Enter gym

>enter gym
>call to prayer starts playing

Other urls found in this thread:


>enter gym
>see your gym nemesis upon entry

>enter gym
>see nerd with glasses and a polo tshirt doing shadowboxing between sets

>enter gym
>pope calls a crusade

>enter gym
>someone is yawning between sets

>while you're in the GYM and studying HADITH, ABDUL is eating MAQLUBA and FUCKING your 12-year-old ONEITIS

>enter gym
>pope washing niggers feet


>Enter gym
>None of these 'kuffars' are covering their 'awrah'

>enter jim

>Enter gym

>Enter gym
>vietnam music starts playing

Fuck dude, i hate when this happens to me. Fuck being a wagecuck and not getting enough sleep

>enter gym
>remember I don't even lift
>exit gym
>walk home
>open Veeky Forums
>start shitposting
>lol only 2 plate bench DYEL faggot
>you actually thing he's natty top kek stay delusional
>lifting for girls

you forgot

>tfw you have the face + frame but are 5'9

I can only really get East and south asian girls


UK feels thread?

I was going to tell you our biggest minorities are hindus and sikhs....

Then I saw this.

mfw pisslam outnumbers hindus 3 to 1.

We're fucked.

Average Asian guys (from what I see in my day to day life in the city) are around 5'10/5'11 so good luck I guess.
>getting a model of any race
>posting on Veeky Forums

Islam and Christianity are constantly expanding imperialistic philosophies anyway so it makes sense.
>inb4 fedora
You know it's true.

>enter gym
>she used to call me on my cellphone
>late night when she needed my love
>but she broke up with me and I'm a mess 2 months later :(

It's only going to get worse, Hindus and Sikhs have tiny birth rates compared to Muslims

> enter gym
> SS marschiert in Feindesland starts playing

>tfw I'm feeling this feel

It's alright user. W-we'll make it.


Which christian theocracy of modern day has expanded anywhere in an imperialistic manner during the last 65 years?

>Enter Gym
>Francis is sucking nigger dick in the sauna again

1) There hasn't been a need to.

2) Religion is no longer as intricate in the Western world as it once was thus you rarely see anything any more motivated by god.

You can bet that if it was a rising country ;ole China would have been deemed the land of irredeemable sinners that needed to be cleansed for the grace of God or some shit.

>Walk into gym
>this nasheed is playing: youtube.com/watch?v=IZiV6bmPLfw

*like China

> tfw muslim
> tfw extremely patriotic about my country and want to see the middle east destroyed


> tfw muslim

literally why

It's the way I was raised. But I was also raised to serve my country and to put my fellow Americans before my religion

> Enter gym
> youtu.be/5-2nByd2cr4 starts playing

You're hypocritical as fuck , why are Americans so superficial about everything ? you're a fucking retard




>enter gym
>the Internationale is playing

What an absolute fucking bro, 10/10 would spot for any time. God bless the USA.

Fuck my sides it sounds like an anime ending theme

I love you user

>enter gym
>oriental riff starts playing

It's a shame your country won't do the same when push comes to shove user.

> enter gym
> throat singers in the falcon area are playing live for the night

> squat to the soothing sounds of Mongolian throat singing

>41 degree C heat
>Enter Gym
>No electricity, fans dont work
>Barbell gifted by the English occupiers in the late 1900's has finally snapped due to years of rust and acidic sweat.

You know how I know your British

>tfw when this is the ad for the video

>Decide to come back later
>Womens time at the gym, all of trying to get 'toned' in the heat, sweat glistening off golden skin.
Fucking hell lads.

I have a muslim friend and i ain't gonna lie some of their women are fucking sexy

your dick will explode

nofap day 2 and I want her to sit on my face 'til I asphyxiate

> 1 week into nofap and you go to gym and see those yoga pants

why must the devil tempt me

are they hot under all those muslim ropes user?
post pics

>Paki women

>are they hot under all those muslim ropes user?
Nigga wat?

While there are a bunch of women that wear the burqa, there are just as much that don't. My city is pretty secular.

no idea about the shitty barbells tho. Lmao poor cunts.

Thanks lads.

It is. But that won't stop me from loving it.

Cool. Can't wait to see until your sisters and mothers get raped then cause of your retardation bud. Good luck.

A: The fucking ad in itself
B: The fucking filename
10/10 user, would kek again.



They can get up to all kinds of memery if left unstopped.

>enter gym
>if you seeeee my reflection in a snow covered hill....

I hear Poland is quite shit for some reason desu.

Ehhh it's alright if you stay out of shit areas of Krakow and Warsaw. The northern most towns are fuckin gorgeous though, especially in winter.

>enter gym
>he's so taaaall and handsome as hellll

My sympathies are with you user, but stop being a sad cunt.

It's poor, lots of car jacking. Most people live in projects like Russia.
But what this user said is true

What is Krakow like? Why is it so bad?

>one chance in life
>born as Pakistani in moose limb family
It's like I'm disabled, life is fucking suffering.
tfw name is literally CrApdul

Atheist? Fag?

>tfw paki gf
>the super hot kind not the butt ugly kind

t.Jewish Nigger

he didnt say krakow is bad you creature
learn to read

same, but i got decent genetics, do the best with what you've got young user

Well, they usually go hand-in-hand.

Agnostic (who gives a fuck?)
Straight, but overbearing parents. I can't bring mates around, never mind chicks
>pic related

fellow non moose friend here
wait it out until you can move out you underage faggot

R-really, you live in England too?
And I least I'm 6'2 and not overly stereotypical

At least you have 32% of common sense giftedpeople

>enter gym
>call to activate suicide vest strapped under your dri-fit shirt starts ringing

>he posts the nigger with the f(x) hair

Lmao sure. Post pics m8.

I'm 5'10. Will I ever make it?

>enter gym
>someone just doing it

Step one: stop being Muslim.

>enter gym
>Supreme leader allows to be his spotter

Muslims rape a lot.

>last one doesn't count, Supreme Leader. Your legs never reached parallel

They mostly go after white women and little kids though.

His sister should be fine.

thanks man, and I'm 19btw

5'10 is totally fine unless you live in the Netherlands, the guy who gets laid the most in school (I'm in sixth form) is about 5'11.
It mostly depends on how much you can blend in to look like a normal person.
>at least I'm light skinned

I'm light skinned as well but you need to let all this colourism bullshit go you fucking self hating cuck. Nothing wrong with being darkskinned. Jesus christ I wish I knew you irl so I could slap the shit out of you.

Fucking retard.

>(I'm in sixth form)


just migrate to a better country its what i did.

>enter old trafford
>bomb on the stands, game called off, bomb detonated by police
>thank you muslims


>not having a home gym so you can avoid plebs and scabies

Migrate to a white country*

sweden is a storm waiting to happen also i became agnostic the second i left people can't even tell i was raised muslim.

also whats with this burka shit really like 10-15 years ago no muslims were wearing that.


Not really. You can always move to the rich, safe part of a poor non-religious country.

Dunno, a few dozen million Indians, South Africans and Congolese might have said it.

Lmao what? Have you ever lived in a neighbourhood full of Poles and Slavs? Or even just fucking chavs?

Excuse me?