Daily reminder that ottermode only works if

Daily reminder that ottermode only works if

>you have a +8/10 face
>you live in a place where you don't need to wear shirts or jackets

otherwise you'll look like a random DYEL

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Can someone explain to me what exactly ottermode is?

you look like a swimmer. Google 'swimmers in tight swimming trunks with massive bulges' for examples

Swimmers body

swimmer body.
small body fat and a bit of muscles.

no because you're fuckin stupid

Gr8 b8, m8. 7/10 because you got me to respond.

I'll bite because newfags might actually take you seriously otherwise.

It's exactly the opposite. Clothes are designed to fit ottermode and below. Clothes in general, especially dress clothes, are extremely unflattering to anything above otter mode; the more muscular you are, the more you just look like a big fat guy in clothes.

This looks terrible

You just too the exact opposite case and said as only truth. This is fallacy.
I challenge you to post a pic of an ottermode that actually looks like lift with clothes on.

>I challenge you to post a pic of an ottermode that actually looks like lift with clothes on.
Challenge accepted. Look closely at your own pic of a supposedly dyel physique. It is obvious to anyone with anyone who isn't bigorexic that the guy works out. It only looks dyel to a dysmorphic fitizen who is used to looking at pics of ripped fitness models all day (complete with photoshopping).

You want another? Check out pic related. Here's a 5'11, 175 lb man in his late 30s. He looks great to me--very big and lean while still well within the natty limit--but on Veeky Forums he'd probably be called "otter mode" after people learn his stats. Does he look like he lifts to you? He sure does to me.

I'm telling you, you're dysmorphic as fuck from posting on sites like Veeky Forums way too much, user. You remind me of myself when I was 19. Spend some time around normies. They look nothing like the guy in your pic and would say he's very fit. Hell, most of them would comment on how "huge" his arms are.

Read the comments on this vid. Scroll through the first few pages and count how many people comment on his biceps. I'm telling you, you're way out of touch with what is considered big or even huge to the general population.


reminder ottermode is DYEL mode + low bodyfat, which is basically a terrible goal if you do lift weights


dyels look like this with clothes on

the guy in your pic is huge compared to them

This guy fucking gets it.


Always nice to see a little sanity on this board.

Wrong wrong wrong. Ottermode is not dyel in clothes- the v-taper will stand out

Do you not worry that your photo completely contradicts the point you're trying to make? You look barely out of DYEL mode in clothes which must be annoying because you have a pretty good body

Normal people compliment my gains all the time man. Body dysmorphia aside, I'm not dyel in clothes

You're a literal rectangle.

Could just be a poor choice of clothing, something tighter and shorter would show it off better

I used to think that way, but it's not true. It's very fucking obvious even with clothes, apparently. Just my own experience from compliments I've gotten, and I'm very small by Veeky Forums standards (which I prefer holding myself to anyway)


this so much my level headed brehs.

Perfect user.

Facebook exists. If you're dying to show off your progress as an otter, upload a shirtless pic somewhere. It doesn't have to be your main pic--and probably shouldn't, since it just screams narcissistic try-hard douchelord--but it's an outlet for the young, insecure fitizen who absolutely NEEDs to fish for compliments (or at least, validation).

If you really want to humblebrag discreetly, upload a fit-to-fitter bullshit 12 week "transformation." Just model the process used by supplement companies--shitty posture, bad lighting, frowning face, etc. in the before pic, and a down lighting pic with a tan and a smile for the after. All your dyel friends will say "Wow, user. You're huge!" and you may even get attention from girls you otherwise wouldn't have. Who the fuck knows.

Lastly, and on the note of attention from females, I'd like to stress that if you are big enough to look huge in clothes, you're big enough that most women won't find you attractive.


look like bad guys from the old batman cartoon

Yep yep yep.

Why woukd i give a shit what normal girls want?