Veeky Forums help

Veeky Forums help

tl;dr: i just started vomiting blood

>just finished my push up routine and got a shower
>started to feel sickly
>figured it might be because i pushed it hard
>ive had post work out vomits before
>was finishing off some whey and decided i couldn't hold it any longer
>hugged the toilet and let it go
>first heave lost all my whey and i was a little mad
>second heave was nothing but blood
>third was more blood

i'm kind of shaking right now and feel light headed but i'm a poor fag and can't afford a hospital trip.

Is this serious or did i just mess up?

it's over boyo

are you sure you aren't also having a nose bleed from all the heaving?

i've only had a nose bleed once
that and it was a lot of blood

Go vegan.

Fucking americans, man. Enjoy your death

stomach ulcer rupture

enjoy death


well i guess it's time to
pray x f

Step 1: get off of this Lithuanian Drum Circle board
Step 2: check throat, nose, and any applicable areas for signs of bleeding
Step 3: if you are positive the bleeding is internal, go to the fucking hospital. If you can't finance a hospital bill to save your own life then fuck off.

Are you on any medication at the moment?

How old are you?

Do you have a history of eating razors?

m8 i think you 'ave cancer

> can't afford a hospital trip

fucking murricans

Answer the following:
>description of symptom(s) (i.e., nature, onset, duration, severity, associated symptoms)
>description of any factors that seem to precipitate, exacerbate, and/or relieve the symptom(s)
>description of efforts to relieve the symptoms
>age, sex, height, and weight
>patient's dietary habits
>sleep habits
>concurrent medical conditions, prescription and nonprescription medications, and dietary supplements
>history of other adverse reactions to medications

It's all in your head, user. Get a grip and do another pushup.

my friend who doesn't lift pukes blood. lt might just be a thing in your stomach. The reflex can be so strong you literally rip your stomach slightly

last I heard internal bleeding was a sign of good health

>Step 1: Consume salt water, table spoon of salt in to half a glass of water, gulp that down.
>Step 2: Keep your head elevated on a pillow, it should be above the rest of your body.
>Step 3: After about 20 mins, get yourself to a clinic to get checked out.

Don't worry it happens all the time with crossfit, will just need to calm down and let the body recover for a few weeks.

go to the fucking doctor you autist, no one here is going to have a magic tip to fix your internal bleeding

Obviously you missed some scoops in that shake brah

Take an Uber or a cab to the emergency room immediately

Anytime you vomit you should go to urgent care, any time you vomit blood you go emergency room.

Unless you live in a literal chinese shithole that will turn you away if you can't pay the emergency room bill, go to the ER rn user or you might lose your gains forever

If you vomit a large amount of blood, typically 500 cc or the size of a small cup, or if you vomit blood in conjunction with dizziness or changes in breathing, you should call 911 immediately.

Just found this on a medical advice website. OP is probably kill if this isnt bait.

Go to hospital you dumb fuck. You can't have any money if you are dead so why are you even considering not going for monetary reasons. Vomiting blood is a serious fucking symptom so get to hospital.

>i'm a poor fag and can't afford a hospital trip
land of the free

> Anytime you vomit you should go to urgent care,

You don't actually do this do you?

> If you can't finance a hospital bill to save your own life then fuck off.

> This is what Republicans believe

glad im not American