3x5 on dips and chinups?

3x5 on dips and chinups?

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Really great way to get awesome upper body development.

If I were to pick 2 upper body exercises to do for the rest of my life those would be it.

I honestly feel just doing multiple sets of bodyweight chinups or pullups to failure is much better than just doing 3x5 or 5x5 on them.

Think about it.

Body-weight Chin-ups (5xF)= 85kg
Set 1 = 15 reps (1,275)
Set 2 = 15 reps (1,275)
Set 3 = 14 reps (1,190)
Set 4 = 14 reps (1,190)
Set 5 = 12 reps (1,105)
Total workload = 6,035kg in 5 sets.

Weighted Chinups (5x5)= 85kg + 20kg - 105kg
Set 1 = 5 reps (525)
Set 2 = 5 reps (525)
Set 3 = 5 reps (525)
Set 4 = 5 reps (525)
Set 5 = 5 reps (525)
Total workload = 2,625kg in 5 sets.

Now the 15 rep range is still in the muscle-building intensity rep range....so why the hell even do weighted if your only doing LOW rep ranges?

I personally don't feel this lift should ever be done weighted if you're only doing LOW rep ranges. If you can do 10-15 reps with a 20kg plate strapped on, sure...do weighted...but if you're not...it's a waste of time IMHO! Keep your low rep ranges to your other lifts like deadlifts, which can be dangerous in the high rep ranges.

Who is this guy? Look at how strong his abs are because of lifts like this. I did 65lb chin for 5,4,3 the other day at 152lb be, I always do them at the end of my day B now

This honestly, makes alot of sense

Nicely done

>being this into broscience

why you just don't do 3 sets after your 5 sets to failure? when I do 5x8 of weighted pull ups, i still have strength to do 3x12 bodyweight because of the strength and stamina i got from doing weighted

doing bodyweight pull ups seems a good way into dyel zone if you don't do anything else for back

>factual information

>actual math vs anecdotal gym ratness

Your one to fucking talk about broscience how about you read your own greentext

Let's take over view of the post, since you claim bro-science.

>compared total workload of 5 sets to failure vs 5x5
Factual information

>pointed out how the 15 rep range is still at the muscle building rep range of intensity
Factual information

>pointed out how if you can do high reps with weighted, that you should do weighted
Factual information

>pointed out that you're better off keeping your lower rep ranges to your other lifts like deadlifts due to the fact the deadlifts in the high rep range are very high risk, where as chinups in high rep ranges are not.
Factual information

You can't just call broscience out because you disagree with it. What you actually said is bro-science, you offered nothing but "feels", not facts.

You're right when it comes to mass but if you treat chin-ups and dips as assistance exercises you need to add weight.

Your 20 rep BW chin-up won't help you increase your deadlift.
Your 20 rep BW dip won't help you increase your bench and OHP

I personally live pyramid schemes with chins, 5x BW, 5x +5kg, 5x +10 and so on up until a heavy triple then come down again

You could say the same about every fucking exercise but we all know 15 reps bench and 15 reps squats don't do any jack shit other than making you feel pumped

Which is why he said once you get past 15 reps to add weight

i do 3x8 on dips with 55 lb db, and 3x6 on chinups with 35 db, should i go for the 3x5 at a slightly heavier weight on both movements?

Its true. Low reps is a meme




How do I perform pull-ups correctly? Right now I'm doing 5x5 with 10lbs weight on my belt but I never feel any lat activation.

How do I progress on chinups/pullups? At the moment I'm a weak cunt and doing both assisted, but I can't seem to get anywhere after a few months.

Can I just do pull ups and dips forever and get an aesthetic body with a perfect diet and progressive overload? Eventually I'd do weighted versions like OP pic

Have you tried negatives? Get your chin over the bar by jumping up to it, and descend as slow as you can.

I don't see why not. You're going to have a lot of imbalances though.

Don't use your thumbs, do pullups with 3 or 4 fingers

negatives like user said and something which also build strength is holding the top position - straight legs, chin above the bar, only your hands in contact with the bar

Cheers, I'll give it a shot.

What if I swim too? Or at learn throw in goblet squats? Would that make things well rounded?

diff user but i have been doing this for the last four workouts. first time i only managed five sets or four negatives for pull ups, i did five sets of seven today.

when do i get strong enough to do a normal pull up?

I can second the negative suggestion. I'm a skinnyfat who couldn't do unassisted pullups/chinups and started to stall on the weight assistance. Once I added negatives to my routine, I started progressing again enough to where I can do bodyweight now.

Negatives are legit.

Already doing that, how much does grip width matter?

db split squats, chins, and dips might work.

when u can pull ur fat body to the bar using your strength, always try to do one before u go do ur negative sets

do a wide grip all the way to the end grips, it'll 100% use your wings. if you can do 3x10 with weight, you can def to widegrips

The huge flaw in this is that intensity does matter, sets of 15 are more than likely too low intensity. It's pretty well known that higher reps is much easier to get more volume with, which is why assist work is usually 6-12 reps.
I think doing something more like 3-4x8-10 and upping the weight when you get to 10s is more reasonable, you're working at a higher intensity and you still get a lot more volume that way.

nice thinking mate! hopefully by next month ill be doing one or two full pull up movements before my negatives.

when you're doing assisted make sure you're actually struggling, I see some people do fast assisted pullups and im like what the hell thats like riding a bike

if you want to blast your lats like hell, try to pull with your elbows to the side, like if you were trying to do a lat pull down behind your neck

if you do this you will not feel a pump in your biceps and your lats will be incredible pumped

>knows how to do math
>still too retarded to figure out all the variables

that's why you do sets of 8 reps
not to mention that 15 of anything means you need to load more weight
also chin ups are for pussies, do pull ups

this is why you will never make it
you can add weights together, like you have been taught
yet you are too retarded to see that there are other factors more significant than just the sum of the weight moved, because nobody ever taught you

squats at 70 kg bw / 15 reps / 5 sets = 5250 kg workload

120 kg squats (190 total weight) / 5 reps / 5 sets = 4750kg workload

now realize you are measuring workouts by a stupid variable (workload)

>not lifting 500lbs per second
not gonna make it bro

Chins is far superior to pull ups in every aspect imaginable

I prefer weighted pull ups over chin ups, I feel my lays stretch more compared to chins

I bet your curl a little pink dumbbell 15 times cause "it's the same" as doing a weighted barbell curl.

>total training volume is all that is needed for muscle growth.

Wrong as fuck.
Enjoy making no gainz

You need to meet a threshold of intensity to stimulate hypertrophy.

Strength training too, allows for faster progression.

Progressive overload + training intensity are the driving factors behind hypertrophy.

You can progressively overload with volume, but doing volume only = no gainz

Dyels confirmed.
Retard confirmed.
Bro science is generally a premise derived from misconstrued facts.

You need to read
Or any actual literature on the subject.

If what
Said is true, and total training volume is all that matters, we would all be doing 50 sets of 20 reps on all lifts.

Pull ups are no different than any other lift.

Stick to 3x5 linear progression until you are no longer novice, hopefully by then you will have read enough to know how to incorporate volume properly.

(Practical programming and strength is a great read)

You can only compare total workload when you have similar number of total reps
Ie 3x8 vs 5x5 vs 2x12

Of course 5ets of 15 is going to be more workload than 5sets of 5

By your logic i could say that it's best to do 10x10 for that lift

5x15 x 80kg (6000 total workload)
10x10 x 80 (8000 total workload)

>hasnt heard of german volume training

Am I missing anything doing dips, chins, diddlys and hill sprints?

no legs
no shoulders

As the other user mentioned youll need shoulders which you can add by doing decline pushups and steadily increasing the angle til you can pump out handstand pushups. Get creative. Legs you might want to add lunges, pistol squats, platform jumping etc