Rippetoe Squats or Olympic?

I've been doing Rippetoe squats for a while but I'm starting to think they're a meme. Everyone at my gym has told me to keep my back straight.

What do?

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Do whatever you find more comfortable, it really doesn't make a big difference.

>not keeping back straight
>squatting properly, any style
Pick one

Depends on what you find comfortable.

I can't do low bar squats for the life of me because I always end up tilting forward. And I always try to do ATG without realizing it.

The low bar squat has a better activation of glutes and hams, which is also why most people can lift more weight low bar squatting.

By back straight I assume you mean back vertical?

Yes they say I lean forward too much. My back doesn't round

I squat highbar ass to motherfuking grass but I feel like i use my hipflexors more than glutes.. How does one activate the gloots?

>Doing Rippetoe anything

Ask them why they think leaning over in a squat is a bad thing. They give you some bullshit answer like 'uhhhh shear on the lower back' that's totally irrelevant and not much else.

Keep doing things the way you're doing them, it's fine. If you go to any serious gym nobody would look twice at somebody leaning over when doing low bar.

Use a squat plug for better gloot activation, breh.

>taking advice from some high school P.E redneck teacher

Don't ask stupid questions.



Do whatever's more comfortable.


Want some peanut butter with your jelly newsummers?

why do some people have shit mobility?

Yeah that's Rippetoe alright.

Fucking idiot. 1/10 bait for making me reply.

lol damn dude he's just shitting on this skinny old fuck

>being this new

>low bar squatting

kill yourself lad it's a meme


he is reinforcing his shitty mobility. what the fuck?

what a weak fucker

I could beat his ass any day

For the first few sets, sure, but he gets him to parallel (probably just above) within 1 session which is more than can be said of Klokov.

No offense to Klok he's not a coach.

Not anywhere near parallel, that guy sucks

Last squat.

>not a coach


kill yourself mate

No, KK is trained as an athlete. You probably went to high school but you are not a teacher.

>personal trainers at your commercial gym is more reliable than an olympic weight lifter

kek. weak bait.

Get trolled on summerbitch.

I dismiss you, peasant. Lmao don't bother replying I'm exiting out of the thread as soon as I post this.

[ ] x gon give it to ya
[ ] x is giving it to ya
[X] x gave it to ya

Depends on their certs.

Look man I'm not bashing KK but, as far as I am aware, he has received no formal training as a coach. I'm sorry you feel this way.

It won't make much of a difference which one you do. Pick the one you feel more comfortable with, or do both. People who think a more upright squat is always better are ignorant.

I would like to low bar since it's cheating but I have long legs and a short torso

it's either high bar or front squats for me

>I would like to low bar since it's cheating but I have long legs and a short torso
>it's either high bar or front squats for me
What's your reasoning behind this?

he has no reasoning he's an excuse making fuck

Post form check. Leaning is normal, bending over with no regard to posture and/or good mornings are not


lel no. high bar squats and front bar squats activate glutes more. the more depth, the more activation on the glutes.

you dont even lift, do you?

are you referring to this graphic, which says the most glute activation occurs beneath parallel?

chinese girl wants sum fuk fuck

>believing meme charts

kek. the meme magic is real.

Can't squat low bar with my proportions m8. Not hard to understand

Me calling it cheating was a joke btw

then what are you basing your correlation between depth and glute activation on? the image is from here

and says there wasn't enough tests with knee flexion beyond 135 degrees.

intuitively it makes sense that you're right, i'm just wondering where you are getting your info from

>high bar squats and front squats have a more open hip angle than low bar squats
>so they use the hip extensors more


Rippetoe is a fraud