I try dieting, and eating right, but there come times when I get SOOO fucking hungry. How do you guys curb this...

I try dieting, and eating right, but there come times when I get SOOO fucking hungry. How do you guys curb this? It's hard to not eat as much as I normally do, and when I try to diet, I almost can't stand how hungry I am. Wat do?

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intermittent fasting + lots of black coffee in the morning

you just have to learn to deal with hunger as well.

Drink more. eat more picking less calorie-dense food. All the cauliflower, broccoli, salads you want. Prefer whole-grain and unrefined foods. Install MyFitnessPal. Track your condiments too. Grow a pair.
Horrible advice.

Eat more foods with glutamate salts.
Tomatoes, mushrooms, and fish are all much more satiating than something like bread, which is air and carbs

I drink unsweeted ice tea. The cold/caffeine curbs my appetite. I guess you can squeeze a lemon in it if you want.


I mostly eat steamed/ pan seared veggies and sweet potatoes is that ok?


FitnessPal has helped me a lot, also watch the condiments. you'd be suprised at how fatning condiments are are

>tfw disassociation and depression
>literally no care for my mood or pain beyond permanent effects
Feels g-
No feels terrible. But I think that if starving people can tough it out maybe it'd be constructive for you to give it your best shot.

what this nigga said

IF is great. honestly managing hunger gets easier once you understand that it's a mental state when you know you'll get your food intake and fullness later in the day.

the problem with apps like that I feel like is that it can't really know what I'm eating unless i pick out every carrot or piece of broccoli from my plate, so I always feel like it'll fuck me over and tell me I'm way under....also I stay away from condiments

>still falling for the muh hole grainz meme

Grains have a higher glycemic index than pure sugar. Eat fucking grains and you'll be raging with hanger in two hours.

Dump the grains, eat some eggs and liver.

Sugar free jello has worked wonders for me. 5-10 cal per cup. It's great volume adder to meals and tastes good

on point

keto is a fine tool for getting to that "i don't need 3 sandwiches mode"

Cool I'll look into IF, do protein shakes count?

eat anything you want, just eat vegetables.

Anything that would break your fast counts...black coffee is essentially 0 calories which is why people recommend it, it also curbs appetite for a while.

i eat tons of veggies

Keto is full on retard.

IF is cool, but it only works because it's an easy way to develop the willpower needed to eat less.

Start with a 12 hour eating window and gradually decrease to 6.

I only eat from between 3pm and 9pm, and I eat my last meal about 8:45 to sustain me until bed time.

This allows you to eat large calorie meals and get that full feeling that satisfies us, without allowing us to graze on snacks and shit from morning until night.

Stop drinking calories. Just stop. Coffee, tea, water, or diet softdrinks only.

Gorilla Mindset has a good chapter on this.

This. I've cut out dessert thanks to sugar free Jello and parfaits from walmart. Also sometimes I may mix something a little unhealthy into a low cal meal just to feel fuller. Example: Broccolli, Cauliflower, grilled chicken, package of ramen.
If that's your worst cheat meal you'll continue to lose weight and feel full.

Also never drink your calories that way you can actually eat more substance throughout the day. Flavor water, diet tea, and water are all I drink most days.

OP here's a tip that works for me. When I'm hungry and I now I can't take in anymore calories. I have a diet coke. For some reason coke always would cure my hunger for a while. Diet coke has no calories, and usually can get me through to my next meal.

Alterntively, since I'm cutting right now. What I do is skip breakfast, save those calories for a midday smoothie. That with a cup a black coffee is my meal between lunch and dinner.

My smoothies are pretty low calorie though. A banana, 4 oz of yogurt. 2.5 oz of skim to thin it out a bit. Only like 200 calories.

6-hour eating window
lower carbohydrate intake to less than 200g per day
no processed sugar

drink only water, coffee, tea, milk or juices. be careful with juices, they're calorie dense. personally i dilute one ounce of orange juice with 8 to 10 ounces of water and drink that all day.

fiber supplement
vitamin d, fish oil, magnesium
8 hours of sleep
lift heavy 3 days per week, more if you're not a novice
do an 45 minutes to an hour of light cardio on your rest days. this could be something as simple as going for a walk, bike ride or swim.
simplify and automate wherever possible. cooking in bulk and prepping several days worth of meals reduces the chances you'll break protocol and end up gorging on mcdonalds.

Do this for 7 weeks. Your body will adjust and it will become second nature. Your cravings and hunger will become manageable and soon after cease, and you can probably expect to lose about 10lbs of fat during this time period.

it's hard at first, but gets easier with each passing day. eventually you wonder why you ever had trouble.

are diet sodas really ok?

>keto thousands upon thousands of positive testimonies of success, backed by thousands of scientific research and evidence is retarded.

>Read this self-help book instead, it cured MY willpower.

don't be a fatass in the first place, kek.

freeze the banana. it'll change your life.

sub flavored whey for the yogurt, too.


cool thanks man

Sure. They're zero calorie. Don't listen to new age hippie nutritionists who are scared of anything that isn't "natural".

You won't always need to use it. After a month or two you'll have a pretty good ability to eyeball calories, which is really valuable to learn.

but what about high fructose corn syrup and that shit?

Keto works, but it's not sustainable for hardly anyone. It's done until results are seen, dropped because it's torturous, and then the weight comes back. This has been shown to be true by many studies time and time again. Living without carbs is a shitty life.

If you're an athlete looking to drop a weight class, sure, if you're overweight and need a long term lifestyle change, no.

then i bow my head in agreement completely.

It's the same as sugar.

It's very calorie dense, and offers virtually zero benefits. It should be cut out of your diet completely until you have re-structured your eating habits, or else you will fail and end up eating cake or drinking soda.

Obviously we're human, it's delicious, and in moderation it's not a big deal, but you're overweight, moderation is one of your weak points. You'll be able to consume sweets later, but not until you've changed your habits. So stay off it for 7 weeks. Eventually you'll find things like fruit and juice to be incredibly sweet as your tastes change.

It's not easy, but it's a very realistic, doable goal. Just stay away from any processed sugar for 7 weeks.

Last question: Are there any GOOD pills that actually deliver results? Garcinia Cambodia, CLA 1250, green tea extract, or anything?

Complete waste of money. It's all about eating less calories than your body burns in a given day.

Calculate your TDEE by searching "tdee calculator" on google. This is an estimate of the amount of calories your body burns in one day.

A pound of fat is roughly 3,500 calories. Therefore, if you have a daily calorie deficit of 500 calories (eating 500 less than your TDEE) you can expect to lose about 1lb per week.

There aren't any tricks or secrets. That's it.

Intermittent fasting isn't even a trick, the only reason it's so successful is because it keeps you from eating all day long. You can only eat during your eating window period. 6 hours is solid. It can be any time of the day. If you find you're more hungry in the mornings you can do a 9am to 3pm one. If you have trouble going to sleep hungry, set yours from 4pm to 10pm.

You can even start off with a 12 or 8 hour window. Your main two goals right now should be cutting out sugar, and choosing more nutritious foods, and stopping weight gain. Forget about counting calories and losing weight, just stop gaining it. Adjust to this for a week or two, then you can start to reduce your intake. Going to hard, too early makes it easy to say fuck it, this is too hard. You're training your willpower here. It's like a muscle, it'll be weak at first, but gradually improve.

I highly suggest reading the sticky, or at least the old one from a few years ago, which is still found on google. You could probably find it by searching "original fit sticky"

Also, I know I'm shilling here, but I highly suggest two books:

The Mayo Clinic Diet and Gorilla Mindset

Both are on the pirate bay and can be downloaded in PDF or EPUB format.

The Mayo Clinic is a solid diet plan developed by a well respected hospital that contains factual, science based nutrition tips. The second is a book about mindset and willpower.

perfect, thanks~

Your BMR is: 1854 Calories/Day

Your TDEE is: 2235 Calories/Day

What does this shit mean in lamens terms?

Means you'd burn about 1854 calories if you were in a medically induced coma. Basal Metabolic Rate, the amount of energy/calories your body uses doing the most basic functions that keep you alive, like keeping the heart pumping, breathing, etc.

TDEE is your BMR + any physical activity you do during the day. Brushing your teeth, walking to the bathroom, climbing up the stairs to get to work, etc, they all burn calories.

Since you're at 2235, I'd try to eat about 1,700-1,800 calories per day once you're ready to lose weight.

But at first, don't even worry about counting calories. Just eat plenty of vegetables and fruit, cut out all processed sugar, high fructose corn syrup, etc, and do a little physical activity each day. Pushups, situps, and a little jogging is absolutely fine.

Once you change your eating habits you can start working on counting calories (myfitnesspal.com or their app is great for this).

You should really join a gym and lift weights, though.

Food selection and calorie intake is the biggest factor in health and weight loss. Cardio and strength training just aid that process, and have the added benefit of making you healthier, stronger and more physically attractive.

Just do what this post says You'll see results.

If you're not going to go to a gym, that's your business, but you have at least got to do some light cardio. Preferably every day. Ease into it. It gets easier.

Walking, swimming and biking are extremely easy. Running is even better, but it's going to suck at first.

Push-ups, sit-ups, dips, pull-ups can all be done for free. You NEED cardio, and you NEED strength training.

Do cardio
Do some strength training
Eat less calories than you burn (eating less than your TDEE)

That should be your main takeway here.

^ this desu. People tell you to not drink diet sugar because it can cause cravings for real sugar in people who are weak. If you use diet drinks are your replacement for sugar, well shit son you're golden.

How many calories do I need to eat to gain muscle? Can I just eat extra calories to gain muscle or is there a certain amount of protein added too?

>Broncaid and caffeine pills 3x a day
>I do this once in a while if I stall with my cut before summer

just fucking eat more then get on the treadmill then lift heavy weights

I feel like 1854 is A LOT of natural calorie burn....I feel at that rate, I should be a twig.

And how on earth do I hit 1700-1800 calories eating vegetables and grilled chicken/fish? especially if IF'ing

Props to you guys that eat the stuff you claim too. I just downloaded that my fitness pro app, and will count calories for the first time in my life tomorrow. I feel like that is something that should be taught in schools, with obesity being so high, and nutrition knowledge so low

Drink this when super hungry and stomach growls.

>people who look good
>"i recommend a balanced diet though keep carbs complex" or "do if"

>fatfucks from fit and bb.com
>"hurrdurr go keto eat bacon all day u wont regret it mug science muh articles, ignore the fact that i look like shit"

I'm fine with the fasting usually and the love for coffee further aids it but I never feel full after I eat and it drives me nuts.
I ate a shit ton of salad among other things and my stomach feels big but I don't feel satisfied.

I also cave and eat a lot of Peanut Butter.

>Grains have ahigher glycemic index than pure sugar
But that's wrong, retard.

>100 g = glycemic load is 36
>100 g = glycemic load is 70

Fibres are a MUST if you want a healthier body and sense of fullness. The "typical american diet" is too poor of fibres. Dump that "eggs and liver" and eat some broccoli.

Seems fine, weight everything you eat and double check it in MyFitnessPal