"i do"
>"and your point is..?"
>we don't sleep together
Underage b&?
Dump her or tell her to get more free time
She sounds like a really clingy lady, find someone who respects your privacy, or just don't have a relationshit
we fuck we just don't sleep together
disregard autistic children itc
choose priorities
make decision
probably means they dont live together
interested tho
Pretty manipulative of her to guilt you for having a hobby/passion instead of making her the center of your universe.
Just send "s m h" without the spaces
Just trust me
desu baka senpai
>Chad ignores her and does whatever the fuck he wants
>you try to give her anything and everything she wants
"how dare I give a shit about my health"
this is your reply
You know the time you're spending on gym and the girl. If you think she's worth it then you make time for her. If she isn't then drop the cunt and go find another. Simple as that.
They usually arent worth it tho so good luck breh
I'm doing two a days morning/night sessions so she has a point but still... Seems kinda wrong to make it seem like I'm doing some bs to avoid her
It's a trap.
She wants you to get fat so you don't attract other women.
Next she'll want you to cut all ties with other women.
M ex did this. When I eventually got fat she left me and because I had cut all ties with other women it was months before I could even have a few regular girls on the txt again.
>especially since we don't sleep together
What did she mean by this?
You made it. Prioritizing gym over girls means you belong here.
Do you put effort in the things you do?
I lost a dear woman because I was comfortable with just chilling while watching Hulu with her.
Women want something to look forward to. Take her out someplace. Doesn't have to be a fancy restaurant. Out hiking, out of town, something as long as it shows that you put some goddamn effort in the planning.
You put a lot of effort in your workouts. Why don't you put the same amount of effort in the things that you two do together?
If your gym time is causing issues in your personal life and the person complaining about it's requests are reasonable (and they are) then you need to re-evaluate what the fuck you're doing. There's literally no reason to go twice a day that's more important than the rest of your life.
Let us see what you replied with
not him but i stopped because she became a chore. she brought nothing to the relationship and put 0 effort in
Iron will always be there. She won't.
>don't sleep together
Best post.
Why aren't you letting her sleep at your place bro
It's because girls don't actually have their own hobbies and want to do nothing all day.
Let her stay over sometimes
How busy is your day you can't
gym work gym grill and have it all
how much time do you spend in the gym(days hours etc)
How did it go, user?
I'm asking because I'm evaluating the same shit in my own relationship
so shes basically a fwb
why do you care about what she thinks?
you are actually a fucking retard
your right, they like to slob on the nearest cock when you arent around
This is how my last 2 relationships have gone
>going to the gym more than 3 times a week
Maybe she's right man. You're probably autistic too.
Just out of curiousity, what do you do that requires 2 gym sessions a day?
Well, most girls
it all depends on the girl. she might try to "shape up" and maybe you can give her a chance, but in my opinion it's best to move on.
How does one prioritize gym over a relationship?
What exactly are you doing? Gym time is only like 1-2hours max per session
Damn your gymbro is clingy af
This happened to me. I saw some chick in the gym one day, thought she was cute as fuck, we both mirin each other for like months till we finally bumped into each other and started small talk.
We started dating but she realized I was from old money and it just became
>let's go out user! oh this is pretty
She would try to come to my place constantly because I had my own place, food, vehicle and she still lived with her parents which I don't look down upon but she had more freedom at my place.
It got to the point that besides sex she really didn't offer much..hell we didn't even go to the gym at the same time anymore which I didn't care about since I like to be alone at the gym but it just devolved into
>hey babe can I stay at your place tonight?
>want to grab lunch?
>I'm at work but after want me to pick you up from the gym?
>we should go see a movie on the weekend or check out the outlet mall
Very cute girl but I was expecting more then just me babysitting her with the added benefit of sex
>Very cute girl but I was expecting more then just me babysitting her with the added benefit of sex
You are expecting too much of women
Oh look it's this thread again. I don't know how you fuckers spend so much time at the gym that other people complain they don't see you. How the fuck does that even happen? Takes like 5 hours out of my week max, I don't know what the fuck you people are you doing.
"i guess you're right. i think we just have mismatched priorities here. maybe it would be better for me to focus on myself right now"
don't be a dick about it
Why would you live with a girl, they leave hairs everywhere like a animal
The guy said he goes to the gym morning and night every day.
That's usually women with zero aspirations in life. The women my faggot ass roommates bring over are absolutely worthless and just hang out our place all. fucking. day.
ah damn, this user beat me to it
Two a day? Come on man. I don't want to be all HUR DURR MY LIFE IS HARDER but I'm currently working full time, lifting 6 days a week, looking good as fuck, studying daily for my cert, raising a kid from another woman, and still fitting in a relationship. Sorry brother, but from the sound of it she isn't being irrational here. There comes a point where working out more often won't make you gain faster, smarter workout planning will. Work smart, not hard. Twice a day isn't even a good idea for an extended period of time unless you're on roids.
>raising a kid from another woman
This exposes the --
the only appropriate time to raise a kid from a woman you didnt impregnate is if she's your sister, because your late mother passed away.
You poor bastard
I did impregnate her tho. Yeah, I'm doing the responsible thing.
>inb4 cuck
Mom is crazy, I'm hoping I can balance it out and create a normal child.
Twice a day is alright if it's short sessions, lots of weightlifters train like this.
Is it though if it's impacting this user's relationship? One thing we don't know is if she's just being a bitch or if he's really just ignoring his woman. If that's the case, I'm not saying he should spend less time in the gym, but evaluate if a relationship is really what he should be involved in at this point in his life.
you should probably re-evaluate if you want to be in a relationship at all.
it doesn't seem unreasonable of her to want to spend more time with you, but if you feel like spending time with her is something you have to do more than something you want to do, and if you feel like it's much of a chore, then you should probably break up.
none of us know if she's worth it desu so that's something you gotta figure out on your own.
This. If she's worth it to you, you'll find time to squeeze her in.
Also Kek same here with gym and sports. Classic guilt trip text.
Oh come on the only original reply in the thread and no replies? Not even same gagging bit Christ why do I lurk a site composed of 90% underage, white, r9k and pol-brainwashed hosers
Cause once you're here, you're here forever.
You haven't been in a relationship then
A lot of women have the tendency of expecting a man to put them before anything else. They should be the priority number 1 and if they at all times aren't, they complain. This often becomes an issue when a woman is more committed to a relationship than a man, which is common because women are more emotional in general. They want to text and gush and cuddle and shit all the damn time while the man would want to do other stuff too; generally it's called being clingy. Then they try to guilt the man asking if they aren't important to him. That kind of relationship doesn't work, both participants need to be on the same page
This can go other way around too, men are the clingy ones with emotional breakdowns while the woman doesn't want to make the man the absolute focus of her life
>raising a kid that isn't your own
>with a crazy woman
You poor masochistic bastard
Womens first way to deal with ANY problem is to complain about it, then if it isnt solved they complain HARDER
But it is mine. Reading comprehension friend. I made my mistake, but I must do what I can now.
Gfs are gains goblins, but you might also be autistic.
then quit trying so hard, faggot.
Op is a PT
meh. this girl will decide whether or not shes ok with OP going so much. maybe she isnt and they break up, then you find someone else who doesnt need ot be around you as much
if you have this much of a passion for something dont let other people make you stop
Child and adolescent psychiatrist, will not post salary beacause im europoor and make pathetically little
Are you swole OP?
Or are you a dyel trying to turn things around?
If you're already swole and she's mad at you for going to the gym, she's a retarded cunt. Ask her if she likes your body, and if she replies "yes", tell her that going to the gym is what it takes.
If you're dyel or a fatass trying to get in shape, she's worried that by raising your value that you will realize you're better than her and leave her sorry ass.
U wot?
Most men are like that too.
This reminds me of my gf. I so fucking love her but for fucks sake I'm tired of going to the movies whenever we go out.
>user I wanna watch The Avengers
>user I wanna watch (title of another stupid Marvel movie)
We went to see Civil War and during the movie I realised she isn't supportive at all, she doesn't like to do what I like to do whereas I do whatever the hell she wants. She is so self-centered and selfish and I was a dumbass that didn't noticed (or overlooked it) for three years.
We haven't talked since then, I'm still thinking if a should just dump her or try and see if there's something worth fixing.
>"user stop going to the gym so much!"
>lose gains
>get dumped
>she moves onto next shredded cunt
Seen this happen a couple times already
>three years a cuck
For realsies? Damn, user. Why did you remain with her for 3 years? What is it that you see in her that prevents you from dumping her?
Deez nutz
Wut? Nobody lets Chad do anything, he just does it.
I'm in the same situation but my girlfriend actually likes to do kool shit.
Still though, whenever I suggest something to do she is usually never keen.
Because I'm a dumbass, I just said that. Honestly I feel now that I have plenty of time on my hands, it feels great
prob wrong thread
More like average looking user dates average looking anonnete.
Average looking user starts working out, gets better looking, anonnette doesn't like it because it makes her look bad or she has low self esteem.
Also I think we are close to breaking up.
Sorry for coming of as if I was insulting you, mate. I didn't mean it like that.
All those three years couldn't have consisted of just taking her to movies or have her mooch off of your gains, right?
I meant, did she care about you for some time? Or was it more because you were pounding that pussy? Or other?
you put up with it because it's not that bad if you think about it, but it gets tiring. Specially when you're the only one suggesting for other things to do.
>ive never talked to a woman
I know how you feel man, my girlfriend can be a bit selfish when it comes to me but she gives a lot to other people (in b4 cuck).
Overall she is a good person but it grates on you after a while, I imagine it would be 2x worse if your girlfriend only wanted to watch marvel movies etc.
>expresses feelings
>voices concerns about relationship
>manipulation and guilt
i have no hope for you losers
>my girlfriend can be a bit selfish when it comes to me but she gives a lot to other people
This pisses me of so much, why do they do this?
dear god do you even understand the concept of a romantic relationship
i mean, it's the reason i tend not to stay in them, but still
(and it's not just chix senpai, y'all acting like guys are flawless)
> alone time, cuddle, talk and be alone at all
> we dont sleep together
And do what ? She also sounds so fucking gay its unreal
Probably because they know they have us "locked in" but she feels like she has to impress other people. I think she is a bit insecure.
Jokes on her though, I have cheated on her twice during our 2.5 year relationship..
I actually feel terrible about this
Ah no you didn't, I just didn't want to go into details.
When I met her she was a smart, fun and caring girl but she changed a lot when her mom got cancer. I sticked around to help her get out of her depression and she eventually did, but now she doesn't care about anything at all. It's been a year and she's just getting worse.
On one hand I feel like a dick if I breakup with her considering the situation. On the other this is affecting my grades and see she's not even trying at all.