>Eating plain greek yogurt for the protein
>Tastes terrible, like buttermilk
How does Veeky Forums eat plain yogurt?
>Eating plain greek yogurt for the protein
>Tastes terrible, like buttermilk
How does Veeky Forums eat plain yogurt?
add some flavoring retard
I eat it plainly
Eat meat instead then? or any protein source that doesnt taste bad for you?
could you possibly be more of a dumbass?
With fruit
Add some berries and honey or make it into a smoothie with egg whites and whey.
I like it plain, but it also works with some honey+cinnamon.
You can replace honey with some 0 calorie syrup or something, if you don't want the extra calories.
Stir your favorite whey in.
I buy the Dannon Light & fit Vanilla flavored Greek yogurt (my store doesn't carry plain) And I think it's delicious.
why wlould you pick plain if you dont like it?
Get some flavor up ins.
It was the first time I've eaten it.
And I'm asking what Veeky Forums uses to flavor plain yogurt.
Probably honey or protein powder if you have some.
Maybe berries too
ANything you can find really. Honey, jam, berries, fruit, cinnamon, whatever. And next time just buy a flavored type, It's almost always the same price.
I usually throw some blueberries and cut up strawberries in, making sure each bite of yogurt has a couple berries in it for flavor. I also add it into my protein smoothies, don't even notice the flavor that way.
Protein powder, cocoa powder, peanut butter, cinnamon, fruit, fucking anything you'd put with milk really that I can think of
Also it's great frozen with added ingredients, like ice cream
Add a ton of Cinnamon, vanilla extract, and stevia.
>How does Veeky Forums eat plain yogurt?
I don't. I eat cottage cheese like a man.
add some maple syrup
I dunno man, I like the taste of buttermilk and cottage cheese. But again... I'm eastern european and I guess it makesa difference
falling for the zero calorie meme kek
With homemade popcorn chicken.
With oats, chia seeds, cereal, milk and apples
I only eat Sheep's Milk Yogurt.
Are you retarded?
>but muh body reacts to sugary tastes
but oats and add a little sugar for taste
thats what i do
I add about 150g of it to about 1/3rd cup of oats, and add couple tablespoons of hemp hearts/seeds.
I eat cottage cheese instead.
i usually throw in a couple scoops of whey.
It's fucking yogurt. Eat it plain and quickly over the counter out of the container ffs, you're not eating it for enjoyment.
Add a little bit of honey
Eat it with banana
Peanut butter, cinnamon and a small sprinkle of sweetener is one of the most delicious things.
Mix it with flavoured yogurt with a 60:40 ratio.
>buying sugar infused shit instead of plain natty
top kek
mix with cottage cheese and berries for extra protein
> take banana
> take hammer
> peel banana
> smash banana with hammer
> throw it into yoghurt
You dont even need a hammer if you lift enough
I stir a pack or two of Splenda in my plain Greek Yogurt.
If I'm not feeling lazy I chop some bananas and or strawberries into it with store bought grounded granola.