What's this routine called?

What's this routine called?


"woman doing stupid shit 3x10"

Get off my bench

"Bitch Taking Up Bench And Not Wiping It Off"

> being in the freeweight area for no reason
> not knowing how to jump
> not knowing how to land
> some stupid stuff at the end

Wow, didn't expect Veeky Forums to get so triggered. She looks like she's in great shape. I was hoping I could get the specs and adopt something like this into my own routine. Maybe I should just seek serious fitness advice elsewhere.

What great shape? She's just thin

Is it rude to ask the girl doing this to fuck off when I want to bench?

Or will whiteknights come flock at me

Whats with women and meme exercises?

And why buy a gym membership to do something so asinine?

what she is doing is not serious fitness.

box jumps are fine, random arm movements that do nothing are just wasting time

Instagram slut fitness program followed by detox tea post workout


>mfw some people are literally too misogynistic to recognize strength and talent

Let me make this crystal clear; Veeky Forums is a fitness MOTIVATION and SUPPORT board. These kinds of offhand jabs are not appreciated by the majority of the board.


>Veeky Forums is a safe space

I think ill just leave for the summer. These troll threads aren't even funny

It's called going to the gym to do bodyweight stuff

I believe it's called fuckarounditis.

WHY do so many women get away with doing stupid shit and because they are skinny people say "lol it looks like it worked for her"

"swim" routine

To be honest most men in gyms have no idea what they're doing either, and never get anywhere. It's just that women are much much more likely to look good from doing just about any sort of exercise, if they have otherwise good looks, while the same isn't true for most men.

cant take you or that word serious

>implying men aren't just as stupid at the gym

/r9k/ pls go

>Go to gym, girls in yoga pants do meme workouts
>Infinity reps on almost no weight on machines
>like, 20 sets of squats with 10s,
>Go to target after gym to get deodorant
>See same girls, syrup filled drinks from Starbucks

I think Veeky Forums was kidding about stupid women, but Veeky Forums isn't kidding about stupid women.

Kill yourself faggot

the instagram whore

Mcfucking leave my board

the 'stupid attention whore taking up usable equipment with her stupid attention grabbing """""30 day ass challenge""""""" routine

Plyometrics/box jumps are actually extremely effective at building sprinting power and increasing one's vertical jump.

The other exercise she's doing is effective at building the core.

Just because her rythem is off and what she's doing isn't frequently done by male non-athletes in a commercial gym doesn't mean what she's doing is wrong or ineffective.

I hate seeing people step on any bench meant to be sat or laid on. Obviously that shit is going to tear or rip sometime, padded or cushioned stuff is not meant to be stepped on fuckers.

>should be touching and exploding off the ground.
>should be jumping as high as possible regardless of platform height.
>should be in an athletic jumping position when she jumps.
>should be pulling her knees as high as possible when she jumps.
>Why the fuck is she landing like she is skiing?

Naw, she is doing plenty of shit wrong.


These are called Achilles Snaps