself. Also it'd be harder to maintain balance.
Or so you hope.
This kid is taking the IB exam with a quill. I hope spilled ink over his exam booklet or didn't get the IB diploma. He might as well have worn his fedora that day too.
>not knowing to squat and DL in flat shoes
Nice b8, m8
This is only occasionally I see this guy but I go to the gym every day at the same time, right after work. He's there maybe 2 times a week at the times I go
>wears exposing shit tier shirts like wife beaters and youth small white T's with sleeves ripped off
>ripped jeans or designer jeans
>sandals and socks
>tells every body about his "great grandpa" who was the highest ranking frogman in WW2
>talks to people about form
>sets up his weight at bench
>does 3 sets in a hour and a half
>lays down
>gets pumped
>stands up starts singing loudly and air punching
>lays down
>does a set
I can't see without my glasses, what kinda autistic post is this
I would really like to hear more about pseudo Chad, user
you know glasses are made to come off your face, and be put back on right?
so in got to a local YMCA, all walks of life, hamplanets, fatmcfatfats, bodybuilders, chad...but I don't judge cuz at least they are in the gym right
>be in cardio section
>chad walks in
>what the ever living fuck are you wearing chad
>retro green outfit
>shoes, shirt, short, ear phones, phone case, socks are all matching
>commence cackleing which makes the two girls next to me to start cackleing
thats a cougar, and wtf is macking grandpa?
Scanning this thread looking for something I might be doing :/
Uh oh. He saw your post
Today a gym reglar used the power cage for one handed dumbell rows.
With a 20kg dumbell.
And he hanged a towel on the empty barbell that was in the power cage.
Seeing underpants in the trash. Still can't get over how disgusting some of you creatures are
>leaving humanity behind unironically
How do I not be cringey? I went to the gym for the first time in 6 years and I swear I got a look when I was using the squat rack. Perhaps... it wasn't the squat rack? This is what it looked like I think
Also is it normal for a gym to have 3 bench press machine/areas/whatever or was I misusing the machine for bench presses when it was for something else
Were you squatting in the squat rack?
And if it's something you push from your chest, it's a bench or variation thing. Simple.
>not wearing contact lenses
I assume this is bait. I have been loftong for 3 years now, and i also wear glasses. I have never had a single prpblem with them. Why would i need to remove them? What kind of stupid mong cant keep his glasses on while doing squats or bench?
>gym regular
>20kg row