What would you say is the bare minimum to have a legitimate home gym?

What would you say is the bare minimum to have a legitimate home gym?

You can only use your home gym, and you still want to make good progress.

The basement gym at my work (a jail), has a bench (incline, decline, flat), squat rack, a two sided cable machine, preacher curl and dumbells from 20-70lbs.

That covers the basics I think.

bumping with cat

A flat bench and a squat rack.

Maybe a bar and some weights, otherwise it's just laying on your bench and admiring your squat rack

No dumbbells?

You could try to OHP the bench.

53lb Kettlebell. Literally all you need. Can't believe faggots on here will argue against this.

This brings up a good question.

If I already have a proper bench... Is it dumb to get another (flat) bench just for different shit or for when I have a friend over?

Two cans of soup to curl with

Sick Numbers. Also when is your next podcast Joe?

A pullup bar and a printout of the startbodyweight chart.

>50-150kg on plates

literally nothing else is needed to get jacked


Not to mention bench the squat rack

Them numbers are nice

>only 150kg

Whats the squat rack for if there's no barbell?

Apart from curls

Dont you mean you could try to The Press™ the bench?

Bare minimum?

Maybe some plate-loaded dumbbells and a pull-up bar. Exercise from the floor. Utilize some of Scooby's advice.

>Ideal, but still fairly minimal
A barbell, bench, and a power rack.

Clearly also some plates for either set...

Pic related, maybe i should have gone for an adjustable bench but they are never stable enough for heavy benching to me

If you were the absolute poorest of poorfags (or a strongman competitor) I'd say your bare minimum would be a sandbag, since you can do deadlifta, cleans, squats (front/zercher/back), presses, rows and carries with it, and it's incrementally loadable for cheap.

For barbell users with the ankle flexibility to do hack squats, a barbell is sufficient to do deadlifts, hack squats, floor presses, rows, clean and press, clean and squat, and zercher cycles.

Don't forget a skateboard

rack or cage (squat/ ohp)
removeable bench (for benching in the cage)
interlocking mats (for deadlifts)

doorframe pullup bar
bonus bonus;
dip/ pullup tower (weighted pullups and dips/ leg raises)

I have a power tower, a weighted backpack and gymnastic rings. Id say im pretty set i have no plans for other purchases.

Bare minimum:
>bumper plates
>iron plates and a platform

nice to have
>flat banch
>squat rack
>chin up bar

>needing more than lmao3pl8 to get jacked

Just how shit are your genetics pham?

>What would you say is the bare minimum to have a legitimate home gym?
Dumbells of varying weights from 10 lbs to 110 lbs.

this plus maybe a set of dumbell handles with weights so you could adjust them for various accessory movements

This. After i started oly lifting, bar, bumpers and squat rack is pretty much all you need. But its nice to be able to do some accessories.

>Not training like a bulgarian, doing only snatch, clean&jerk and front squat


You can get some real good work in with just this. More is preferred obviously.

This is underrated.

I started my lifting in my broke teen days with just bodyweight work and plyometrics and got noticeable (to other people) results.

Where the fuck would you do The Press ?

Well all people i know that only do bodyweight stuff, have underdeveloped lower body. No power in legs = useless in sports that need lower body power (ice-hockey, rugby, power/weightlifting etc.)

bodyweight training works if all you care about is having a toned upperbody

My home gym
I still need to add olympic rings and dips stand. got a chinup bar on the door frame which is not great but its doing the work

>this fucking mess
why senapi?

Pull up/Chinup bar
>Poverty mode
Adjustable dumbbells
Pull up/Chinup bar
>Entry level
Squat Rack

How to into Archer mode?

1. Be a cartoon with god tier genetics

Well my life is a joke so at least I got the cartoon part.

organise your goddamn weights