Can we have BF% thread?
Pic related, me. 5'9", down to 155 from 187. I think my fat distribution is kinda shit. Should I lean down more before bulking?
Can we have BF% thread?
Pic related, me. 5'9", down to 155 from 187. I think my fat distribution is kinda shit. Should I lean down more before bulking?
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you should work out, dont worry about a bulk or cut yet your body is not there yet m8, good luck
thanks m8
cut another 5-10 pounds although stop if it gets hard since at your level there's basically no reason to push yourself to a bf% that takes special effort
then bulk up to 160 very very slowly
Should i cut abit or bulk from now ?
Also bf% estimate?
You look hungry. Please bulk now.
Should i bulk and exercise at the same time ?
Definitely cut. You're way too high bf (23%)
yes, otherwise there's literally no point to bulking
you bulk so you can gain muscle mass
also bf%
bf% doesnt atter until you start lifting. You're 23%+. start running
this is bait
bulk, buy some protein powder and start lifting. Gonna take a while.
>bulk and exercise at the same time
wtf. If you're saying lift and do cardio at the same time, then focus on lifting. Go extremely light on the cardio, if any, because you're so skinny.. but cardio is still good for the heart. you're going to have to eat a SHIT TON bro, I'm talking 5000 calories a day of chicken, rice, veggies, fruits, pastas, etc if you wanna make any good gains. Keep at it, gonna take a while. You won't see results for months
OP here. I already am.
Just keep cutting and start lifting weights. Don't bulk, at all. Lift and do HIIT and regular cardio every day for 1-2 hours until you lower your bf%. If you bulk, you're just going to get obese.
This. Cut
god damn i know ive posted everywhere in the past three days, but this is the last time.
I'm going to guess around 12-10%?
Yep, around that.
you look great why the fuck does it matter? you're probably at 10%, and look better than everyone you meet yet still dont have a gf
5000 calories a day ?
fuck me.. any good diet plan you can suggest?
10 I'd say
My guess is 15% (5'8" 160lb). Also: keep bulking, or cut to 12% now?
10% for sure - good work
I've only trained rugby casually 3 times a week for a couple of years. Also eaten donuts, candy and all kinds of junk food. Going for alot more strength and maybe some nice nice muscles now, I don't want to look like some "meh" built guy anymore. I'm thinking of cutting and doing the Rippetoe's starting strength program. Would this be a good start?
Around 10-11.
Keep posting. :^)
6'2 190lbs, though people assume i'm 15-20lbs lighter
Front Squat: 250x6 (I don't back squat anymore)
The Press: 150x6
Bench Press: 180x5
Diddys: 415x1
Power Clean: 215x1
Chin Up: 60lbs added x 5
Been lifting for a bit over 1.5 years now.
If you have been lifting for less than a year there is no point to bulking or cutting lol. Just eat a protein rich diet at your tdee and do heavy compound lifts
Yeah I really shouldn't cut then haha, but I feel like it might be good to lose a bit of weight before starting. I'm currently 1.90 cm tall and weigh about 87 kilos. Maybe get that down to like 82ish? Or just skip that shit and get straight to the lifting.
Well you're not wrong
Am curious.
5'11 199lbs
>not even this body gets you a gf
why are we even lifting again
A great body means nothing desu, if you're socially retarded.
Not meant at the dude you quoted, just a general remark.
I don't have a gf because I'm extremely picky. Also I don't have regular sex because it doesn't interest me as well as religious reasons. Just work your way up and pussy will come to you, just not the gf type most of the time.
170 lbs, 5'11 manlet. Down 10 lbs since March. I don't feel like I should cut anymore but still have a gut and chest fat.
Being skinny fat is worse than all nine circles of hell combined.
Bumping w/ useful info
Ill do more than you ever will, im a man with no drive to live. im a man who could put a rope around his own neck and die right now withot a second thought, you think you scare me nothing scares me you think its a joke, but i guess youve forgotten how fucked up i am
Trying to be lean for the summer how much more should I cut?
115kg to 80kg
I have loose skin sorry for the stupid pose
5 pounds maybe? Still look gucci but if you want to have defined abs yea 5 pounds
I'm guessing 9-11?
Great work. I've seen your pic before again and it's one that inspires me.
How long did it take you to get down to your lowest weight and how long after you started did people start asking "hey are you losing weight?"
How long have you been lifting? I feel like your body type is very similar to mine.
I really rushed things on my way down.
>Aug:100-110kg (binged a fair amount)
>January:75kg (started lifting, broke up with gf)
When i was at my lightest in January i had 0 muscle mass from cutting way too hard.
Remember to take it easy on your cut. 25% deficit no greater.
good luck user im glad i inspired somebody.
forgot to answer your question, people noticed my weight loss as soon as i lost ~10kg.
In december alot of people thought i had an eating disorder due to the immense difference lol.
pic related me in January
it doesn't matter keep lifting and bulking
that was actually a pic of me in the morning after like 12 hours of no eating. Usually I look bigger, tryna cut also
I'm honestly curious what you'd put this guy at.
my body looks pretty similar
measurements have put me between 7.5 and 15. totally not helpful
Why are you trying to cut, you'll go from looking like you have some muscle to looking like a hungry skelly.
started at 128 at night, tryna cut to 120 at night. Currently at 125. Pic is at probably 118. Cutting at 2700 cals also
Seriously about 3 years I started really fat
I'm a 5'5" manlet
you're retarded stop cutting.
Nice work man! Hopefully I'll look like you in a year or two. I've been at it for
6 months so far and have made some nice progress.
Having a great body just means you won't have any hangups regarding your physique. It's worth it, even if you suck with women at least you don't have that additional factor looming over your head.
>Chad: The physique
Probably 13-15%
>should i cut
You look like my brother.
20% minimum
like I said, i'm a manlet
Any takers?
I saw that before I replied to you, you're still a retard. Stop fucking cutting. You'll look like you're straight out of Auschwitz if you don't.
How is your bench press such shit compared to everything else? Either your form on everything is ass, inflating the numbers, or you need to work on you bench press form.
the pic is after a 12 hour fast; in reality I look a lot bigger. Think an thin layer of fat over my abs, an extra inch or two on my biceps, and slightly larger chest
bulk to 145 at least
I wanna get down to like 11 ish % bf, then lean bulk. I never want to be fat again. Can anyone give me an actual estimate as to my bf tho?
I think 13 or 14. But you should bulk, your arms look skinny as fuck and you have no side delts
Kill yourself. 3 people have told you to stop cutting but instead you refuse to listen to us and just want to live in your fantasy world where getting to 11% bodyfat is normal and easily attainable. You don't have enough muscle for anyone to accurately estimate your body fat in the shitty pic that you showed us from a '12 hour fast'. Do you think you gain and lose 5lbs of fat throughout the day? The only difference is the amount of water in your body which makes little to no difference.
Now if you still want to cut consider seeing a mental health professional because you have something very wrong with your brain.
alright, thanks. Delts, you're right... arms look skinny in this picture but are actually a lot bigger. Forearms need work though yeah
Lighting is kinda good but it's the only light in my apartment. Flexed. 146 lb, 5'10''
Trying to go for a decent otter for summer. 12% here maybe? What do you think?
Definitely start a serious lifting routine and keep cutting until you can see some abs, You don't have to go full hungry skellington but just enough so you can bulk again and not look like a fat piece of shit.
6ft 170lbs. Use to be 250lbs, pls no bully.
How am i doing brahs? Have i made it for the summer?
those arms :\
start lifting weights
10-11% I'd say, lookin good. Work on your forearms and abs more famalam
nice, now you should start lifting
I climb for sport, no lifting, chinups/wide/narrow, push ups + abdominal workout from youtube 8 min.
Just started. But should I lift and cut to lose the gut(I think my bf is 19-21%) or just lift and bulk?
Fatty here what bf am I 81kg 6ft
Not really that fat. But I'd guess 20%.
Not even close
A little under 5'9"
Not a great picture but I think I'm around 10%. I think it's time to bulk. Should I cut more?
Looks like 15 desu senpai
Vegan Gainz/10
I'm trying to decide how much longer to cut. I'm eating 1600-1700 calories per day right now.
just doing bodyweight at home right now bc broke af (also cardio)
Wow I'm impressed.
What's your routine?
Teach me
>Should I cut more?
You should try lifting.
144 pounds
skinnyfat as fuck
any estimates?
gains train imo
Excatly the body I want to achieve. Natty?
I start every workout with 3x5 heavy sets of compounds like squad, deadlift and bench press and then do 3x8 for accessories.
Bench Press: 3X5
OHP: 3x8
Incline DB Bench: 3x8
Side Raises: 3x8-12
Skull Crushers: 3x8
I finish with leg raises or cable crunches.
Deadlift: 1x5
Pullups/Chinups: 3x8
Rows: 3x8
Face Pulls: 3x8-12
Straight Bar Curls: 3x8-12
Shrugs 3x12-15
Squat: 4x5
Hack Squat: 3x8
Stiff Leg Deadlift: 3x8
Calf Raises: 3x8
Hamstring Curls 3x8
I usually finish up with 10 minutes of cardio. I added an hour of walking/jogging in the morning a week or so ago.
5'9 and 143 lbs. Trying to get a sixpack.
Guess muh lifts
5,7 175
My goal since I started has been to lose my stomache fat but I still have it... Currently lifting M/W/F and will start jump rope training HIIT. im 155lbs 6'2" (started 230) advice please
Forgot to mention im 500 deficit on lifting days and 1000 on off
Some goddamn push ups and pull ups, maybe squat something
Call me retarded but before I started I was sedentary for years and never did sports growing up so no prior muscle to work with and have only just started lifting