Why can't you shoulder press 100s Veeky Forums? this guy is literally retarded and can do it for reps...

why can't you shoulder press 100s Veeky Forums? this guy is literally retarded and can do it for reps. are you seriously weaker than a retard?

because hes on anadrol and dbol
while im natty

Because hes been working out for like 7 years while on a cycle while ive only been for 4 months? Ill catch up before first year.

>retards confirmed for slow gains

How ironic.

>retard strength

Do they not have this expression where you come from?

A chimpanzee can lift even more, while being even more retarded and DYEL looking.... What's your point?

I've been lifting for maybe 1 year, while on cycle for about 4months, and I may be weaker than that retard, but I definitely look bigger and better...

I'm 6'5" tall and 245lbs... still need to lean out a bit more but I gotta tell ya test+Deca is one hell of a combo

>about 235 at 5'7
>working out for many years
>probably got shit form

Post pics or shut the fuck up

>thinks he will be pressing 100s within a year
Lmao I can't wait until reality hits you hard and fast

my good friend was a very serious lifter. strong as shit for a teenager. he had a half brother who was autistic.
one time we were drunk and told me that sometimes, when they play around the retard starts to rough house, pull and push him around. he always goes with it, making a joke out of it and making his brother laugh until he stops pushing
and no one knows, he tells me, that everytime, he fights with all his strength and can't break free.

there is such a thing as retard strength OP.
Fear it.

>tfw you see all the noobs thinking like that, you try to tell them the truth, they never listen and you imagine they're like a blind person who doesn't believe you there's a train coming at them at full speed

Lifting on its own doesn't make you strong enough to wrassle others.

One of my biggest friends. Which looking back on it he was probably geared to the gills since he got super jacked in every way in less than a year and got really agressive... but he was wrestling with another buddy who I could toss around when I was dyel, and the jacked friend got bodied. You could see visible frustration as he was held helplessly down.

You need "functional strength" for that. And autism doesn't enable retard strength either. Retard rage yes. Your buddy was just a beach body

>that guy who does dumbbell shoulder press instead of OHP


>Not doing both

retard strength is real my man


>Having a shit routine that involves both

Sorry you don't have any stamina bro

>le functional strength meme
speaking as a greco roman wrassler between two novices it really has more to do with conditioning and center-of-gravity.

Genova said he's been hitting the gym since 2001...

and skitlles, lots of them, pop them like candy HUEHUEHUEHUE

>not even his bodyweight
>while being on roids
>while being a primabulk powerlifter
>while having retard strength
am i supposed to be impressed?

What sort of pleb routine involves both. I bet you can't even OHP 180 for reps

I can

but I'm not natty

he's on skittles

Why hate? I salute him. I'm not that I'm weaker than him, it's that he's stronger than me. If he can make it, there is no excuse for 95% of able-bodied adults.

>roids for 4 years
>can only bench 3 plate while being 220 pound Manlet. Can only deadlift 455.

As a manlet myself he is the last thing I would "salute" for his status in the bodybuilding industry. I hit his deadlift while weighing 148 preparing for a comp. Just watch him for ments not anything else.


Why not post the actual clip, OP? Because the fact he never even tried for a rep would ruin your shitty thread?

You retards do realize that mongoloids like this fag have increased muscle growth to normal faggets?

you're not capable of looking for yourself? he does 8 reps