Rippletits confirmed for supporting Bernie Sanders in latest Podcast.
Should i still do SS?
Rippletits confirmed for supporting Bernie Sanders in latest Podcast.
Should i still do SS?
Why does /pol/ always have to be right?
he has a podcast?!?!?!
for all poltards complain about how easily-triggered SJWs are, it is surprising to repeatedly see how they are literally incapable of interacting in any kind of positive way with someone who holds a dissenting opinion
you dont have to agree with the guy's political opinions to learn strength training from him, holy shit.
Then why are all lefties weak bitches?
If only there was some kind of photographical evidence of a world-renowned strength coach and ex-Texas powerlifting champion wearing a left wing T-shirt to hand...
alas, I cannot find any such evidence to stump your watertight assumption.
It's a meme you dip.
/pol/ yards don't mob around shutting down rallies and campus events, don't even attempt to compare the two.
The shirt is making fun of Bernie you retards
Do you think rip supports Stalin an Mao?
Quit memeing and show me a single leftwing acolyte who is not DYEL or a cheating fraud.
Compare Donald trump or schwarzenegger to Clinton or Obama.
Literally cannot tell who is trolling and who just failed to get the joke.
>Bernie shirt
>gun on table
YOU'RE a joke.
he supports trump tho you retards, the shirt is satire
bernie isn't anti-gun
every single gun that mark owns he would still be able to own if bernie had his way
ok... it's my time to shine
If i wanted to hear a joke i would have asked your 1RMs
Did i do it right guise?
Only because hardcore rightwing nationalism isnt as publically acceptable as leftwing simpering is. You know full well that rightwing conservative twats are some of the nosiest and most interfering people around.
Personally I hate all political extremists from both sides of the spectrum, but whatever.
also i think its pretty funny that you think Donald Trump isn't DYEL, hes pudgy af i think
Great argument retard. Never heard that one before.
Bernie isn't a communist.... What the fuck why is America so stupid; I don't even like the guy and I still understand his basic political stance
How can you wear that shirt unironically?
That's like wearing a Hitler T-Shirt
>wow, everywhere i go people tell me the same argument
>i wonder if i should reassess my worldview and ease into a happier and more productive lifestyle?
>nah, clearly the fact that loads of people have made this point inexplicably makes said point invalid for poorly defined reasons that I can substitute for with a funny image!
surely having heard this argument before gives it weight?
The shirt pretty much means
"Bernie is a filthy communist"
>wear that shirt unironically?
He has a fucking gun on the fucking table, you stupid piece of shit.
Americans consider communist everything that isn't 100% deregulated free market
Perhaps you didn't watch the video, but just so you know, he admits the shirt is a joke, and he bought it to support "Liberty Maniacs", a right-wing company. Go to their site, it's full of stuff mocking Hillary/Burnie.
He's also gone on the record as a libertarian, and has worn an Atlas Shrugged shirt.
What you said isn't untrue though.
No, it will only work for cucks.
If you are muslim, catholic, or orthodox then it might still work for you. Because your soul (and therefore the muscles in your body) are more resilient towards modern degeneracy.
The modern leftist opinions will instill atrophy into every fibre of your being.
gommunist detegded
>Memes are true because they are repeated often
Kill yourself
>being a Bernie supporter is bad
When did this meme start?
>Atlas Shrugged
Literally 16 year old edgelord-tier book.
Thats not what I'm saying. I am saying that it seems that multiple seperate people have shared with you a line of reasoning, but that you have completely ignored it just because multiple people have suggested it to you.
Which seems a little like deliberately martyring yourself by trying to invent a warped worldview full of the things you hate so you can feel like you are "enlightened" compared to the majority and boost your selfesteem. Thats just a guess though.
Also, you are still throwing out the point for no reason.
>Donald trump or schwarzenegger
>Donald trump
>not fat
That's called husbando mode
not an argument
I hate you guys.
>retyped your weak ass argument to mock it
>you agree, revealing that I have successfully shown you how dumb your logic was
Good show kid.
a-are we going to talk about lifting?
so is this your first day on Veeky Forums or do you just not know how the green arrows work yet
heh you shown that kid *nazi salutes as a single tear comes to my eye*
Mining that dadbod
its more fun to poke the poltard desu
Only shitty Trump/Bernie shitty memes now
Being an american must suck horse dick
Lets see
>cuck stereotypical socialist jew
>Lying and manipulative old fart
>le wall meme man
You are fucked
Not halal duudes
Sully, the ER doctor who's also a Starting Strength coach and runs their scientific literature review group, is pretty left wing. He and Rippetoe give each other shit about politics all the time.
most Americans believe that they'll one day be Trump while voting against their own interests or the betterment of society. Any involvement of the government is seen as intrusion into their lives meanwhile their roads are shit and their education system is a fucking disgrace, but it's okay because guns and believe they pay less tax despite them paying more than about everywhere but Scandinavia
Just memeing f a m
gtk rwn
This board must be full of autists because I took a quick look at the shirt and knew it was obvious satire.
Rippetoe is shit. If anything this is proof not to trust him with fitness.html either
i am always amazed by the fact that a country so obsessed with democracy can have what is effectively a two-party system
like, how
You retards
get the fuck out
o-okay senpai
Democracy is a judeo-bolshevist meme
Americans are fucking dumb. I got into an argument with a guy on twitter who literally rambled for paragraphs about Bernie is a communist and then 100 other people chimed in supporting this.
They literally think he's gonna control EVERYTHING
>He's taking fitness advice from an obese old man
>And a communist
>He is still rationalizing his choice
NO. what a cuck
Has anyone even watched the video? It's fucking great.
Democracy is an atheismo-illuminati scheme, IMO
man's law supercedes god's law
/pol/ isn't one person, or very extreme.
The left has made not wanting shitty immigrants or gun ownership extreme over time.
Game theory. Given the way we elect presidents, an election with three strong candidates would most likely result in the candidate least like the others winning, so the incentive is for the two most like each other to form a single party.
>mfw it turns out that /pol/ hates mexicans more than fatties
I always wondered
Mexicans are literally the fattest people in the world
seems like the guy who'll support trump instead
i fucking love rip
Fuck it im going back to /pol i miss them
It's impossible to "defeat" mexicans.
They're way too embedded in our society. Trump is fighting a war that was lost during the 80's.
maria is greek, not mexican.
Illegals =\= Mexicans
I've been on Veeky Forums since 2007... honestly I don't give a fuck about the 'traditions' of proper green arrow use.
Maybe you missed all the horrible communists on his t-shirt
so it is your first day, right
thx for clearing that up
then why build wall next to mexico?
Leftist Scooby vs Mark 'kill a kike' Rippetoe in the ring.
Who wins?
Don't confuse left wing with limp liberals; not everyone on the left is obsessed with idpol.
>tfw lifting to crush the skulls of the bourgeois
a long time ago when the trump memesters came in full force
You spend a couple months lurking and then try to fit in by doing faggy shit like this. In another few years you won't give a shit anymore, if you're still even here, I guarantee it.
To stop people from coming in illegally you retard. Nobody's trying to ban Mexican immigration
another 8 years thrown in the trash because everyone deluded themselves (again) into thinking that if they dont vote for bernie they can be that one special guy that gets everything in life!!! and becomes super rich because he worked sooooo hard!! and BELEIVED in himself xDDDxdDxdXDDxXDD
You're arguing with /pol/.
im pretty sure this country is gonna die over the long run because americans are too stupid to realize that their autistic republican ideals of no healthcare so if you break a leg youre fucked, dont make sense anymore in todays society
>Nobody's trying to ban Mexican immigration
Speak for yourself.
Martin Luther King is not on the t-shirt tho..
Okay fine, Trump's platform is not banning Mexican immigration.
MLK does not appear on the shirt so Im going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume this is a very clever joke about how the new MLK memorial was carved in China and kind of looks like Mao Zedong.
how can he take care of his country if he can't even take care of hit body fat
>bernie isn't anti-gun
Yes he is, and you are wrong. He has stated multiple times he wants to ban guns. Please shut the fuck up and jump off a cliff.
Also both of those guns are pieces of shit.
Martin O'Malley
Also Trump is dyel as fuck, that dumpy turd has never touched a weight in his life.
On the plus side, it looks like you're retarded.
Since he has been in government for 20 fucking years and has yet to do anything of value. But then again that is the best kind of government employee.
you guys do know that rippletoe is a homosexual? r-right?
Name one actual Communist thing that Bernie would NOT support. Pro tip, you can't.
get the fuck off of my board /pol/ no one wants your cancerous shit here
>you guys do know that rippletoe is a homosexual? r-right?
physical culture is replete with old gay men. the gym was the only "safe space" for qweers back in the 70s and 80s.
yes, i knew rip was gay. i'm surprised more people aren't aware of this.