How does this picture make you feel, Veeky Forums?

How does this picture make you feel, Veeky Forums?

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sorry for her

Lmao chicken legs!


How much lower would her TDEE be due to missing limbs? or does it not really make that much of a difference.

makes me feel better about my shit ankle flexibility desu

Uncomfortable, seated good mornings suck.

It doesn't make me feel anything.

It makes a huge difference.

Confused af. Are her robot legs a form of cheating? Why is she lifting no weight and box squatting? She should be going a2g with those hydraulic legs.

Makes me feel bretty good. She could get away with being lazy as fuck and there wouldn't be a ton of people who would fault her for that. Instead she's making an effort at being the best version of herself she possibly can. I like it.

Is there more pics that better show her face?

makes me want to go ride my bike... in fact I think I will


She needs to work calves more



>skipping every leg day

not gonna make it

It doesn't seem she's in some shithole/third world. She's white and probably in the US. I doubt she lost her legs because of diabetes. I doubt she lost her legs on a landmine in San Francisco.

So, she lost her legs while "spreading democracy" in the Middle East. Cry me a river.

>what am car accident?

I dont know why, but i just shouted out loud


What happened to her?

>>car accident
Every google reverse search show hashtags like #hunting #survival #2a #2ndamendment #knives #gear #ammo #veteran and so on. So, if I have to take a wild guess, she didn't lose her legs in a car accident.

She is a VETERAN FUCK YEAH americlap, yes

Fucking disgusting

probably more likely a road accident, could have been her fault but equally likely was some spic ran a red light and t-boned her

well never mind then

I love how people reply without reading the thread.



penisly aroused

I'd bang her.

leg press

I can't foot fetish to this


Lucky bitch never has to worry about calf size

>but equally likely was some spic ran a red light and t-boned her
What in the fuck are you even talking about user?


I wanna smell dat cunny

Not hydraulic.
Those are peg legs with feet.


When you take skipping leg day to the extreme

No, this is the next step.

Suitably aroused

>that second girl
muh dick

can a paraplegic woman feel pleasure if i lick her clit? I hope so ;_;

it happens when you get the green light and go forward but some person of hispanic origin decided not to wait his red light out and drove his car into the car of the girl. to be a T-bone, the crash would look like this ---| where --- is the hispanic person's car, and | is the female lifter's care. i hope i helped you understand the post of the user you replied to my friend xD

No, that is the next ramp.

Luckily, she was the one who won.

Oh you.

Sound more like something a nigger would do desu senpai

Tell me friend where do this "meme" or "non-meme" come from?

I think I just found my new fetish

thanks user

found the libcuck

kek nice calves faggot

>every conservative must support the welfare queens in the military

the military would be the easiest way to limit the size of government 2bh

Good for you, have a video.

are you referring to the picture meme? i don't know where it came from but i chose to post it because it suited the spirit of my reply.

Omar Isuf is now Janae Marie Isuf?!

>every conservative must support the welfare queens in the military
the easiest way would be to remove the actual welfare queens

he arms look kinda weird in OP.

i know why. holy fuck i didn't know arm transplants exist.

No no you miss understand my friend
I mean the meme as in the reply itself
> but equally likely was some spic ran a red light and t-boned her
Does this happen often with specifically Hispanic men?
Thank you for the help user I appreciate it very much, liked and subscribed.

Good, I love it that prosthetics don't mean you can't get fit.


if that was on purpose nice

bet she gives a mean handy with those man handies

She has no legs yet works way harder than most who have them

Basically what's wrong with socity and manking.


well i do not come from the land of the free ealges but i assume they have some meme stereotype about hispanics being reckless or something, just like they have a meme for how asians cannot drive efficiently. thanks for reading and replying and liking, and also, last but not least, subscribing. (and appreciating)

No Eagles you living in man? dam tough luck pal
It no problem though, you understand, yes we have stereotype (that's a big word) Asians can't drive, women can't drive, Hispanics wear Sombrerors and get drunk while mowing laws, niggers are criminals
Mostly only the nigger stereotypes (there it is again) are true and the Hispanic stereotypes (hehe) only apply to the brown ones.
Not problem I like subscribing user and appreciating
I appreciate that you appreciate user
>TFW no friends

Depends on the level of paralysis.

But in any case, a big part of sexual pleasure actually comes from your encephalon. So even if she isn't sensitive down there anymore, she can certainly still feel some type of pleasure and enjoy sex.

you will awlays have friends on this board and website amigo

trappy y u so smart?



>enjoy sex
dont you mean love making? sex without feeling anything down there is just two meat carcasses mashing up each other

I need real ones friend.

Shit like this is my biggest motivation.
>See old guys, guys in crutches, literal blind guys in my gym in the morning.
>What's your excuse for skipping a workout?

All about that hip drive brah

Virgin: The man, the legend, the post.

No, really, is there any point to fucking if you can't even feel it?

Maybe if you want to have a kid, but yaeh, I don't see a cripple wanting to deal with that.

Were you just waiting an hour for a (You)?

No. Were (You)?

>I have no Friends

>Weight x 16-18
>no legs
>100 lbs -ish.
>around 1600 - 1800 kcal TDEE
>depending on lvl of activity

No difference.

uh? pounding without another person that cant feel it? how does that excite her? sex alone is just "mindless" penetration till orgasm. have you ever made love to someone? are you that selfish, or are you fishing?
>you got me

no, he doesnt have a (You)

Would date.

>have you ever made love to someone?

you wont make it buddy...

How much her legs/glutes get worked out if she has prosthetic lower legs? Are they doing more work cause she can't use the lower half, or less because of her robot legs?

Kek found the afc. I could never go back to those days but thanks for the nostalgia.