12g protein a pop senpai
The nutritional stats for bugs are fucking made for lifting. Protein, fats, amino acids like crazy
Who else will eat anything for gains?
no semen
no bugs
pretty simple
Enjoy spending >$10 per lb on them shits
It isn't 12g protein per bug.
if it was it might honestly be worth it
>eating bugs
Bet I know where you poo
Not in loo ;)
Yeah, but that a pound of high quality protein!
Just ONCE had some Burmese guy offer me fried maggots. He had em in a plastic bag in the freezer and microwaved em.
Was drunk enough to try, I was too pussy to eat the heads but manned up after a few. They just tasted like chips desu
but that's dirty asian man
No way 1 bug has 12 g protein.
The entire bug doesn't even weight 12 g you retard.
>microwaved frozen bugs
I don't know why, but I'm absolutely disgusted by this. Freshly fried bugs are okay.
There's a new study that shows that bugs really don't have that much protein in them as initially thought.
Probably per ounce?
I know it's double than beef..
Bugs live everywhere so there's no reason to pay the jew. I collect ants and worms where I live. The macros are similar and prepared well they taste good.
Lol no thanks
Can someone post the macros (per 100 g or something) of bugmeat?
I work in an animal facility and im saccing hundreds of mice per week. One slow day it crosses my mind, how much macros per mouse...id never have to buy whey again.
These little guys are like 23grams and you can maybe salvage 5g of meat off them.
Id have to eat 90 mice to get like 80g of protein.
Anyway, theres no way thats not gross or absurd that eating bugs will be nutritiously beneficial.
Here's crickets
Some other stuff
Actually there's a study that they do.
Anyone got the webm of an asian eating a live caterpillar off a tree?
nope i just did another study and you're wrong
So pretty similar to beef.
If a pound of crickets truly requires less land than a pound of beef, this is our future famalam.
~>12g protein
half a scoop, pham.
Not in the loo? Perhaps on the Avenue?
No. It has around one third of the protein of beef, and more carbs. They have the same fat levels but crickets have a better fatty acid profile. It's when you compare to how fast you can grow them, how little resources in feed and land it takes, it is a more beneficial to grow crickets than cattle for food.
Where do you live?
How do you collect them?
How do you prepare them?
lrn2maths retard
12.9 is less than half of 30.55
Why not just buy the expensive protein at that point?
>high quality
Keep reading stuff on the internet and never do research sempai. Good luck building mass with shit tier keratin.
why fuck do you need to go to unnecessary lengths, whey does the job jesus fuck
I live in Norway.
I collect worms by digging after them (fisherman routine)
I collect ants by using a pasta strainer, gloves and a bucket.
Ants are good in spicy stir-frys, chilis, and you can fry them and ground them into powder to give most foods an umami kick. This also helps dealing with the crunchy bits. Worms can be used to replace chicken in most recipes.
..legit? this would explain my dogshit skin since i started lifting
>healthier unsaturated ones (fats)
If bugs are basically land crustacean, do they have the same insane zinc gains as shellfish?
what the..?
Is it just you who eats them, or is eating insects common in Norway?
Norfag here. Imo its pretty regular
Anyone here watched Snowpiercer?
What insect has the best macros that I can grow/farm/breed for food?
i understood that
If you want to breed them for food go check out how to farm them to use for snake/tarantula food. A lot of people do it, and it's easy to start up with.
crustaceans are sea bugs
I just can't eat it.
They should grind that down into a powder and make cookies from it or something.
Here in Thailand Bugs are pretty easy to find in markets and festivals. Before i was a popcorn addict but now i switched to Bugs completly. Many People here are disqusted by them but i like The crispyness and salt flavour. The are cheap too! Im gynna miss them...
Yes, but do land crustaceans have the same amount of zinc?
Dude this is fucking delicious I swear. This grasshopper only eat rice and good shit like that. Tastes like shrimp.
This thread is cracking me up
Seriously though, crickets look like the perfect food. half protons, quarter fat, quarter carb. I wonder what it tastes like?
they make cricket flour
i dont know any shop in the Netherlands that sells them.
As a norwegian, I've never heard of it before.
I had a Thai Foreign Exchange brother who said almost everyone in Thailand eats bugs. This was coming from a kid whose parents sent him 500 USD a week of allowance. So wealthy that it was basically a 10 month outlet shopping trip for him and the kid still ate fucking bugs
Hva faen?
I'll bite, sauce?
Yeah not very common
Hva skjer?
Tastes rich and meaty. Imagine shrimp with hot sauce without the seafood flavour.
i'll just leave this here
>Buy one huge plastic tub/container with lid
>put newspaper on the bottom alongside empty egg carton & tissue rolls
>throw in couple of crickets
>throw in bits of fresh veggies every now and then
>wait for them to multiply
This is how my uncle breeds crickets for his bearded dragon.
Sometimes i scoop a few from the breeding tub and mix them with my protein shake when i come to visit him, tastes good.
Have you seen the other videos of this guy? He's fucking insane, I love it.
This really doesn't work as well without sound. The dragonfly is his niece's pet and she starts screaming when he eats it
sauce pls
My brother did this too.
You also need some soil for them to breed on. The females have needles with which they inject eggs into the earth. You need some aluminium foil or similar to make sure the males don't eat the eggs. Also water it every few days.
It's pretty easy but it smells like hell.
>Tastes rich and meaty. Imagine shrimp with hot sauce without the seafood flavour.
So why aren't we eating this in the West? I mean, process it into cubes or whatever, but fuck I want to eat it. Better than roo burgers.
Holy fucking christ what a psycho!!! Jesus that poor poor girl.
That's because bugs are in fact delicious. Some taste like shrimp, other's a have chickeny-sesame oil taste.
I know in my family, we like to eat grasshoppers/locusts. Especially after they eat my grandparents sesame crop. The tastiest bugs I've ever eaten.
Uncle Eats Nieces Pet Dragon Fly! search that up on the youtube
>uh listen, that dragonfly was already dying...
Yeah that will take care of it.
You have be to seriously oriental to even consider eating fucking insects. Jesus Christ I hate asians.
>Ching-wahh eat da insek for da protee!! It gud fo-you!!
No thanks, I'll eat a chicken tender like a civilized person, mr Chang-wang.
crickets are the future but they have to do burgers with them otherwise normies will feel disgusted
burgers mosquitos are absolutely disgusting though
>Uncle Eats Nieces Pet Dragon Fly!
i want to punch that faggy face so hard shit
>pet dragonfly
don't they live like a week at most?
I eat insects, especially pic related for like 4 or 5 months now.
To be totaly honest, not because of the good nutrition values or anything. I bought an insect farm for a simpel reason:
Fucking protein for literally free. I´m greedy af and at the moment I heard about this shit I knew I needed one. My second best kitchen tool besides my rice cooker.
Yes, but the girl probably anthropomorphised it and making it her little friend etc.
cruel behavior for laughs
>amino acids
You know that proteins are just a bunch of amino acids held together by different kinds of bonds, right?
How do you kill/slaughter your bugs?
Do you clean or do you eat their excrement as well?
What do you feed them?
What do you do if you drop one of those trays in your kitchen?
Does it smell bad?
Maybe bugs have free amino acids in their blood.
What the fuck is this gook doing?
They actually have no fucking souls these fucking gooks
Not him, but one method I saw to kill em and also take care of the excrement is to put them in a cloth bag and dipping them into scalding water. It's an insta-kill and also makes them expel all that feces into the water. Ezpz.
What an asshole if it was her pet
This Also, you can fry/boil them alive, like you do shrimp and crab.
One day it will cost the same as whey once I'm finalized with changing the American lifestyle when it comes to entomophagy
America is dying. Fix Europe instead.
They may be healthy but you have to fry them in unhealthy oils right?
You can't just cook it cleanly like a steak
lol dude you don't just eat straight crickets you fuck, you process them into some sort of product i.e. cricket protein bars
I'd say that would be true
myron jewinness
Just stick to whey you degenerate fuck. Crickets are cooked in the worst oil imaginable. And how do you think they kill enough to make a protein bar?
Jesus H Christ I'm surrounded by third world halfwits. Maybe you could try pic related for mad gainz
fuck off cunt roo's delicious