/plg/ - Powerlifting general
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140xAmrap ohp attempt, wish me luck famalam
>it's not the fault of weakness
you can't know that, it may be him just not doing it right or it may be an actual weakness
most people dont get into anywhere near the same form with a broomstick so dont see how that would be helpful
GL senpai. Are you gonna push press the last reps as well?
what are you aiming for?
If he's rounding with a brromstick it shows he's just fundamentally doing it wrong. It's worth him seeing if he does do it wrong with a broomstick. If not then he won't post a video anyway.
Are you writing senpaitachi (f.a.m.s) or actually being an autistic try hard weeb?
I just recorded and noticed that I'm not rounding at all if I just don't try to keep my chest up to the point I do when I'm doing high bar squats. I think I'm good
trappy, I've got a question. 3 years ago I've fallen directly on my tailbone really hard, now when I squat and diddylift (to a lesser extent) I get strong pain in this area. What do? Should I see a doctor and more importantly can he really help me?
Got 5, I definitely had 6-7 in me but I didn't get enough sleep last night. Next cycle I'll smesh it, I'll probably cut down on some of the accessory work I'm doing as well.
Good. I thought keeping the chest up may be counter intuitive. You should keep your elbows down instead.
5/3/1 doesn't work and you're too weak to run it.
>slow progression so you'll never get strong
>low frequency so you'll never get efficient at doing the power lifts
only pro is just building muscle I guess
Thanks. I'll record my squats tomorrow to see if I round my back under heavy weights or not though
It's decent for cutting desu.
I'm cutting and my work capacity is trash. I might do Sheiko if my squat or deadlift don't improve in the next cycle or two.
No it isn't
"Food is a crutch"
-Mike T
How's the cut going, Lean Retard?
Your work capacity is improved by doing more. Work on your weaknesses and do more or your work capacity will always be shit.
Also cutting doesn't matter, run a decent program ffs
how many days do you rest after having a cold ? or a small cold ?
oh fuck off, 5/31 is decent stop being such a piece of shit
never understood why so much hate towards cube and 5/3/1
0. I lift no matter what.
Lifted through food poisoning once.
Low volume and frequency, slow progression.
>nobody ever got big or strong on 5/3/1
Only fucking autistic retards would think its a good idea.
>I am in pain, should I seek help?
>can a doctor help me with my physical ailments?
I went from 214.8 to 209.4, but I haven't been able to go to the bathroom for the past day or so, and I drank a lot of water yesterday so I woke up at 211 today. Might slightly decrease my deficit
I am doing more. I've done more volume than I did on SS or TM with pretty much everything. I definitely feel my work capacity is increasing. Like I said, if my squat isn't getting any better after another cycle or two, I'm doing Sheiko under 80 kg, with 5/3/1 ohp.
>never understood why so much hate towards cube and 5/3/1
Hint: It has a lot to do with the marketing and authors of the both programs.
to each his goals nigga, to say they're shit programs is abolustely retarded
See a doctor, and yes.
If you're not with a cold anymore then go to the gym.
Well, thankfully you stopped at 5. Wouldn't want to risk losing the gains if you only reached 6-7 reps.
5/3/1 is what I recommend to friends for general strength training, and it's flexible enough to keep normies making gains and not being bored, but it's not a serious PL training program, desu.
Nobody has won a competiton running 5/3/1
Those who ran it successfully were already big and strong. It's designed for advanced athletes.
>a cold
not at all typically
>a small cold
until not dead
both authors being better than you fucktards will ever be ?
you'll get weaker he said, i'm laughing here
Lad, why are you soft-cutting? Like a bitch.
And by doctor I mean an actual MD, not alternative med stuff.
No you're not improving your work capacity, you told me its shit.
You do 5x10 with baby weights. That's not increasing work capacity.
i totally agree with you man, but people dismissing as a shit program is baffling
>Those who ran it successfully were already big and strong. It's designed for advanced athletes.
no it is made for old fat men on steroids
>both authors being better than you fucktards will ever be ?
Well they're fucktards allright. Also I don't think either of them have ever competed so how could they be better than us?
Because it's absolutely dog shit.
It's a shit program for powerlifting.
suprised, I always used few days to rest my body after feeling fine
> wendler and brandon lilly never competed
i'm out lmao
your autism is showing senpai
Daily reminder that proportions, ROM or technique is only relevant for genetic dead ends
It was supposedly a 1000 kcal deficit. But obviously, I overestimated. Or are you PSMF memeing?
I'm also doing 4x4 2 count paused deads at 64% and 5x3 2 count paused squats at 5x3. And 5x10 for squats has definitely improved my work capacity, even after such a short period of time.
>You aren't experiencing results because I say so
worked for plenty of people
The reason why I haven't done this yet, is because they will probably just tell me to stay away from heavy posterior chain activities, since it does not bother me in everyday life.
5x3 paused squats at 64%* lel
Not gonna argue with you other than to say you're vastly overstating your claims.
>if my squat isn't getting any better after another cycle or two
At least stick with it until you're actually at 70% for 5x10.
Or just bump it to mid sixties which is sustainable and at least somewhat productive and keep it there.
I'll be at 50% of TM next cycle, so that'd be 3-5 more cycles. I'm not in a rush, so that sounds good.
wtf was this?
you know that rare phil picture of a guy with a surfboard? it was posted in a face progress thread and everyone believed it
>rare phil picture of a guy with a surfboard?
Red pill me on benching with bands around elbows, please.
Only for >""equipped"" benchers or useful as overload for classic lifters? Is its exclusive purpose to enforce elbow tucking?
Never seen anyone bench with bands on elbows who competes raw in my club
>Is its exclusive purpose to enforce elbow tucking?
>elbow tucking
>in raw
gibbs, haack, lutz
and? you will get friends at college or if you are going into work straight away
even mike t recommends some tucking
I'd rather be neet
Literal who's next to this guy
I thought Isley had a suprising amount of friends?
Didn't think of this
Yanks out lads
Except Gibbs is natty :)
Did you misunderstand that on purpose or are you suffering a lack of oxygen post-meet?
>elbow tucking
>on raw
>a desirable thing
The worlds strongest raw benchers tuck and have a close(ish) grip
You're just a weeb who likes jap bench
Lolfeds have the best benchers because the IPF encourages rule bending and faggotry
Can't tell if you're being isley or an idiot.
>The worlds strongest raw benchers tuck and have a close(ish) grip
>worlds strongest
Note I didn't say they exaggerate the tuck or width, but japs do
*excessive tucking
Please show screenshot of their goodlift results
Cant find
you tuck yourself you lil memeing fagtron
Who is this ugly temptress
I said worlds best benchers, not IPFs best benchers
Who cares how roidfreaks bench lmao
well the reference is useless when they are heavy steroids users
>mfw even this general has gone to shit
why do i even come here?
If you're interested in mimicking their actions then you would be interested
George you're so fucking sour it hurts
Fucking natties I swear
>only get one answer
>everyone else jumps aboard retardsley's reading incomprehension-monkery
Please lads.
But you bench just like them?
No, no, and no desu. Gibbd used to, Haack is a liiittle narrow, and Lutz is all chest.
>best ipf squatters squat highbar
guys we should all be doing highbar right
>tfw you will never be a japanese powerlifter
What do you mean enforce elbow tucking? What would be the use of it?
Also, I dont believe in overloading for classic lifters in general.........
ray williams?