Daily Reminder
Daily Reminder
h-hey b-brah wanna test each other...
>tfw one nut is way bigger than the other and has always been that way
>makes my sack sag low as shit
>the bigger nut is extremely veiny or some shit can't remember what the doc told me years and years ago.
Already tested myself sorry.
Got a epidydimal cyst op in a few months.
Guys I actually just found a lump..... Fuck
See a urologist right away
when i felt it my father and uncle blowend up indrong of that. shit sucked balls
On the balls or outside?
If it's on the balls, it could be cancer.
If not, it could be a cyst.
Don't worry though; testicular cancer has a very high survival rate.
Epidydmal cysts aren't lethal mate. Just a bit of an inconvenience
epididymis sensitive when I rub it?
i have one of those fluid filled cysts on my balls. scared the hell out of me.
varicose veins
Whenever I go for a yearly check up I tell my doctor i'm concerned that I feel a lump and make them feel my balls, then I have them give me a referral to a urologist for a second opinion so he can feel them too. Then I like to go to the surrounding urgent cares and ask them to feel them too.
I like to get them touched multiple times a year, I always ask for a male doctor. Sometimes i act like i'm playing on my phone during while I really record it happening. Afterwards I go home and fap to it while I rub my balls on this microfiber chair I have.
Pic related has a serious case of blue balls.
I've had a small lump on my right ball for a few months and do my best not to think about it.. had one a few years ago that went away by itself after a couple of weeks
How big are your balls? I have no lumps but I'm not sure if they're small or not. The left one is like a slightly larger grape, and my right is probably something around a medium sized date, like pic related.
>no homo
should be just under egg size
Like a medium egg? I'm not even close to that.
Nah, really any size other than larger than egg / smaller than grape is fine. Mine are walnut/large grape sized and my loads are bountiful and strong.
I sometimes get small flush red marks on my ball sack, what do
double spermatocele masterrace here
Maybe a pair of your underwear is causing a reaction.
brb smelling pants