3 months of working out. 5 times a day. 20 min cardio. 1 to 2 hours of lifting. How many calories should I be getting? I'm 32 years old and 120 b. 5'6. Any pointers on female strength training appreciated. Thank you!
Help me out please
>not in a stable relationship
Say good by to your chance of having a family
1 to 2 hour lifting, lets cut that down to less than one hour, wasting so much time
Want some young cock?
don't listen to this idiot lol.
everyones different, just eat at a surplus until you notice you're gaining fat. then maintain or keep eating if you want to gain weight.
Try that. Mirin calves
Thank you. I'm going to check out the Scooby link now. Much appreciated! I like the lean look but I wanna build a more muscular butt and I love strong arms on a woman.
>32 year old women browse Veeky Forums
h-hey OP, what do you think of 32 year old kissless virgins?
plz respond
Kissless virgins? Nothing wrong with being a virgin. You're saving yourself for someone special. By a real doll and you'll be fine.
what are your goals?
post some more pictures, i think you're really qt. i promise i won't masturbate to them.
Zach is that you?
That. is a man.
>five times a day
the fuck?
Lol. I meant 5X a week! My goal is to get very muscular and strong while still looking lean.
Do roids
Read the motherfucking
Read the motherfucking
Read the motherfucking sticky
Roids aren't good for girls. I wanna keep teh bewbs.
Can you post your toes? For scientific purposes
Heya lady, you have a nice looking base to start with. Wondering what your fitness goal is? what do you want to look like? If you put those down when you're asking for a tips it helps a lot.
Whatever you do, don't eat bread.
roids are for everyone
Look like they might sag down to the hell without that bra
More face pics, Mr. Ed.
Fuck off ugly low test bitch
Yeah man, what's up?
sit on my face
pls be in Pittsburgh
Dude why the hate? I'm asking for fitness tips. I am not claiming to be the hottest girl in the world.
Thanks. My goal is to not drop to dangerously low body fat levels but build lean muscle with an emphasis on a round, muscular butt, small waist, and lean but strong arms. I went gluten free and lost lots of body fat in the stomach area. I'm happy about that.
>claiming to be a girl at all
Well someone has a bug up their behind. Not sure why. If you want to believe I am a shemale or whatever that's ok! Even trannies gotta make gains. How about you post some pics of yourself since you must be stunning seeing as you are a supreme judge of others physical short comings. Post pics! Let's see if your cock is bigger than what you imagine mine to be!
Post more body pics you damaged old spinster
Not a spinster. Have a wonderful man. I don't take many pics of myself.
Sup man. We we're just talking about milfs wanting that young dick the other day.
>Engaging the trolls
Read the sticky
Asking for pics makes you a troll? /r9k/ needs to leave
THis is me
A cat isnt a man
is being fit a religion like Islam nowadays? why the fuck are you lifting five times a day? are you becoming the imam of lifting association or something?
This is the only other one I have. I would like more arm gains.
Fat is a global thing, so all you can do is eat more or less your body will choose where to put it (stomach versus arms). By eating the proper amount of calories you can lose any fat. To get nice toned looking arms and but you have to replace that fat with muscle. What you want to pursue is a weight training program, actually something like stronglifts or icf would be a good place to start. They have high squat volume that will help you get a nice ass and legs.
Fwiw I'm 29 and just started lifting a year ago and I look way better than before. Stick with it you'll be glad you did.
>not lifting 5x a day
Do you even praise Allah?
I'm not. I meant to say 5X a week.
Thank you for the advice! I will apply it!
That's you? Haha haha! OK dude I'm not even gonna go there.
Look, fag, it was funny at first. Stop trying to act like you're me just because I'm a girl. Oh wow amazing I have a vagina I've never seen one of those before! Fuck off dude
Lol. I do live in VA. I'm in southern VA and not many people are in to making gains in these parts.
What in the hell are even on about now? Who's doing what? I posted about fitness and nutrition advice. What's with the tomfoolery?
What a shit thread
If you want me to be jacking off OP I'm gonna need to see some stomach.
Consider blurring your face on pictures, should help.
That isn't the goal hun. I sincerely wanted advice. I posted a pic of myself with no makeup and my hair up looking a mess. I'm not trying to get the D. I am seriously into lifting and I appreciate new ideas.
Always eat more.
Get a spotter so you can lifter heavier.
Lift heavy+bulk=gains
Also woodberry
Buy the book and do the program.
Yes a spotter would help for sure. That's what's keeping me back somewhat. Scared of hurting myself without someone to spot me. None of my friends lift so maybe I should try to be more sociable at the gym and make a workout buddy.
Read the fucking sticky and fucking use myfitnesspal to calculate your maintenance caloric intake.
Also never post your ugly crossdressing face here again you fucking twink fuck.
@_@ okay fine dude. Fuck you I'm leaving and I'm never coming back to Veeky Forums again. When I posted this thread I was just askin for help. But clearly you virgins can't handle a woman being on your dumb anime website. Bye!
Thank you!
You post like my mom texts OP and you're 30 years younger
>how did you find this site mom
Do Try to do 1 hour of hard working out also...
I didn't post that anime virgin comment. Why is someone pretending to be me,?
Haha guys this isn't me. Keep the fitness advice coming! I really appreciate it! I'm thinking I might post another pic for your troubles if it's good enough.
Okay this is getting weird. From now on I'm gonna use this when I post so nobody pretends to be me
Don't insult our rug weaving agora you vapid bitch
This is me the OP. Why is someone posting pretending to be me? I'm so confused.
I have never seen that picture in my life. Can you please just go away so we can talk about fitness please ? Jesus
Stop lying, this woman is at least 5/10.
For real though, I'm the real OP and I would really appreciate it if you silly boys would stop pretending
What the hell is going on? Well since someone is pretending to be me I'm going to bed now. Thank you for those who gave good advice. For the weirdo troll...have a good night. If any posts are made after this it's not from me.
Dumb frogposter.
FUCK OF LOSER NECKBEARDS was my last post. Stop pretending to be me just because you can't talk to women in real life doesn't mean you can disrespect me online.
Yeah I've had friends plateau all because they couldn't lift heavier (didn't have a spotter)
Idk start fucking a cute dude at your gym
It'd be a fun spotters-with-benefits type relationship
Who gives a shit
Bulk and lift heavy desu
Goodnight sweet prince
Sweet dreams pupper
This be a tranny
Suck every guys dick at your gym and swallow their cum for extra protein. You'll get shredded in no time!
>How many calories should I be getting?
>Any pointers on female strength training appreciated
fuck the scooby cal calculator. the activity multiplier is too high. Use katch mcardle formula instead
>fuck off cookie cutter routine suggester shit
Isn't just 5 reps of hip thrusts too little?
It allows you to use heavier weights and develop more strength. But you can switch in favour of higher reps if you feel it's uncomfortable to handle weights that are too heavy.
agreed. the multiplier is way too strong. pretty sure his "hour of intense exercise" consists of running 7 minute miles entirely
Sorry Christmas cakes get thrown out after 25.
Katch mcardle only gives bmr right? It gave me 1800 and Scooby says 3300 which is what I am eating right now.
Hey trappy saw you were in a thread and wanted to ask you a question about SS since you are knowledgeable.
I am trying to get skinny because I was pretty chubby so I have been dieting and doing SS with some cardio on off days. My lifts have totally stalled (except deadlift but w/e). Is it OK to just keep lifting the same weights over and over again to maintain what I have or is there some superior strategy here? I don't want to have a fat man gut but I want to be fit.
God OP I'd fuck you so hard. It'd be fuego
post a pic of you
You look like a tranny I screwed in a bathroom in Panama City Beach.
Did you photoshop the face of a man onto your body to disguise your identity?
Read the "Getting stuck and getting unstuck" section on fitsticky.com
And if it's the case that you simply can't handle linear progression during your cut anymore, you can switch to a slower program with weekly progression.
A 4 days split from fitsticky.com
And I recommend doing a small deload on every lift, doesn't have to be much, just 2-4kg. Just so you don't start the program stuck.
Thanks for the advice :)
That might work well, especially with emphasis on those lifts I am already wanting to focus on.