Rage as Motivation

> Driving home
> In neighborhood
> Passing cars that are parked on the right side
> Big ass truck coming from the other direction speeds up
> Passes me on the left and calls me a "fucking idiot"
> Wanted me to wait even though I was already passing I guess?
> Flip him the bird
> He follows me home and acts like he wants to fight
> My little brother is in the car so I just tell him to fuck off
> Dude was like 40

Here's the thing - before my cut I'm sure I could have taken him. But after I cut hard (22%-16% bf) and got aesthetic I lost a lot of strength and physical confidence.

Now I'm eating everything I can and making a strength based workout to get it back. I'm mad as shit. The guy lives 2 houses down.

What would you do Veeky Forums?

If someone tries to follow me home, I'll drive somewhere else because i don't want my enemies knowing where I live. They might come back and slash your tires.

I didn't know he was following me, I was only 5 houses away anyway. Besides, I know where he lives now.

Just molotov cocktail his house

Brad Pitt looked so fucking hot in Fight Club.
no homo.

I wake up angry.

I have a face that says "stop that shit. Now." and a concealed carry. Shit de-escalates quick when people think their dealing with a psycho off-duty cop who is itching to go off.

>"Honey, look at that autist over there. I think he has a gun. He look so mad."

>"Don't make eye contact. He looks like one of those troubled school shooters."

Then you come home and post to this Chinese whale watching forum:

>"Yeah people are intimidated by my totally buff physique. No one even dares look at me, they're all afraid"

He's probaly got some weird shit going on at home. That shit rewards itself. Don't get sucked into that and fuck up your true objectives, whatever those are.

1st grade:

>work up nerve to tell crush i like her
>never even learned my name
>puke in front of her

5th grade:

>several girls in class decide im the ugliest boy in class
>people snicker
>i cry
>laughter breaks

6th grade:

>a group of boys in class make fun of my haircut
>class laughs
>i throw pencil at them
>substitute teacher yells at me and kicks me out
>i cry in front of class

(I was a real crybaby then)

Middle school:

>get crush way out of my league
>make it obvious
>crush and her girlfirends harass me regularly
>become laughing stock of entire school

High school:

>pretty much the same as middle school except they don't harass me, i just don't exist to them
>her whiteknight friends have me socially exiled for rumors that surround crush

To be fair, most of my cringe filled memories are the result of my lacking understanding of how to deal with social situations that get out of hand.

All that's in the past. Now I'm 18, a currently debt CS major (that won't last), and I plan on entering the military to do cybersecurty because I think it'll be good for me.

I know you guys can be be pretty aggressive sometimes but I've learned a lot from this place and the gym keeps me sane more than anything else. The gains so far are magnificent (just started taking creatine) and if I make it, I owe some of my success to you guys for making everything so clear.

Never change, Veeky Forums

Look out everyone edgemaster 5000 coming through with a concealed carry

Got a problem with conceal carries?

Real men don't bother to cut. Real men prioritize strength over "aesthetics." Just get stronk as fuck and sit at 20%. The kind of woman you want to marry will appreciate it, trust f a m.

I carry a crowbar in my passenger seat because people get road rage and are pretty dumb where I live (only city in a very rural province of Canada). I've only had somebody get out at a place where I was forced to stop as well twice, and they get back in their car pretty quick when they see a big guy with a crow bar getting out.
I try and be understanding and patient on the road, but sometimes the way people get leaves me in a bit of fight or flight response.

>this is what fatties tell themselves to justify their lack of diet discipline

>20% is fat

Body dysmorphia fags please go

>bulk up again, lose all aesthetics, feel confident
>confront the guy
>he knocks me the fuck out
>for some reason I associated my squat's PR to actually knowing how to fight


>Being autistic enough to get into fights with random strangers

Don't you know that assholes like these are just people with miserable lives who try to put down others to make them feel better about themselves? All you had to do was ignore him but instead you gave this piece of shit the excuse he was looking for to take out all his frustrations on you.

My advice is to stay away from this faggot. If he starts to become a threat then call the police on him. You don't have to bulk up to fight him or any stupid shit like that.


You sound like a girl.


Elliot, you died when your car crashed and you shot yourself in the head. I dont know how you are able to post to Veeky Forums from hell but that is fucking amazing!

>Being rational makes me a woman

Virgin detected.