ITT we post foods that may be a meme and others debunk their validity or confirm their worth
>pic is goji berries, one of the greatest "superfoods" in the world
ITT we post foods that may be a meme and others debunk their validity or confirm their worth
>pic is goji berries, one of the greatest "superfoods" in the world
Shut up
I'm not saging in hopes that other people see this and verbally shame you to prevent this type of behavior in the future.
>i feel uncomfortable in my stupidity and wish this thread away so i can peacefully post my OHP reps in the daily thread
Not sure about Goji Berries. Can anyone redpill me on kale, or is it just overrated lettuce?
I literally cannot understand your angst
Kale has a lot of vitamin k which helps vitamin d function and as well as getting calcium to the right spots in your body
kale s more micros than your average lettuce. buy it if it's on sale or when you want to switch up your vege game
Kale is nutritionally about the same as other dark greens such as spinach, chard, collards, beet greens, etc. They have their individual strong points but are all basically the healthiest foods you can eat micro-wise, so just try to make eating your favorite/cheapest a somewhat regular thing. Kale as THE BEST is def a meme, though, would lose sales to cheap spinach otherwise.
"Superfood" is literally a meme. There's no definition McDonald's can advertise their chicken nuggets as a a super food if they want to.
none for this board user, not in summer
>superfood --> highly nutritional food
>"superfood is a meme the entire world is a meme I'm the memebuster fear me"
is it really that difficult to make some logical assertion about X thing and stick to it instead of hearing it wrong from marketing and inmediatly discredit everything about it?
This. Superfood basically means foods that are particularly nutrient-dense and health-promoting. Dark green vegetables, sweet potatoes, beans, berries, etc. High antioxidant values, potent anti-inflammatory effects, and other healthy things.
So it means what ever the fuck you want it to mean.
>Not a meme
Superfood is the word for which nutritious food is the food industry marketing the hardest. Nobody talks about stinging nettles, but they're significantly nutritionally superior to kale and available as a weed practically anywhere.
Exactly what I said it means. The same definition everyone who uses the phrase superfoods uses.
>a food that is rich in compounds (such as antioxidants, fiber, or fatty acids) considered beneficial to a person's health
And literally anyone can advertise anything as a superfood.
I consider gluten to be beneficial to peoples health. Is bread a superfood?
People can use practically any word however they want. What's your point?
If you had evidence that gluten/bread provided impressive health benefits, sure.
So are they okay to drink?
Do you have to prove the benefits before you can label something a superfood? It's a meaningless meme word.
>Nutrient dense
100g of white potato has 96% of your DRV of copper, 76% iron, 58% manganese, and more potassium per calorie than a banana.
100g of 85% of ground beef has 104% b12, 30% b3,b6,iron,phosphorus,selenium and 60% zinc.
By that criteria, a Burger and Fries are double down on super foods.
Hey, I agree with what you're saying.
Need more superfoods in my diet I guess.
Go on. I dont want your old wives tale/soccer mom "energy drinks kill" myths. These have no calories and no sugar, what's wrong with them?
YES. if you drink PWO, you can definitely drink 0cal monster. I would go as far as to say that hating Monster is a meme.
Why is everyone here dealing in extremes?
Yes, superfood is a commercial label only, but no, nobody's gonna label fast food as superfood, in fact, it was already prphibited in the European Union under some conditions
For all the foods commonly called superfoods, their health compounds are well documented. Blueberries are dense in anthocyanin pigments, broccoli is by far the best source of the liver stimulating compound sulfurophane, sweet potatoes are dense as shit in beta carotene among other things. They're noteworthy foods.
They contain nutrients, yes. Not particularly great for anything, and more importantly, contain practically no health-promoting phytochemicals. Purple-flesh potatoes might be considered a superfood though.
Also, you know french fries and potatoes aren't the same thing.
I'm also anxiously awaiting this response
>the entire world is a meme
this is me
anyone else?
what do?
kill yourself
Really high in sugar though
Problem with all fruit unfortunately
>but their good sugars
Still too much
Sugar from whole fruits aren't associated with health problems. The bad things refined sugars do, fruits don't.
>using this instead of deadlifts AND squats to just do the in-between of both
Energy drinks are no different than a cup of coffee and a few candy bars
Collard greens are goat, the rest aren't far behind
Once you understand the meme broadly, you can see it in all things.
I think this thread gave me cancer.. I feel ill
Are you an idiot? You're clearly underage
OP detected
What is Veeky Forums's opinion on this Qi'a Apple Cinnamon Superfood Cereal?
I put it in my post-workout oatmeal
>2.2g ALA Omega-3s
>chia seeds
>buckwheat seeds
>hemp seeds
>delicious freeze dried apples bits and raisins