How do I convince my bf to go to the gym?

My bf has really gotten into lifting lately. He has heavy dumbbells and does all sorts of stuff with them, as well as pullups and pushups. He has made huge noob gains and is very happy with his newfound strength. I make high protein healthy food for him, buy his creatine, mix his shakes etc. And am generally supportive

One thing that has been bugging him lately is that he wants to step up his game but is too shy to do so. He wants to do bench presses, squats etc. Basically barbell stuff, but is too shy to join a gym. I've tried talking to him about it long ago, I don't want to bust his balls about it, but I think soon I'll bring it up again. How do I convince him it'll be ok? He seems to think that gyms (there's a lifting one nearby) stink of male ass sweat, that he will be bothered by homosexuals and he's shy in general. He's scared the other guys will look down for him for being a noob or whatever.


lol go with him, seriously

how a dude can be shy when he's at the gym with his girl i have no idea. should make him feel like a boss.

>I make high protein healthy food for him, buy his creatine, mix his shakes etc. And am generally supportive

Are you his mom? What you got there... is a little boy. You need to stop all that coddlin', stop all that hand holdin' and tell him to get his bitch ass to the gym.

tell him to stop being a pussy bitch


My fiance pushed me to go to gym.
I went.
Met new qts.
We're separated now...

sup cunt

I don't do gym beyond bodyweight pullups and basic stuff like that because I swim a lot (like a fish) but perhaps going with me is an idea.

It would be pretty pricey though. We live in switzerland and gyms here are very expensive . Iono how I would budget that. Maybe I could get some prepaid entries just to get him interested.

Thanks for the tip user

I like cooking and stuff, I don't think I'm coddling him, he's just a very senstivie guy. He has a very strong sense of smell for example, so the bad smell in a gym alone would be a huge problem to him. He's not being a wuss, he's just more perceptive than others.

Honey, re-read what you just wrote.

For real.

Dude, are you dating a chick?

Listen yo, if the gym is expensive and he's sensitive and whatnot, you guys could get a home gym.
"Buy that's expensive user!"

If he won't take his butt to the gym, then bring the gym to him, simple solution. Doesn't matter if you live in an apt or not, and there are bodyweight exercises that can target areas on the body many times more effective than lifting routines, IE glute bridges vs squatting for glutes.

Plus, if you say gym is expensive then getting a home gym can be a long term investment lasting many years, kind of like buying a slightly more expensive car, that pays for itself in the gas usage.

In this sense, the gas usage being money when going to the gym.
A good home set would run around $400 depending, for an Olympic bench press set with a few hundred lbs of weights. Buy the weights and set used if able.

Say the gyms in your area cost $25 a month, then the set you just bought, with which you can do most anything with, will have paid for itself in a little under 2 years. About 1 years 6 months as a rough estimate.

And from there you can also upgrade it, don't have the sensitivity being an issue, as well as being able to work out whenever desirable with no "I don't feel like going to gym" mentality to hold you back. Just an idea to think of OP. Wish your BF the best.

It might not be for everyone, but I like how he's senstive. The issue is getting him to go to a place where he will 1-be around strangers 2-be new. I might just go with him to help with that...But he wouldn't want to go if it's just for him, I'd have to lie that I'm interested in it

At this point I'm considering getting a rack and bar for home

It's too bad cos the gyms in our area are pretty noice. I think it would do him a world of good to get some manly friends, push his social boundaries etc. It would help a lot with his social anxiety

You seem like a cool girlfriend. A lot of us here have never had a girlfriend that didn't treat us like dogshit. Do what you think is best for him.

Maybe a homegym is ideal for you both? Good couple activity.

Thank you user! That's golden advice! I'm mostly fearful of the space it would take up since our place is kinda small, but at least he doesn't need a cage...those things are huge!

I think I'll go with your advice. The price for one will be lower as you've said. I'll start looking for used barbells on my country's equivalent of ebay tonight

Once again thank you user, we're all gonna make it!

And I can get all swole too! We will be the swole duo.

Have a cat user. I hope you'll find someone to help you lift weights and feels.

Glad I could help! I wish you guys both the best, seriously. Makes me happy seeing a relationship that's seems to be a good one.

Make sure the bench set/barbell are Olympic grade, as anything over 150lbs/72kilos begins to bend lower quality bars.

And most benches will not be able to support higher weights like 140kilos worth, effectively.
A balancing issue could be a very bad idea. Best to get something long-term such as an Olympic because they will last years without needing to have any maintenance done on them or having to get a new set. It will definitely pay for itself.

As for squats if he's interested in those he should not have a problem balancing the bar on his back, lifting the bar up while it's held in the rack, and being able to do squats that way.

Likely he will not be able to do extremely heavy squats, but muscle and strength will still develop effectively. Deadlifts should be no issue, either.

Best of luck to you both in your quest for gains and fitness!

Does your name start with a J?


It's good to know about the olympic grade thing. I saw some super cheap ones, but they're probably the type that would bend. The weights can be cheapo though I suppose.

Your advice has changed a life! I'm deffo going to go the home gym route now. No sweaty man butts for my bf. Thank you for all your help! We're all going to make it user!

Nope. Glad I'm not the only one in this predicament though! Get your buns to a gym user, or get a home gym.

your boyfriend is a bitch, really.

Glad I could help!

how do faggots like your boyfriend even get a gf while women mercilessly shoot me down

What the fuck is this bullshit on my Veeky Forums?

If you want actual fitness advice head elsewhere this board is for feels threads and fitness related shitposting.

You gotta let them know your interested in them.

Have you ever tried throwing pebbles at their second story bedroom window, and serenade them with a song you wrote on acoustic guitar when they look out the window? Or you could comment on EVERYTHING they post on facebook and thumbs up. Then maybe print out some of her profile pics, tape it to a raggity ann doll and use it as a voodoo doll while you try to chanel satan and sell your soul for her to fall in love with you. Worked for me.




This is good advice.

I will take this into consideration too.

Throw PIZZA at their second story bedroom window shouting FACE HEIGHT FRAME

He's not a faggot! He's my little cooti patooti. Maybe you should try being a cooti.

Give his stats aka weight and height. Then tell me if he has the FACE. I want to know if the meme is true.

He's around 170cm (Not sure. I'm 160cm and he's around a head taller than me) and weighs 77kgs. He has a cute face in my opinion, but no he doesn't have the chiselled square meme face.

He has a huge peenus though.

>10cm taller
>1 head taller
do girls not understand how lenths work or something?

I know some people with crippling social anxiety build home gyms, you should look into it.

>BTW he sounds like a little bitch, dont let your genes pass on with that sensitive pansy

>cute face in my opinion
>in my opinion

He's ugly?

Nah looks a lot like pic related

i have pic related (valor bd-9) and a bench (some random i got on craigslist)

I use it for front squats and bench and they stash away pretty nicely.

OPS bf sounds like an autistic manchild and "she" is most likely a co-dependent enabler.
