Go from 255 to 190

>go from 255 to 190
>9 months later
>now at 260
>ass cheeks rubbing against each other chaffing like crazy after 2 hours of walking everyday
don't let it happen to you fatfags

I went from 95kg to 75kg over 10 months or so. It was the best I had ever felt in my life, I actually had a 6 pack, and I felt really amazing.

Then I got comfortable and stopped being so anal about my diet, then I ended up over 1 year gaining the 20kg back. Now I am working my way back down again, this time I know better and will not get comfortable.

>tfw went from 210 to 160
>tfw getting Veeky Forums turned me into a feminist

Long story short, when I was fat in high school lots of people shat on me no matter what I did, they would tell me to kill myself, etc, and those very same people who told me to end my life suddenly wanted to hang out with me and go on dates with me, purely because I became attractive

Then I realized that this struggle that I felt runs 10x deeper for women, because 70% of the shit that makes women attractive is determined purely by genes and can't be improved without disgusting surgery, and it is FAR more important for women to be attractive than it is for men to be attractive

But now I don't know how to spread this message without coming off as a joss whedon-esque cuck

>and it is FAR more important for women to be attractive than it is for men to be attractive


My friend wants to go from 80kg to 90kg.

Stormweenie pls go and stay go

Try being over weight and gay... fml

Gays don't like bears to cuddle with? You must be unhygienic.

>because I became attractive
> 160 pounds

bad news for ya chap

>70% of the shit that makes women attractive is determined purely by genes

show me a healthy girl who is below average in looks. And no that doesn't include freak deformations that are 1 : 100000

Too skinny now?

>Veeky Forums standards = normie standards

How the fuck did this happen?

Explain, OP.

I went from 200 to just under 230 and actually shrunk a few sizes. Didn't even change my diet drastically. I just did a basic routine that consisted exclusively of compound lifts. As much as I hate going to the gym, proper exercise is fucking awesome.

Did you fuck up the numbers?

I went from 320 to 190. Then I got a job and decided eating right and training was too hard and went back up to to 270. Then I admitted that was a bullshit excuse and I'm down to 175 now.

went from 210 to 170 and back to 230. it sucks balls

I'm not, usually shower once in the morning and once after gym or work. Just the people intrested in me are fat and smelly and I'm trying to get into the next league so to speak

Been there. Here's how I think about it to not get discouraged:

1 If it worked before, it'll work again, so don't stop this time.
2 Keep training, so if I do eat too much for a long time it does some good.

I've relapsed twice to about that weight since high school.

Feel bad, man.

>ass cheeks rubbing against each other
Hawt. Post ass! N-no homo.

Not op but you're a fag. Lets hangout

>Was fatfag
>Decided to get Veeky Forums
>Lost 30 lbs
>Lifted, dieted, swam and cycled
>Hernia popped and needed surgery
>Couldn't move more than 100m at a time
>Couldn't lift
>Got depressed as I waited for operation
>Weight went back on
>Finally got all clear to lift 3 months after the operation
I'm going to make it this time cunts.

Went from like 245 to 185 in like 5 months a few years ago. Had no job, not in college, no life really. But I still felt great. I'd gain a few pounds per year, but nothing major.

Started eating like crap the past 3 years once I serioused up about school and got a real job, got back to 240. I'm got more bulk that I did when I was younger, but that's still too close to where I was. I know what I need to do to lose the weight, cardio, cutting, etc., lost 5 so far. Kinda fucked up my foot last week so I didn't get to work out. But it's feeling better mostly now so I'm going in the morning.

It was a bit hard to find the time to find the time to workout inbetween school and work, but I've mangaged. 45 minute run, weights, low cal, lots of water, easy enough.