/PLG/ - Powerlifting General

PLG- Powerlifting General

>George gon' get rekt and the majority of PLG is in denial about it edition

Post PR's, routines, form checks, meet results, schmexy lifts, etc. No Dubs or gets allowed. Supermong and Sean pls go.

Remember OHP is not IPF approved, and long femurs are the underactive thyroid of lifting

>Vital Statistics Unit - /plg/ Census 2014

Men: powerliftingwatch.com/records/raw/world
Women: powerliftingwatch.com/records/raw/women-world

>The official pastebin
pastebin.com/99cMvaQh (embed)

>The new dropbox - Veeky Forums information repository
>now partially rebuilt
pastebin.com/RiXEg5L1 (embed)

>dropbox mirror

>What is depthprivilege?

>How to deadlift by Mark Rippetoe

>How to setup for the deadlift by JL Holdsworth

>How to sumo deadlift by Ben Rice

>How to lowbar squat by Alastair MacNicol

>How to set WRs by C. Lutz

>How to build a big bench by C. Lutz

>How to bench press by PTW

>How to OHP with Dan Green

>Trips PRs Pastebin
pastebin.com/2VTGQFN3 (embed)

>/plg/ atlas
zeemaps.com/map?group=1252009&location=United States&add=

Other urls found in this thread:


God damn it

is floor press something i overload on?
or are you supposed to be weaker?

Anyone know what happened to candito? it's been more than 8 weeks since his last video and I'm starting to miss the lord of t-rex's

Way to go, nerd. Delet this.

Why is the file deleted?

Would it be a good idea to just run the first two weeks of candito 6 week over and over and ignore the rest?

It was of board shorts in his gfs panties

post it again

Holy fuckin shit I had a complete response typed up and fuckin lost it. I hate Veeky Forums on my computer but I hate typing on my phone

Anyway basically what I said is that stretching is all fine and good but you may never be as strong at sumo as you are conventional. You cannot expect gym normies to have an eye for a safe back position.

Also film your sumo and your conventional deadlifts and I'll share my wisdom free of charge

dude come on that wasn't part of the deal. Why are you sharing what I shared with only us?

Most people I know are weaker in floor press. I'm around the same strength. it's just fun for me, I enjoy doing them. Pin presses are really fucking fun too.

Trip on Trappy

whats a good way to overload bench then without a slingshot?

>tfw my shitposting thread has over 100 replies

Board press

[spoiler]touch and go[/spoiler]

good idea desu

lol I board press even less than my bench

Bands? or

>3plate bench singles
>guy who usually spots me cant make it today
lel fuck, to use a commercial gym spotter or to not use a commercial gym spotter, thats the question

>Also film your sumo and your conventional deadlifts and I'll share my wisdom free of charge

Hit me. Everyone I've asked says my form is solid but It feels awkward as fuck, not to mention its like 30kg below my squat

why is this thread full of twinks wtf

honestly there's nothing wrong with a commercial gym spotter, usually they'll take advice from someone that's benching 3 plates

I didn't even mean to quote you here but no. You can run the first 5 weeks consecutively but the first two weeks are not sustainable without subsequent rest.

I'll watch this when I get a minute

keep thinking "its just 92% itll be np" but at the same time ive never been stuck with more than like 2plate
hope youre right

I just like to lay down expectations early, tell them I'll count, ask them not touch the bar unless I'm actively failing the rep (ie the bar is coming back down), that kind of stuff. That way there's no ambiguity in expectations

>in a project momentum style groups you dont get the really high volume days, its more spread out over the weeks
what the fuck how do normal rts programmes look

like 10 back off sets

doing this, should be ok i hope

I'm just gonna go ahead and go ahead...

- Guidance and programs are now in agreement re: percentages and text
- Added a couple of points in the guidance based on an e-mail

Guidance: s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=41319601652122561849
Guidance for Volume program: s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=16214482372091599974
Volume program: s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=25681486322686025555
Norwegian 4-day Volume program*: s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=15729715791177929041
Novice Powerlifter: s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=31820883546094771033
Intermediate Powerlifter: s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=77440219543959659761
*Not written by Dietmar, but I suppose he's a Dietmar-approved coach.
>inb4 malware

I havent done any volume/NOLs calcs (planning to do in the Summer).



o shit nigga

should I like, upload these to my google drive?

Do you want me to just make it so you can upload them?


where can i download it


Don't try it Aaronakin

I have the high ground

making me kek
These are private man, not for sharing.
[spoiler]but ye go ahead and upload them[/spoiler]


wew, zesty fresh meme there pal

>implying you're the one that's high rn

I got a fucking 2cm stretch mark on my front delt after bench day
Please tell me these go away
My shoulders aren't even that big fucking shit

jesus christ

mark of progress
why even mad


Lads, I think I might be switching to shorter distance running. I can actually feel my lungs getting rekt instead of constantly thinking about my legs getting chafed, feet hurting and how awfully boring the pace is.
I suck, but at least this is pretty enjoyable.

And I guess some of you will go
>what about high frequency

every session has to take forever goddamn


how the fuck do I use this thing? why doesn't it look like my sheiko spreadsheets?

i dont think anyone will run it desu, people like memes more than proven programs by real coaches tbqh

It looks like shit
Pregnant women go into suicidal depression for birth marks

>muh aesthetics
go be pretty somewhere else

Are you a hormonal woman because you sure as fuck sound like it

how many times has ur gf sucked ur dick?

how many times has your gf rimmed you

>calls me alcoholic finshit
>uses openoffice
>can't even open the guidance and read
Think there's an user here who started the Intermediate this week.
But yes. Pity, inn'it.

Reported!! Sharing classified info is not condonened!!!

Seriously tho, do they go away?
To me they're the mark of an ex-fatty/unnaty

They're all available on the website!!!!!

mfw stretch marks on my ass


where can i download it

All of them? When I got mine I got told to not share it with anyone

>2 cm
Man the fuck up, the majority of my left bicep and part of my shoulder and armpit are filled with stretch marks, all from the same time. It's not a big deal, and no one actually gives that much of a fuck.

they fade to white, and then fade some more dont think they go away 100% tho

This is what I've been waiting for? I found these exact spreadsheets through a google search a week ago. I thought you'd show something different.

Well not the 4day volume, but that's available from other places.
Which ones did you get?

>It's not a big deal, and no 5-6/10 already married woman actually gives a fuck


I have them in each armpit starting on the pec and coming down the bicep, about 5 inches long

>It's not a big deal, and no 5-6/10 already married woman or 7-8/10 ex that you're still fucking actually gives a fuck


I don't have it with me atm as I don't run it.

that sounds brutal
my condolences

Hey faceguy. Did my first day of wolfs intermediate program

Every thing felt great today even though my job usually kills my recovery. I'm liking the increase in variation and higher rep sets in contrast to sheiko.

link to wolfs?

post pics fampai

holy fuck that volume


Nice mang. I also have a fuckton on my low back too, because I'm a ginormous fatass. I kind of like the ones on my upper body though. Just not the ones on my ass and low back.

Fuck that lel. I'm not going to post a single person that isn't me on here. Even then, no face reveal.

The ones translated through google translate?
Why did you expect any different programs?
Nice, please keep up with the updating.




>no face reveal.
nobody asked about that. But I'd like to see that 8/10 bod of an ex of a fat retard that he still fugs ;^)

in4 smashing digital design exam today and diffeq and circuits exams tomorrow

quit using my filename system you shit


Off day. I have front squats and bench tomorrow


Listened to the new Radiohead and Drake albums.


Salmon n chet

5/3/1 squat day, 2-ct 4x4 paused deads, ab wheel, hamstring curls, calf raises

Probably some Death Grips, need to listen to Bottomless Pit

Whatever food I can get that fits my macros

Not happening bud. I'm not posting her, or anyone else I know.

whatever happened to isley dating and lusting after petite white qts?

how did he go from THAT to THIS

Posting one more time so you can laugh at how pathetic I am

Thinkgen of FS, bench, pullups for top set+backoff, top set+backoff, and myo.
Thinkgen of burgers tbH.

Ya das me

>Hurt my back benching yesterday

He's already lost lads

Why don't you run it? I can't remember what you're running instead and why you're not getting coaching.


yyyh rest day, so just some short distance running




Roasted turkey with groats. The usual.

no bully its lbs :(


Snatch & Clean tech
Snatch volume
Front squats volume
butt stuff


Radiohead AMSP



I'm going to run cuckols bench program for a month or two first so I can start benching without feeling embarrassed

My bench is complete ass

trappy ig when

Trap, why don't you stop your hormone therapy, jump on test and become a man again? You obviously care about lifting enough to do it.
And you are obviously not 100% convinced you wanna be a grill, because your cock still hangs.

Why does phil always work out in his singlet? He never wears it fully either, he just uses it as shorts. Literally has zero benefits and you can see his dick every time he benches.

You already answered your own question

>zero benefits
>can see his dick

that's contradictory

>Why does phil always work out in his singlet?
>and you can see his dick every time he benches.

it seems you answered your own question comrade

I did his project momentum routine and that was 2 hours 4 times a week. I skipped the additional back, abs and cardio days.

It's comfy

I wonder how often he washes it or if he wears underpants beneath it.

and what it smells like..


Does phil go commando when he trains?

Rare but not very valuable Isleys on this page


Probably never, I don't have patience for social media.

I'll probably record something for Veeky Forums soon though, now that I have my own equipment at home.

It's just not who I am senpai.