Current body Thread GO!

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you look scary in a bad way


>piss stains

What your head reminds me of

Reddit says girls are attracted by fear so thanks

It's over 9000!! xD

No I was washing my face and water got on

Fuck you

You're clearly taking this well

Dl- 315x3
Bench- 185x5

1.90 m
96 kg

nice shoulders, shit hairline

is this a joke?


How's Australia?

Nice v-taper. You look pretty balanced.
How long have you been working out and what workout? (ss, brosplit, ppl,etc.)

fucking australians


Just started SS, we all gonna make it, r-right brehs?

Squat 67.5
Bench 47.5
Ohp 35
Deadlift 70
Bent over row 45

(Taken in sisters room for dat dere full frame mirror)


>tfw lanky ass arms only look good bunched up and flexed

179cm is 5'10 you manlet faggot.

My bad XD

89kg/196lbs, down from 352 in 6 months and 22 days

Start lifting on Tuesday

>inb4 why haven't you been liftan figet?

Wanted to not be a hamplanet before even contemplating on starting that shit.

so hairy, whats your ethnicity?


Pic related, we're hairy as fuck up here.

I have one Samí grandparent as well, and probably more down the line as well, likely this is the source of the dark hair. Entire family has it.

Half a year is fucking impressive for going from obese to flat out skinny

If you can drop that much fat that fast, you definitely have the willpower to make it lifting.

Morbidly (grade 3) obese, even, had a BMI of 43.9. Wouldn't say I'm skinny though, just barely below overweight as it is. I'd like to get down to somewhere between 176-187 actually, but figure I'd tart lifting now and eat at an intake apropriate for a sedentary lifestyle to cut while (hopefully) get some gains.

You carry weight really well. I'd definitely start lifting now, and probably try to go on a decent gaining diet. You can drop the fat you still have on a cut after you put on some muscle mass.
Cutting anymore as is would be sp00ky

> reddit
Pls no

What's your bench/squat/deadlift?


I'm showing my face just because.

100kg DL,110kg skwat.

Damn nice done, if you get ripped and hold the body hair you will be manly as fuck


>No I was washing my face and water got on

A tiny spot right on your dick from washing your face. Sure.

Oh my god shave that MOP!

>dem tren shoulders

Bulk or cut?

Been bulking for a while but now feel to fat too continue but too small to cut. Wat do Veeky Forums?

>You carry weight really well.

So people say, when I tell them I was 352 they kinda refuse to believe it since it's whale weight but I didn't really look like I was full on whale mode.

>I'd definitely start lifting now, and probably try to go on a decent gaining diet. You can drop the fat you still have on a cut after you put on some muscle mass.

What would you recommend, I'm noob af at lifting. The plan I have is to do Monday - Wednesday - Friday, Lift - Cardio/Lift - Cardio respectively, then swimming session Tuesday and Thursday, rest days on Sat. and Sun. Is it too much? I calculated my TDEE for a sedentary lifestyle at 2200kcal/day, so should I eat that or up it considering how much I plan to do? Like, by 500 to 2800?

Thanks. I just have so much body hair though, if I do chest/stomach I'll have to do my back as well... getting waxed would be the only manageable thing I guess, but shit's a bit expensive (and also feels a bit feminine and weird to me).

Roiding for this

Took this one just now (aka as I'm pooin) lol

>110kg squat

SS victim? by the time you get to 2pl8 with good form you should have some upper body mass, you do not have any

keep eating as you are, but try lifting heavier things


>trying to escape aushwitz mode
struggles hard.


Literally don't wear any of that shit to the gym...

>Superman shirt
cool, but nerd/10 in public.

faggot unless cycling, then turbo-faggot

>shorts over tights
The shorts by themselves would be fine but fuck me, come on man.


Pretty much the cut look I was looking for when I started lifting.

At first I was 70 kg and 19% body fat, now I'm 65 kg and 9% body fat.

I feel tempted to bulk a bit to get a bit stronger/bigger.

Do you plan on trying to do bb at some point masT?

Pls work chest. Dwarfed bad by arms

Shitty lighting

you think i would make a chance?

thanks for the advice chris aceto

ty hungry skell

How long have you been working out and what routines did you follow?

I'm trying the weights just wont increase ;_;. Is it time to come off SS?

very cold were I live at the moment tho.
Skins help.

>roiding for this

I'm 5'11 just turned 19 and can't get passed 125 pounds I look like a fucking skeleton (pretty much like this user except no MOP) I've always been skinny and I can't seem to gain weight can you help?

Weighed in at 196 this morning. FeelsGoodMan

You used to look better like 6 months ago desu



pretty sick physique, i'd work on the delts a little more though

who tf deadlifts less than squatting (full squat)?

Former 300 pound fatty. Lost 140 pounds and got to first pic at ~160 then starting lifting and now am around 6'2 208 pounds. About 3.5 years in between pics I think.

Critique please. Started lifting on Halloween

Mirin bowling ball shoulders

Mirin zipper abs


As other user said, just lift heavier

Miron everything


Neck is twigmode. I can already tell you dont deadlift

>adonis belt
>pecs all around developed, no gap, no odd imbalances
>fairly symmetrical abs
>overall good silhouette

Nice job. Also nice long ass arms, being black aside you'd make a good swimmer

your nipple sticks out a lot. do you have gyno?

Ugh... I semi ruined my cut

Gained like 8 pounds in the past two weeks, just fuck my shit up senpai

Hoping a lot is water weight from all the fucking beer

193 lbs

>tfw a cbt bully says you have toothpick legs because you didn't bother to flex them in previous pic.

wanna know how I know you use roids?

Thx m8; I'm doing more overhead press these days, so that should straighten itself out.
It's funny you should say that, as deadlift is my best lift

>I can already tell you dont deadlift

If i remember correctly that dude has a 5pl8+ deadlift, so yeah.

No i look the same. I was bulking then, now i'am cutting faggot

this was me at bulking cycle

On your way to Dwight Howard mode senpai

Must cut the flab away

Legs, if anyone is interested
>tfw haven't done squats since January of 2015
>still t. rex
At least I will never be the "skipped leg day" meme

Eat more breh. MO mass MO gains. Looking pretty sexy tho desu senpai

w..where is your chest?

Should be fun, yes, I'd love to know why you only see your underachievement when viewing other peoples progress.

Work in progress my man. Chest/Glutes are my weak points for sure.


>thinking this looks good

BB Hip thrusts for glutes.
They'll help your SQ & DL a lot as well.

daily remember; that this is the person, behind every shitpost while not showing any pics of himself, wishing they were zyzz


lmao, i can't even decribe the level of betáness

while i get all the mires they can dream of, they wish they were never born

man, life would suck so damn hard. No wonder they hate on others


Shit. I'm 1.80m and 81kg. I come from 95kg. Don't tell me I'll still be skinnyfat even if I lose another 10kgs?

You forgot to post your leg pic, just fyi.


Should I cut or cleanbulk to look best for July/August?

I've been bulking since I started lifting, ten months in total

Here's another angle

And heres my back, I should probably cut right?

Is that a piss stain on your pants?

Yeah I can pull 5 even from a deficit.
Thx. I'd go with either recomp or a slow cut. Dont cut too aggressively

Depends how weak you are bro. Majority of my childhood was runescape and food so I don't have a strength base. If your lifts are similar to mine, then yeah you still will be.

But hey, skinny fat is better than no fat. Plus if you're lifting whilst losing weight you should be fine, I never did that. Good luck bro.


you look strong if you cut you'd be super hot

Trying to cut and improve my shitty chest. But I added too much frecuenzy and I got injured in the chest :(

Then why does your neck look like it would snap in a small breeze?

Idk but I'm 5'10 and like 25 pounds lighter and my neck has soooo much more girth... Do you play any contact sports? Have you ever had a concussion? You look fine but that neck just makes you look fragile. Maybe its the angle. I have tiny wrists so I can somewhat relate

Rate me brehs

jared has had a lot of time to be lifting in prison, probably trying to keep the other offenders from puncturing his tight hole

Thanks boo I want to get stronger tho so I think I should just eat normally and cleaner