How the hell do you manage to eat 1800 cals/day?, i only ate 1054 yesterday and i cdnt eat more
How the hell do you manage to eat 1800 cals/day?, i only ate 1054 yesterday and i cdnt eat more
Are you a 100lb girl?
The more you eat the more your stomach expands.
Start cheating
Get on gear
Marijuana is the only way I can meet my 3800 cal for bulk might help you too
snack on stuff!
greek yogurt
protein shakes
small french fries
whatever really
Buy jar of peanutbutter. Eat 2 tablespoons after you wake up and 2 tablespoons before you go to bed. Cheap and easy, high in calories, very nutritious and good for hard gainers or people who have difficulty eating.
Just keep eating consistently and it'll become easier
oats with banana, protein powder, nuts and milk is about 700kcal already
You know, this actually sounds like good advice. I hate PB, but I think I could do that.
Mind telling me how many kclas a teaspoon of PB is?
It says it on the jar. Fast foods or dairy products could help too
About 150 kcals for 1 big spoon. I do this when I'm bulking, I have trouble eating a lot but this is easy to down with a glass of water. So 4 spoons will up you 600 kcals.
And I wasn't talking about a teaspoon, I'm talking about a tablespoon.
Thanks. And yeah my bad, I meant a tablespoon too.
smoke some dank kush nigga, you will eat guaranteed. just cook something decent beforehand so you don't eat shit. desu though you shouldn't have anything that's shit in your kitchen anyway
The most I've eaten was a (high-end) buffet. I ate until I literally couldn't bring myself to swallow any more and my stomach physically hurt. I couldn't walk without pain. Calculating, it was about 2500 calories, at most, that day. I was shocked at how much I'd eaten.
Then you people post about eating that amount every day, and I cannot imagine how you manage to without feeling sick / getting fat.
Normal caloric intake for me is 300 calories per day, on rare occasions up to 1000 calories if I stuff myself (I'll feel uncomfortably full at more than 800 calories a day).
I never eat a MEAL that's less that 1000 calories. What the fuck is wrong with you?
The real answer
>300 calories per day
you'd be dead, stop bullshitting us, we aren't stupid and we don't believe you. Do you measure/weigh and track everything you eat and drink? Of course you don't, if you did you'd know that you eat way more than 300 per day. 300 per day is
>3 bananas
>a large sweet potato
>200 grams of rice
>6 thin strips of bacon
>2 sausages
>1 chocolate bar
>2 chicken breasts
>1/2 a liter of skimmed milk
no, not all of them, one of them. You telling me you only eat 2 sausages a day and nothing else you retard?
So many unhelpful faggots.
Liquid calories are easier to get down. Start there.
lol wtf seriously?
just go to panda express. a plate is already like 1200+ calories.
Drink lots of water after meals to expand your stomach. By your next meal I guarantee you'll have an appetite.
Kinda relevat question:
I had plateaud at a weight of 77-78kgs. I don't like beer so I decided to drink a 0.33L beer everyday until I liked it. I did this for 10 days, and during this period I unexpectedly reached my goal of 80kg. I also saw massive deadlift gains during this period, went from 100kg deadlift to an easy 125 kg 3x6 deadlift. Should I consider continuing this for bulking? Or is it really unhealthy and stupid, will I get fat?
Dont be a little bich.
I eat 1054 kcal in a goddamn sitting.
And i am cuttin. (IF masterrace)
Dude I eat about 3500. Of you work hard you will be hungry.
are you people completely retarded? you don't need to eat the calories in one meal. just split it over the day
force yourself you weak bitch. Eat high calorie and processed foods. Eat cakes and pies, drink olive oil, eat some fucking pizza. There is no excuse. If millions of americans can become obese you can eat more than 1000 calories a day.
Yes. I weigh every piece of food, to the extent that if I have a composite prepared food with no nutritional information (e.g. pizza breads or date scones), I'll separate out and weigh each component (cheese, dates, bread, etc.)
Vegetables are very filling. You can eat 2 lbs of tomatoes for under 500 calories. I rarely eat carbohydrates.
dude what the fuck... How tiny are you?
this is either supreme bait or you are mentally ill
>1 piece of chocolate and one fifth of a scone
>1 tomato and 1 egg
seek help you anorexic weirdo
Also what the fuck eat normal foods you retard. Why are you starting the day with chocolate you goddamn autist.
just curious,whats your height and weight?
All you "hard gainers" are big whiny faggots. Eating food is easy "b-but I feel full senpai". Easy solution: take a bite of food and swallow it with some water. Works everytime and it will stretch your stomach because not only are you eating the food, you're also drinking water. I ate plates full of food this way and now I can eat 4500 calories without feeling any discomfort
>I'll separate out and weigh each component
kek this is what you call an eating disorder
That should actually be logged as 12g of dates, because I picked out the dates from the scone, (weighing the bread part of the scone before and after I picked out the dates).
Also notice how I ate 2 cups (500g / 1 lb) of vegetables last night.
That piece of chocolate was a treat. It was also delicious. It's called portion control. If you can't eat chocolate without eating half the packet, you are the one that has issues.
I'm on a calorie deficit, eating 1500kcals/day and It's a sad fucking day. Fuck you.
This. I did this during my marathon training to ensure that I was getting enough calories during training. The thing that sucks now is that I'm hungry all the time.
It's known as measuring things accurately. You are prone to drastically underestimating your caloric intake if you don't, and try to "judge by eye". It's why you are probably overeating.
4'10", 87.5lbs
You can eat an entire saucepan (1.5kg+) of vegetable soup/broth (celery, cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, lettuce, winter melon, etc.) for under 150 calories.
I'd say that's filling, compared to the paltry two slices of white bread that are also 150 calories.
I have the opposite problem, any quick tips on how to stop eating over 1500 calories in a single sitting please help
This is goddamn hilarious
>measuring things accurately
Have you ever seen a normal, healthy person dissecting a pizza because he absolutely needed to know the caloric contents of the pizza slice?
Accept it user, you have an eating disorder
Peanut butter is GOAT. Add it to everything.
Kraft singles extra thick are 100 cal a slice. But them on anything that doesn't go with peanut butter.
Add olive oil to everything. Do a shot or two of it while you're cooking.
Buy cheap shredded old cheddar and add it to all your sauces.
Keep a bag of doritos and bag of chocolate covered almonds beside your bed. Smoke a bowl before you hit the sack and much like crazy.
Add a fried egg to everything like pasta or rice. It's cheap, 80 cals, high protein and delish.
Never cook with milk again, use half and half cream. Try to drink a glass of milk with every meal.
Set an alarm for 2 am, roll out of bed and chug back a protein shake.
I went from 145 lbs at 6'1 to 180lbs in 4 months doing the above. I'm eating ~3800 cals a day. Make sure you don't skip meals either. I started eating breakfast and found it makes me even hungrier come lunch time.
are you male?
post pics
It matters a lot when there's an exceedingly fine line between eating enough and eating too much. For a lot of people, 300 cals is their margin of error for a day. For me, it's my total. I have no room for a margin of error.
I don't have an eating disorder. I'm exceedingly lax when it comes to reaching my caloric limits. If I ever overeat one day, I don't compensate for it the next day or force myself to do anything. I never throw up. I like and enjoy food. I just much prefer to eat small quantities of delicious food over large quantities of boring, empty beans/rice/fried trash.
i bet you have stretchmarks on your ass. lmao
well, I hope you have fun dying on your 300 calories a day user
how are you even alive eating 300 calories a day. Do you not do any physical activity aside from fucking breathing? what the fuck
I have 2 super pale ones on each side from a growth spurt when I was 12 lol.
I have hypermobility and the associated hyperelastixity in my skin, has its advantages. Sucks dislocation everything all the time.
Your brain needs about 1000 cals a day in order to function properly so no, you do not normally eat 300 cals a day
"I like and enjoy food"
Clearly you fucking don't. Otherwise you'd eat.
>that breakfast
what in the fuck am I reading
You're trolling
300 cals a day is what Jews in Auschwitz ate every day
>I don't have an eating disorder.
you do
Thank you, I'll be happy here while you Americans eat yourselves to obesity.
(Don't worry though, I'm anticipating on gaining at least 4lbs in the 4 days I'm visiting America and trying your cuisine.)
On weekdays I walk to university and back, an hour each way.
It's known as portion control. I eat. I just don't inhale food like most people do.
That's actually a can of plain diced tomatoes (400g/320kj/76cals), it was the closest I could find in myfitnesspal numerically/calorie-wise.
user please post pics. Wondering if you are really Auschwitz-healthy.
Wtf? I'm eating 3.5-4.4k a day and the only reason I'm not eating more is money and unwillingness to cook 10hours of my day.
someone screencap this thread
I'm on a 1700 calorie cut
I'm at a 1000 calorie deficit
you skellies are fucking pathetic, eating more is the easiest thing to do
Add 3 cheeseburgers, stuff them into your face before going to bed and youre golden.
get a mass gainer lol. i was skelly auscwitz mode and i went thru 90 serving of serious mass to go from 125lb to 140lb
I don't understand some of you guys.
I ate fuck-knows-how-many kcal (8000+?) yesterday no problem:
>4 cremwurst (like white meat hot dog weiners)
>2 eggs with 6 slices thick-cut bacon, garlic, olive oil
>1 tomato
>~250mL yogurt
>~1000mL kefir
>6 slices of black bread
>~300g pork/liver pate (w/ bread)
>~300g salami (w/ bread)
>200g smoked cheddar cheese
>2 more slices of bacon
>1 chocolate eclair
>3 large bananas
>1 orange
And i still could have eaten more. I don't count anything.
Took pic related yesterday, for reference.
For breakfast today:
>1 large banana
>250mL kefir
>1 yogurt/cheese thing (200g)
I'm wondering how much of the differences between people's intakes can be put down to the hormones regulating metabolic differences (BMR) and how much to those that regulate appetite: the former should be more robust and consistent between us than the latter (which are notoriously fragile).
Also wondering what's responsible for the difference between males and females with anxiety/depression issues: the guys seem to all be the kind like me who can eat whatever the hell they want (since due to the anxiety, normal daily activities such as social interactions, become HIIT, and depression makes eating unenjoyable). On the other hand, the girls seem to tend towards pudgy: on /adv/ i often read about anxious/depressed girls hitting 200lbs+. Strange.
>300 is my total daily intake
I'm guessing you're cutting or have hypothyroidism?
nice hips
Pic pls
So, when did you start this diet? You obviously haven't been eating 300 calories a day your entire life
(reuploaded at normal size)
I look very average.
It's a pain finding clothing that fits. I envy normal-sized people that aren't 4'10".
A month ago.
Correct, I'm cutting.
Sorry, not in London.
>eating more than the bare minimum to stay alive is "stuffing yourself"
Eating disorder
>this is how I live, I can't eat more than that, it's not a disorder
>been doing it a month
10/10 troll, you had this whole board going. You can stop now.
>a month ago
Cool, i usually get around 800 a day, but I do 600 calories of cardio every other day. Would love to be content with 300 a day without EC. Good luck with your thinspo goals
Are you from korea? This sounds something a chinese/korean chick would do.
Are you the girl from the ring?
When I began, I was eating at 1000 calories/day. That was when I was fat.
Now, I'm sustainably and happily eating at 300-400 calories/day, and I think I could probably carry this on for at least the rest of the year (if not the rest of my life). It's very much a permanent lifestyle/mental change. You adjust. I felt bloated the other day when I binged on my entire days' worth of calories of tomatoes for breakfast.
Thank you, I hope you reach yours as well.
If you're fat at 1k and maintaining at 300, you're literally sitting on your ass all day every day doing nothing but breathing and letting your heart beat. Maybe you should go walk, like any distance. 10ft would be a good daily goal.
edit: clarification: 1000 cals/day was before I started consciously tracking any calories. My baseline. I ate as normal for a few days at the start, tracking how much I actually ate, and found that.
No, sadly I have no psychic abilities.
Visiting the US in a few days, and anticipate on gaining at least 4lbs in the 4 days that I'm there.
I walk 10km/day (to university and back) (6.2 miles in freedom units) on weekdays.
>confirmed for troll
An 80lb person walking 6 miles a day would generally burn right around your daily intake. Meaning you'd literally have to shut down all energy burning functions the rest of your day to not be shrinking until you were a speck of dust.
funny how we always seem to get the wrong gifts, eh?
if i was a chick i'd probably have been born with broad shoulders and narrow hips
can't see much from that pic desu
and yeah i have trouble with clothes as well, US sizes are quickly leaving me behind. All the racks are full of L, XL, XXL, XXXL, XXXXL, etc and i have to hunt for S and XS
Guessing you're going for 70lbs or so? It's considered dramatically underweight and you'll be probably be anovulatory at that level, but whatever floats your boat.
>you're fat at 1k and maintaining at 300, you're literally sitting on your ass all day every day doing nothing but breathing and letting your heart beat
I do that (only activity is walking to class 1km and back a couple times a day and pacing) and my maint is probably around 2000.
BMR varies dramatically with respiration/heart rate, sympathetic tone, etc (ie thyroid hormones, anxiety level, stress, anger, ...).
>actually believes that physical exercise is impossible unless you eat at a gross caloric surplus
I've looked up the route distance on Google Maps. I walk the same way every weekday.
Also, I'm 88lbs.
post pics because that sounds like anorexia
Being 8 pounds heavier makes your case even less plausible. You're saying you're healthy and don't have an eating disorder while you're burning your daily intake every day just on a walk, not including calories burned through unconscious processes such as digestion, breathing, pumping blood, and literally anything that fires a synapse in your nervous system.
I almost wouldn't believe you walk that far but your calves are huge
Aim is about 80lbs, and to maintain it. I still have a little excess around my waist. I see far thinner people every day at university, and they're all healthy.
I'd always been a little overweight through childhood. Now that I'm finally taking control I feel far happier/confident. All I want to do, really, is to have a female-shaped silhouette and not the lumpy one that I had all through my childhood.
(Are Americans really that fat?)
read the thread
How else can I prove to you that I'm real? Do you want me to livestream my day to you? Do you want to watch me walking for two hours?
I know, I envy males' legs. They're all so thin and elegant. One of the major reasons for starting was to get thinner legs. Mine currently look awful in skirts/dresses, which is bad because I pretty much only wear those.
I'd walk you to class
or drive you there cause fuck walking that far desu
You could just time stamp something
I don't doubt you're real, but either you're eating more than you're saying or your body is actually eating itself just to store enough energy for you to breath.
As for the fat American thing, 80lbs is skeletor here and pretty gross. I'm a 160lb dude and I still feel tiny.
so youre a tranny and have an eating disorder. got it. get some fkn help holy shit
>calves are huge
user pls, those aren't big at all
>Are Americans really that fat?
Yes. As a guy at 100lbs i'm practically a skeleton, my goal is around 175.
You can probably guess americans also came up with all the "fat acceptance" and "the media pressures girls to conform to unrealistic standards" shit.
>your body is actually eating itself just to store enough energy for you to breath
That's kind of the point of cutting
>cutting at 88lbs and thinking it's okay
That's kinda the definition of eating disorder
And people wonder why America is so fat. If you drive everywhere, you're really not going to be healthy. The traffic in the city here is bad, so I could take the bus and have my commute take 30 minutes, or I could walk and have my commute take an hour.
As you can see from my legs, I am clearly not skeletal, and at a very healthy weight.
Comfortably cis, thank you. Only an eating disorder if you count "eating healthily" as a disorder.
They could definitely be a lot thinner. I want them a lot thinner. I don't buy into that "fat acceptance" movement at all. They're clearly not healthy at that size, and just making excuses.
On the other hand being 100lbs and much taller does seem skeletal.
I look perfectly average, even on the slightly heavier side, because of my height.
From what I can see of your thigh, it's probably as big around as my forearm. That's not average, that's skele.
What country are you from?
Post a picture in your underwear or a tight t-shirt. I can't believe you are at a healthy weight at 88 fucking pounds but I can't tell for sure in that dress
it has a penor.
>300 cal a day
>wearing large billowy clothing to hide frame because body dysmorphia
These are all signs of an eating disorder. You need help.
>eating healthily
You had a square of chocolate for breakfast, are you fucking insane? You are only losing weight because you are way, way under your TDEE. You are by no means eating "healthily". 1000 cal a day of clean foods is 10x healthier for a 4 ft 10 female than 300 calories of chocolate and canned tomatoes.
You need to talk to a therapist.
I can get my exercise without walking everywhere senpai, is called lifting weights and swimming
I can assure you that it looks a lot more than that from my perspective. Either that, or you have very large forearms. I'm around Australia.
I'm not posting borderline pornographic images of myself, because I'll regret it. I draw the line at a t-shirt/skirt.
No, sorry, not in London.
>large billowy clothing
If you call this large and billowy I can only imagine how tight American clothing is. As it is, that shirt was the tightest I own, aside from a singlet. I would dearly like to own/wear form-fitting shirts/blouses. I actually cannot find any form-fitting shirts/blouses in stores. It is not by choice.
That square of chocolate was not what I eat on a typical day. It's usually more in the line of eggs/tomatoes/sweetcorn/tuna, because I like those foods. I don't have an eating disorder because I eat whatever I like, just in smaller, healthier, normal quantities for my height. I feel perfectly fine.
The university gym is expensive to join. This way I save both time and effort, and get the same outcome.