What does Veeky Forums think of the buffdudes?

what does Veeky Forums think of the buffdudes?

Pretty fucking gay faggots to be honest, family.

How much can they bench?

They entertain me and provide some relevant information.

are they natty?

One of the better YouTube fitness channels out there desu

Good advice, entertainment and production quality

Their personalities bore me

Personally i like them

I think they're compete cunts, just like any other fake natty on YT. The a big part of the reason people even consider taking advice from any youtube fitness personally is that they unconsciously think if they take there advice, they can look like them.

By the fact that they exist, they're twisting young mens minds who don't know any better. Literally wasting years of their lives chasing something they can never acquire. It sets up unrealistic expectations.

>Buff Dudes

How about you fat fuck get your lazy ass up from the couch and start working out?

kek. not him but post a pic of yourself

Aight man, dont see the point to it, but if a random person on the internet wants to see my nude body, who am I to deny that wish?

now do one with ur buttcheeks spread. as a random person on the internet, who are you to deny my wish?



stop shilling this shitty channel


literally exact same thread every day
buff fags pls go

Man. You look awful. Do you just never ohp?




>wanting to look like those mongs

jesus they have terrible physiques.

they're information is good for people who are like

>"wah, a dead lift? but im still alive"

other than that, lets be honest, they're pretty shit, like 90% of youtubers

you thinking of starting lifting sometime soon?

this. Fucking disgusting people praying of young men's insecurities for money. Scum

post your pic, then. Tough guy

They've been roiding for years


Dude on left has serious roid gut.