Gf wants me to quit gym?

Long story cut short.... I go every Saturday morning 9am til around 12 to meet my friends at the gym, then sauna. Always have a good laugh since its empty and we have free run of everything.

Been in relationship with new gf 6 months.... And she's not happy how she doesn't get to see me Saturday mornings and we don't have a 'full day' together..... Said it's straining the relationship and doesn't meet her 'needs'.

We work together so we see each other everyday....have lunch together everyday ...and see her Sundays.....

Dunno wtf she is on but I'm starting to rethink the whole gf thing.... She's South Korean too....

she is trying to keep you from making gains and leaving her

2 options
> give waifu more attention, lose some gainz and maybe her if it doesn't work out in the future
> say no, loose waifu, but stay on the road to making it
Think wisely, friend. Or maybe you could persuade her that the gym is part of your lifestyle.

You done goofed son.

Seriously though she sounds needy and selfish, she sees you plenty, every relationship needs space for each person to live their own lives too, you have friends too not just her and you wanna see them and have fun, I get you man. All I can say is explain this to her, how it's important to you and makes you happy, you get to see your bros, if she can't understand this then she's not worth your time. We're here for you brother

She's going to leave you anyway since she can walk all over you.

Tell her to fuck off if you're a real man.

if you thought even for a second that giving up lifting for a woman was an option you've already lost mate.

anything but a firm "fuck you ho" is you turning in your balls. no pussy is worth that

why don't you just make sunday your full day together?

do NOT do it user
I quit working out all together for my gf, holy hell how i regretted it and when she dumped me and moved on to new cock i had to retake all the ground i had lost in order to start dating again
If it makes you happy she shouldnt interfer with it

Azn girls like to keep their males on a short leash. It may seem ironic since so many guys want them because they're "passive gentle little delicate flowers" but in actuality that's a front to hide the controlling truth.

gfs = literally gains goblins

>She's South Korean too....
Dump, instantly

Don't let her dictate your life.

That "full day" bullshit is literally her trying to get power/control over you, I had an ex just like that a few years ago.

Do what makes YOU happy, tell her to fuck off.


do what you want and let her follow along, if she disagrees find a new gf. Don't make it more complicated.


bring a guy over with your gf and get him to jack you off and say shoo shoo gains goblin
that'll show her

tell her to get a dog if she wants something to pull along on a leash, or call her out on you not stopping her from hanging out with her friends when she's doing that to you.

no they throw out that first hook to see if they can catch you and if they do they won't let go ...ever. If you never fall for it they are really like all the mangas make them out to be docile as fuck.

It's just the moment you fall for that first one when it goes downhill and they do it super inconsipicious. I had a asian bitch try that shit on me.

>babe can you not go to the gym today and stay in bed with me all day, you promise before and I know you keep your promise
>completely stops talking about it and treis changing subject instantly so I have no rebuttal

Korean girls are notorious for being manipulative and bossy.

You have a choice, grow a spine and stand up for yourself.
or succumb to the gains goblin and accept your new life as a betafag who she will dump once your gains have dissapeared

give her a hall pass on Saturday's so she can fuck a black man while you go to the gym.

>telling you what to do

fucking lmao drop her right now, half the appeal of having a yellow gf is how subservient they are

Shes worried that youre going to realize youre too good for her.


Op here

I lol'd when she said about the full day thing. I see her every Sunday but she complains I go home early since work in the morning and I have a dog bro to look after.

She doesn't count meeting for lunch everyday.... Or pretty much anytime I need to 'leave early'...

I just thought I'd share with you guys coz I thought it was ultimate gains goblin.... She called me 8 times already and iv not answered..... 6 months in and this.... Doesnt look good brehs

She's a good ride too.... Like a black man trying to escape the cops on a tuk tuk rapid won ton style

>read what you wrote

Tell her to get fucked or break up honestly familia. She's tryna change you and break one of your lifestyle choices. How would she feel about you not letting her eat noodles or fried rice?

the fact that you are even considering this tells me you are a gigantic pussy, OP.

>Not dating a north korean
Never gonna make it

Very much this.

shoo shoo gains goblin

Find a nice white girl and make you parents/trump proud

Women love to test you, once she finds out you're a beta fag that bends to her will you will lose her respect and she'll start fucking someone else.

Welcome to the real world.

koreans are fucking trash plastic surgery tier

if you date asian at all, japanese or gtfo

>wanting slanty eye babies


Korean chix crazier than a shit house rat. Fun to ride perhaps but beware multiple and challenging mental issues. If you are a rice chaser you are far better off with a nice FOB Chinese or Japanese. This said OP sounds like a faggot cuck so it is too late/doesn't matter. Sayonara gains desu sempai. Enjoy that kimchi.

Op again.

Since hood reps in here brehs.... Im gona call her after my gym session and tell her to find someone else to give orders to.

Enjoy your kimchi made me lol in the gym...

>We work together
Oh boy

You only go 1x a week, not gonna make it anyway tbqh

Lol x4 a week breh. Made it already

Lol x4 a week breh. Already made it. That's why I have an qt Asian ride....


dump her

nice blog faggot

I know this already has a bunch of replies but it's the primal truth and if OP doesn't realize it and isn't able to read very obvious subtext such as this situation then his relationship will more than likely end up a trainwreck


There's your problem. I've dated 2 qt3.14 Korean girls, and both of them pulled this clingy bullshit. The thing is, in Korea, its pretty standard for couples to basically "be" each other's lives, conjoined at the hip and such.

Just tell her you have a life outside of her, and she has to accept that. That's what I did. They accepted it, though I ended up breaking up with one of them, because I can't do clingy.

Also, tbqh, I have no idea how you stand seeing each other every day. I can do like 3 days a week.

South Korean girls dont even care what you look like. She will make you pudgey and soft. Dump that bitch.

Don't dump her right off the bat. Do this and then dump her if she doesn't accept.

you care about this relationship
>confront her, talk about it, reassure her about her abandonment issues, be clear that you cant spend 100% of your fucking time together
you dont give a shit
>just ride it out and try to get the most bj and pussy out of it, either till she dumps you or you get sick of her and dump her ass
