Don't lie, you lift for girls
Don't lie, you lift for girls
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Yes. And I fuck hot chick's and treat them like shit but they still love me.
Life is finally good.
>2nd girl
Hnnnnng dat rib cage
For the first year maybe. Now I want to see the limits of my body
Kek I hate everyone in this planet.
used to. grew up
I'm opposite. For the first 6 months it was for me, after that it's >tfw no gf
Women keep getting slightly nicer to me the more fat I lose/muscle I put on.
Lifting for girls is not a meme.
Post body
>treat them like shit
For what purpose? You could just do one night stands for that.
I lift for confidence.
Getting pussy as a result of that confidence is just a bonus.
Just one
I'm 26, been lifting since I was 18 and I still, partially, lift for girls. Anyone that says otherwise is just trying to act like a monk or some shit. Sure, the majority of your motivation to lift and eat properly stems from self improvement and accomplishment, but you can't deny that you get a reward from looking better than 90% of the male population even when wearing regular clothes. Even if it's 1% satisfaction, it's still there and it's completely normal.
I'm an asocial autist with no friends who's doing a powerlifting routine. What do you think?
I lift for cute boys. :3
I lift for him.
I lift cause I like looking good in the mirror, and I want to get better
girls, if any, is a bonus
I used to tell myself that. I do gain confidence though but the desire to get laid doesn't reduce in fact it's been getting worse.
they look underage
I used to be l;ike that but now I give zero shits about girls. You want me, come talk to me. Otherwise I'll be concentrating on the things that really matter to me
Walk in & these girls smile at you
We're all gonna make it
>girls smile at you
>things that will never happen
Pick 2
this makes me miss my ex
>date girl for 2 years
>she worked at a vet office
>all the vet techs were women aged 20-33
>used to throw parties
>i was friends with all of them through my ex
>id walk in and get swarmed by them
>was a good feel
>then we broke up and i dont see them anymore
Y-you too.
I tried that path but I ended up...
I lift for the replacement of my abscent father figure, which is pic related.
>You want me, come talk to me.
There comes a point where you wonder if that approach would ever work
Grills smile at me all the time. Big fuckin' deal, grills are just being 'nice' about 95% of the time.
I lift for martial arts and so I won't be a fat piece of shit when I'm older.
Right in the feels
>I could try to be big in the eyes of the world
What matters to me is what I could be to just one girl
I lift for Jesus
>tfw Sil Lum & Chin-na disciple
What u do brother
Kung Fu's a meme MA but I still like it.
Would wife the middle one.
Why not something useful like boxing, muy Thai, wrestling?
Literally all fully 1 on 1.
Fucking cheerleader effect.
only the one on the right is cute
rest are trash
reminder that if you have anime openings in ur music playlist that you will NEVER make it
No one has to know.
Because no one teaches Muay Thai at my city and boxing/wrestling is just as good as Sil-Lum and Chin-na.
Tbh at first I thought Kung Fu was gonna be shit but as I keep progressing I find myself really making use of some of the techniques I learn in kung fu. Chinna has a lot of locking techniques and sil-lum is just fucking shaolin-warrior tier shit m8. It's pretty cool.
Plus weapons' training.
Would switch over to Muay Thai or Krav Maga if I could.
i don't lift to impress girls, i lift partly to impress everyone. it feels good to do something, whether its an L-sit to handstand, a heavy bench, a heavy deadlift or a split or something, and see people think "how the fuck did he do that" and getting treated like a superhuman after.
>tfw asexual
Asexuality is a meme.
Apathy is totally normal when your a 26 y/o virgin like me - I've literally stopped caring and really don't feel emotions anymore - only sexual desire.
oh god. the cringe is hard here.
grills don't smile at guys they don't think are cute, trust me
good troll dipshit
Why don't you hire a hooker?
i started lifting for girls even while i had a gf
now im no gf and 4 years natty gains and ive never been more alone in my life
second from and left and middle HNNNNNGGG
Expensive m8 - I only get an escort a few times a year.
I still consider myself a virgin though since a prostitute is technically cheating.
I'd say it's like 70% girls
other 30% is just wanting to feel like a beast and not a fat lard anymore.
I'm so scared that's gonna be in 5 years. I still haven't had a girl friend, let alone a girlfriend. Maybe I'll crack and hire some hooker someday
>grils piss me off and annoy me with their bullshit
>don't like dick
just suck it up and be gay
Even better.
i would lift for this desu
but yeah, jokes on you, i hate everyone
I know that feel.
Do you feel like if someone came along that you'd be unable to love them back? Like you're past some point of no return that you didn't notice pass by? I do.
My god...brrrrrreeeeehhhhhhhhhhh
See above
I lift for a multitude of reasons, girls amongst them
I'm a diagnosed autist, no girls ever gonna want me. I lift because I enjoy it and it makes my life more fun
I'm already past the point of no return. I highly doubt I would be able to love someone back fully even if they loved me. Sure I could reciprocate some, but nowhere near all of it (or the amount required to maintain I relationship).
At the moment I can barely love my parents and brother - each passing year gets more difficult.
Of course I lift for girls, I like girls. Girls are cute. I like liking girls.
Karate, Jujutsu, Iaido and Aikido. Mostly lift for the first two.
Who are you? Brak?
Any martial art can be good as long as you train hard and have a decent teacher. Keep on training man.
Forgot to add that about a month ago I was walking home and some cute girl on bike smiled at me - I didn't return the smile. My brain has literally lost the function of returning love to others. All I did was simply look away as if nothing was there and keep walking with my usual blank expression. This further proved to me that I'm very close to dead inside.
lifting makes me feel good, and I like how I look in the mirror now, and am eager to improve
I wont lie, im hoping a nice body can overcome my shyness somewhat, im just not the type to approach people randomly. people do seem more friendly now though.
noice choice.
Karate is pretty damn cool. What belt?
Too true but some are really meme MAs. Like Tae Kwon, hard to find some practical use for it in streetfights and the like.
This hits home. I work in a place that draws a lot of girls and I get smiles pretty often now and I just don't care. It's like I've accepted being alone and don't want that peace disturbed. I guess this is what happens when you live most of your life in isolation
If you don't start forcing yourself to change soon you're gonna be miserable for the rest of your life
You lifted, you changed, you became a better person, you can and DESERVE to be loved now. Learn to accept that
God, it's a bit of a relief to know that I'm not the only one to feel the same way.
Is this it? Are we done? Are we broken?
Everytime a girl speaks to me I feel like she's doing it out of compassion for a lonely soul like mine. I simply cannot acknowledge the mere thought that a girl might be interested in me.
I have such a painful void in my heart, and I try to fill it with repetitive hobbies that distract me from the truth.
I really wonder if I am broke too. The months just go by and nothing ever improves. I try to stay strong but sometimes I just want it to end
I lift for/fit/
are these people related or just super white
>implying the guy in the pic hasn't had more cocks than all the girls put together
Least you got quads....
If this was the case I wouldn't lift anymore because i have a gains goblin. In truth i lift for the mental boost and to strive for achievement, the mires are nice too i'll admit and i doubt my life would be as good if i never lifted.
I think I'd just Chris mccandless it if I were you guys. Either that or wander the earth like jules in the end of pulp fiction. Heart goes out to you anons, really do wish you guys the best of luck
clearly jail bait
jail bait too except the two on the right who aren't hot
far right is the only hot one
second from left would be hot without nose ring, now is a 7/10 at most. why girls want to resemble oxen is beyond me
second from right and fourth from right are the only hot ones
459 and 460 would get it. Going off body since I can't see face, 439 would get it too.
I agree. Pretty sharp chin, but the only actual good looking one in the room.
Girls DO smile at guys they don't think are attractive. Most just try to be friendly, and if you're not a super creepy weirdo or they think you're an alright guy or don't know you all too well yet but don't dislike you, they'll most likely smile at you. The only ones who don't are the "queen bee" type girls who will look at you with straight up disgust on their face if you so much as say hi to them and they don't like you, or the tumblr type who think the world owes them a favor and that nobody is good enough for them.
Also, dude's not trolling. She's legit the only attractive one in the picture.
girls are gross
I'm literally and unironically gay
Immediately start sweating. Look down, want to leave but can't because it would look awkward. Now I have to stay here, not knowing what to do. Pretend to walk somewhere, do something I pretend need to do, then, with my eyes still to the floor, walk toward the door to leave. As I do so, I overhear one or more of the girls giggling and immediately assume they're laughing at me, so I start sweating even more. I leave. Curse and hate mysepf for being such a beta faggot bitch. Be depressed for days, wanting to kill mysepf. Realize I will never ge happy and that I probably will kill myself.
That's pretty much how walking into a room like that would end up for me.
Annnnnnd saved*
I don't lift
We're going to make it, user.
I'm a little bit scared cause I haven't been home in a long time
> You needed my love and I know that I left at the wrong time
I lift because I dont want my dad's problems when he got older: Shitty knees and stiff back. So squats and back rows... among other things. I already gots a woman.
I don't girls