What's a better shoulder press, standing or sitting?

What's a better shoulder press, standing or sitting?

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Harder to cheat

>two completely different exercises
>not defining what your goals are

Do you genuinely care or just want a shit storm?

Sitting = more shoulder isolation
Standing = more overall upper body / core work

Do them both.

Because you can focus on shoulders and have a more natural movement with db.

Standing with a barbell.

One of the best compounds for your core. You can really fucking feel it to the point where your core can even fail before your shoulders do.

You can get more leg drive (without cheating) when sitting to work more of your shoulders, but meh. Honestly, standing OHP is the best imo

I actually did dropset OHP to the point where I had to use 2kg dumbbells to failure

is it worth the effort

Seated because I have a torn disc and doing it standing hurts :3

I can lift more seated than i can standing I noticed also

On the edge


right now im cutting



if you're strictly bodybuilding, the exercises you do really don't matter at all. You could throw squats, deadlifts, presses, cleans, pullups, everyting like that right out the window, do only isolation shit, and be totally cool. But then again bodybuilding is for pussies

So I would do standing because it is a bigger compound for calorie burning.

cheers lad

standing strict press
seated btn press



Don't /thread in your own post like an obnoxious faggot

>tfw almost no one on this arabian carpet weaving forum knows what a Burgaska batka is

This exactly. It depends on what you want to work more.

that's because they're all dyel western pedali

youtube.com/watch?v=RMtz9aokaio WE GETTIN' HUGE

To be fair, he's right. When talking ONLY about shoulder development, you'll probably make more gains doing sitting since you wont be limited by a weak core. More weight lifted = more total volume= more gains (for shoulders)

Now, for TOTAL BODY development, standing press is superior because it develops your whole core. You need to keep your whole body tight to not snap your shit. However, you probably wont be able to lift as much weight as a sitting press.

Retro chalga best chalga senpai
