Inform me of your meal plans
Pic unrelated
Inform me of your meal plans
Pic unrelated
>white people don't season their food meme
Where does this actually come from?
Not really sure, we colonized his entire home continent for them.
I'm not American, and I was raised on Eastern European and Mediterranean food, so I don't get this meme. Do white Americans not season their food or something?
we do, there's absolutely nothing to this stereotype
it has nothing to do with whites do or do not do.
It is a black superiority statement nothing else.
Calm down whitey lol
Every day I eat 150g bacon, 300g of lean steak, and 415g (1 can) of heinz baked beans at around 4pm. Then at 9pm I have 500g of either cottage cheese, greek yogurt, or quark. I snack on cucumbers and snap peas throughout the day.
shit comes to about 1800 calories and 120g protein a day. On a cut tho so ymmv.
Black folks don't know you can prepare chicken without frying it.
I thought he was referencing blacks propensity to eat fried chicken by conflating fried and seasoned.
American blacks nearly crust their chicken in spices and deep fry it. By comparison baked and grilled chicken must be flavorless
White folks food is pretty bland compared to Hispanic Asian and negro foods
I certainly dont season my food properly but i may or may not be representive of the average american male.
"white folks food"
like what? Italian, German, cheeseburgers? Has flavor to me
maybe try not deep frying and buttering up everything you eat, you may get below 50% obesity as a population
>hispanic food
add chili peppers, lime, and lard
>asian food
add soy sauce
>negro food
add cayenne and crisco
>White bois being buttblasted
Also whats with you motherfuckers loving mac n cheese so much as well as corn bread??
>what's with some people liking generally good tasting food
idk, truly a mystery, you'd think I'd be eating a plate of dirt every morning
Mac n cheese is decent but nothing to get crazy about like all my white co workers
>Tfw have an asian wife and we make mexican/asian dishes together
>For thanksgiving we tacos de carne asada,chicken fried rice, tamales and peiking duck
I gotta ask, when you say mac n cheese is it that boxed garbage that springs to mind? Because that's not mac and cheese, that's cardboard covered in orange dust.
Nigga white boys invented fried chicken
Partially but also home made ones
>my co-worker had a fat land whale wife >she made home made mac and cheese and cake for us
>The mac n cheese wasnt bad but couldn't understand the hype behind
>co workers acted like the second coming of jesus whenever the pan of mac n cheese came in
>co workers wife, she was a pretty nice person except the muh condishuns and mental disorders
Black man, why do you compete so much with white man?
Why do you slander them? Why do you wish you were better than them?
Black man, how old are you?
Black man, who hurt you?
I am not a negro and i believe fried chicken has been around since humans used oil to cook food
>Also korean fried chicken best chicken
Chances you're talking about the Americanized versions of those foods?
1. not black
2. Not slandering just made some observations on food and you guys got booty blasted
3. I am 25 years old
4. My chinese ex gf hurt me
Pretty bad :(
Well yes i am i can see your point i have never had authentic european cusine except for tapas which were tasty
1 cup oats in the morning (overnight in peanutbutter and almond milk)
Lunch: 1/2lb ground turkey cooked in coconut oil
5 eggs scrambled
1/2 cup cottage cheese
2tbsp peanut butter snack or greek yogurt with dry oats.
1lb ground turkey or 2 tins of tuna
6 eggs
Steamed veggies
Goibg to make pasta tonight tho.
I'm also saying the same for the rest
Sushi and rice hardly cover Asian food
Go be fat somewhere else nigger.
Hmm good point user i will try to get some more authetic euro foods
Please see this retard