Veeky Forums Café

How do you make the perfect tea/coffee Veeky Forums?

I don't drink much tea but for coffee you can look up the exact ratio of water to ground coffee to make it really good. That's what I used to do but now I just eye ball it.

I would really love to see an iced coffee recipe that isn't shit around here though.

Green tea - Pure
Earl Grey - Black
Coffee - Black

It took a while to get used to, but now I can't have milk/sugar in any cafe drink without feeling kind of sick.
I goddamn love black coffee.

How do you fuck up ice and coffee? Brew coffee.. pour over ice.

I'm the same. Hated it at first but now prefer it that way. I drink it like that even when I'm bulking.

Idk lol. I tried it once and it was alright. Not awful but just meh. It was probably watered down from all the ice. I guess you are supposed to let it cool down?

Now that it's getting hot again I love me some iced coffee.

Get an aeropress.

And grind your own coffee, but that goes without saying.

Dark roast master race reporting in

>keep that low flavor light roast/green coffee stuff out of this thread caffeine addicts

Literally just cold brew

try a french press

earl grey 3 scoops of sugar.

without sounding too edgy, gonna have to go with coconut oil blended in coffee.

>light roast
>low flavor

You don't actually know anything about coffee, do you?

I want to make a good coffee, not get a swole triceps

add whiskey

Apparently more than "I prefer the natural taste of the bean" (You)

It's like preferring boiled hot dogs for the "natural flavor of the meat"

Black and bitter like OP's mother.

you seem retarded

for green tea you wanna boil water them let it stand for a minute to cool, then brew for like 2 to three minutes.

Use loose leaf tea and play around with steep time and leaf quantity to get the balance of strong flavor with no bitterness you like.

Another good way to do it is just cover the bottom of a cup with leaves, then add water and sip down to halfway, then add more water and keep repeating. Only works with quality tea. Pretty sure this is how people drink it in China. I almost exclusively drink tea this way at home.

>1 l water
>16-20 thin slices of peeled ginger
>Juice of one lime
>optional small teaspoon of stevia

Bring water to boil, reduce heat, dump in ginger slices and lime juice and sugar, leave simmering-like for 20-30 minutes. Strain out ginger slices.

My Family comes from the Soviet Union an they also all drink their tea this way. I personally prefer filling my own bags with loose leaf tea because its easier to control steep time etc. Also for tea newfags: read up and get loose leaf tea, its a world of a difference.



Fuck off that sounds really good

Dark roast just changes the taste you tool. I don't like burnt beans. They taste like ass

You have to cold brew it. Basically put coarsly ground coffee in a filter, tie the filter, put in a liter glass jar or whatever with cold water and let it sit in the fridge for 12-16 hours

This is what everyone Jamaican over the age of 40 drinks

I don't remember the portions I use, something like .30 lbs per liter

I have like a 30 dollar espresso machine from Walmart. I buy espresso ground coffee from a specialty shop by my house.

I load the machine and put a large cup of ice under for collection, and run the machine.

Most of the ice melts so it reduces the harshness of straight espresso, and makes it slightly colder than room temp. I think it equates to about 4 shots of espresso, so it's like a quad Americano, but stronger.

yeah it only works with certain teas. some are more sensitive and become bitter too fast.

>>not knowing grades of acidity/brightness/body of lightly roasted coffee
and into the trash it goes