Natty Stack General

Post your stacks


literally /powdered jew/ general

>he fell for the supplements meme

chose one

shits been banned
you can no longer do a drug tested natural show


My Mr. Hyde doesn't have Picamilon

Peasants, just go fraud.

My straight up hillbilly cycle stack lmao

what makes taking supplements not natty? do you faggots literally just eat food and work out? talk about no gains waste of time. just do cardio fags.


>implying legal supplements do anything
Besides creatine, which has a minimal effect for increasing high rep performance, no OTC supplements are worth shit. All those 'test boosters' are actually just extra support for PCT.

Anything that actually works is banned. The jew world govt doesnt want you to be big and stronk


best natty stack in thread so far

steroids are 1000x more effective and 1/8th the price

stay small

Tfw not at home so I can't post my sick test tren var EC stack



mr hyde doesn't do shit for me.
pic related is the goat point between a PWO and the danger to get a heart attack.

y the var though?

has anyone tried this with success? I thought alpha brain was a shill but I just tried it and felt more alert. Likely placebo but my mind is feeble and I'd like to buy more onnit products if they work

brb ordering. lookin forward to my 400something bench next week

Don't take anything else besides Protein and Creatine, what else should I be taking?

caffeine, only before workout

I noticed on fish oil and vitamin D I dont have joint issues.

On creatine mono I can lift 7 days per week instead of just 4.

I also use these dissolving calcium pills but thats just kind of to make my water have taste here and there.

You're gonna lose your gains off roids. Getting off creatine you basically get tired faster but you keep all your strength and mass.

It's a whole different facet of performance.

>being new to science

Those claims are saying in their double blind study group A had a placebo and group B used the product and group B saw 36% more PROGRESS than group A.
It does NOT mean that some guy took it and instantly got 36% more weight added to all his lifts.

Still a sham product but at least understand words.

beta alinine works; baking soda and l-citruline malate have been shown to increase muscular endurance

Hey plz tell me how that sarm works out for you ? Any side effects ?

Muh stack (Trail runner, 500kcal deficit)


What's that pink shit that looks like Gatorade that everyone drinks. I asked before and apparently Dwayne Johnson drinks it and only refers to it as "unleaded."

It's gotta be some preworkout with amino acids or something

If you buy anything other than multivitamin and whey protein, you got jew'ed and shilled

creatine is acceptable as well

You're a fucking idiot for buying a multivitamin
But that's expected from a /pol/ack


>you can get the same nutrients from food bro!

Post body pls

Multis are not regulated. It could literally be cat piss and you'd never know.

Can you guys list this shit and what you think it's supposed to do?
Med student here, researching this shit is fun and educational.

Pic related is all i take right now
>multivitamin because shitty student diet
>L5MTHF because MTHFR:T/T (defect)

This is a supplement thread, not a pharmaceutical medication thread. That's a given.

If you don't know what this does for you then you know nothing about dietary supplements.

this and multi-vitamin, literally all you need

>I couldn't make decent gains with or without supplements so obviously they must not work for anyone!
Maybe your genetics are a shit


Are there in commerce stimulants with DMAA, like the old jack3d ?